Submissions from 2003
Piezoelectric-Wafer Active-Sensor Embedded Ultrasonics in Beams and Plates, Victor Giurgiutiu, Jack Bao, and W Zhao
Disbond Detection with Piezoelectric Wafer Active Sensors in RC Structures Strengthened with FRP Composite Overlays, Victor Giurgiutiu, Kent Harries, Michael Petrou, Joel Bost, and Josh B. Quattlebaum
Prediction of Temperature Distribution and Thermal History during Friction Stir Welding: Input Torque Based Model, M. Z. H. Khandkar, Jamil A. Khan, and Anthony P. Reynolds
Fatigue Studies of Nanoscale Structures for MEMS/NEMS Applications Using Nanoindentation Techniques, Xiaodong Li and Bharat Bhushan
Mechanical characterization of Micro/Nanoscale Structures for MEMS/NEMS Applications Using Nanoindentation Techniques, Xiaodong Li, Bharat Bhushan, Kazuki Takashima, Chang-Wook Baek, and Yong-Kweon Kim
Nanoindentation of Silver Nanowires, Xiaodong Li, Hongsheng Gao, Catherine J. Murphy, and K. K. Caswell
Simulation of the Global Response of a Friction Stir Weld using Local Constitutive Behavior, W. D. Lockwood and Anthony P. Reynolds
Three-Dimensional Stress and Deformation Fields Around Flat and Slant Cracks Under Remote Mode I Loading Conditions, Elmoiz Mahgoub, Xiaomin Deng, and Michael A. Sutton
Utility of Relatively Simple Models for Understanding Process Parameter Effect on FSW, Anthony P. Reynolds, Z. Khandkar, T. Long, Wei Xiao Tang, and Jamil A. Khan
Structure, Properties, and Residual Stress of 304L Stainless Steel Friction Stir Welds, Anthony P. Reynolds, Wei Tang, T. Gnaupel-Herold, and H. Prask
Friction Stir Welding of DH36 Steel, Anthony P. Reynolds, W. Tang, M. Posada, and J. Deloach
Two-Dimensional Friction Stir Welding Process Model Based on Fluid Mechanics, T. U. Seidel and Anthony P. Reynolds
Residual Stresses and Strains in Orthogonal Metal Cutting, Chandrakanth Shet and Xiaomin Deng
Finite Element Simulation of High-Pressure Water-Jet Assisted Metal Cutting, Chandrakanth Shet, Xiaomin Deng, and Abdel E. Bayoumi
Mixed Mode I/II Fracture of 2024-T3 Friction Stir Welds, Michael A. Sutton, Anthony P. Reynolds, Bangcheng Yang, and Robert Taylor
Mode I Fracture and Microstructure for 2024-T3 Friction Stir Welds, Michael A. Sutton, Anthony P. Reynolds, Bangcheng Yang, and Robert Taylor
Submissions from 2002
Distributions of Nobel Metal Pd and Pt in Mesoporous Silica, J. Arbiol, A. Cabot, J. R. Morante, Fanglin Chen, and Meilin Liu
Distributions of Noble Metal Pd and Pt in Mesoporous Silica, J. Arbiol, A. Cabot, J. R. Morante, Fanglin Chen, and Meilin Liu
R-curve Behavior of Friction Stir Welds in Aluminium-Lithium Alloy 2195, H. R. Kroninger and Anthony P. Reynolds
Effect of Residual Thermal Stresses on Fracture Behavior and Mechanical Properties of Al sub 2 O sub 3/Ni Cermets, Guo Jin Li, Da Ming Chen, Xiao Xian Huang, and Jing Kun Guo
A Review of Nanoindentation Continuous Stiffness Measurement Technique and Its Applications, Xiaodong Li and Bharat Bhushan
Development of a Nanoscale Fatigue Measurement Technique And its Application to Ultrathin Amorphous Carbon Coatings, Xiaodong Li and Bharat Bhushan
Nanofatigue Studies of Ultrathin Hard Carbon Overcoats Used in Magnetic Storage Devices, Xiaodong Li and Bharat Bhushan
Mechanical Response of Friction Stir Welded AA2024: Experiment and Modeling, William D. Lockwood, Borislav Tomaz, and Anthony P. Reynolds
Effect of Hygrothermal Aging on the Fracture of Composite Overlays on Concrete, Jed Lyons, Dorothy Laub, Victor Giurgiutiu, Michael Petrou, and Hanadi Salem
Full Stroke Static and Dynamic Analysis of High-Power Piezoelectric Actuators, Radu Pomirleanu and Victor Giurgiutiu
Microstructure and Retention of Superplasticity of Friction Stir Welded Superplastic 2095 Sheet, Hanadi G. Salem, Anthony P. Reynolds, and Jed S. Lyons
A Finite Element Study of the Effect of Friction in Orthogonal Metal Cutting, Guoqin Shi, Xiaomin Deng, and Chandrakanth Shet
Reinforcing Mechanisms of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube-Reinforced Polymer Composites, Michael A. Sutton, Anthony P. Reynolds, D. Q. Wang, and C. R. Hubbard
Microstructural Studies of Friction Stir Welds in 2024-T3 Aluminum, Michael A. Sutton, B. Yang, Anthony P. Reynolds, and R. Taylor
Sm0.5Sr0.5CoO3 Cathodes for Low-Temperature SOFCs, Changrong Xia, William Rouch, Fanglin Chen, and Meilin Liu
Submissions from 2001
Preparation of Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia (YSZ) Films on La0.85Sr0.15MnO3 (LSM) and LSM-YSZ Substrates using an Electrophoretic Deposition (EPD) Process, Fanglin Chen and Meilin Liu
Preparation of Ordered Macroporous Sr0.5Sm0.5CoO3 as Cathode for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells, Fanglin Chen, Changrong Xia, and Meilin Liu
Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of Magnetostrictive Composite Beams, Victor Giurgiutiu, Florin Jichi, Justin Berman, and Jason Kamphaus
Oxygen Permeation Through Cobalt-Containing Perovskites: Surface Oxygen Exchange vs. Lattice Oxygen Diffusion, Kevin Huang and John B. Goodenough
Reduced Area Specific Resistance for Iron-Based Metallic Interconnects by Surface Oxide Coatings, Kevin Huang, Peggy Y. Hou, and John B. Goodenough
Increasing Power Density of LSGM-Based Solid Oxide Fuel Cells Using New Anode Materials, Kevin Huang, Jen-Hau Wan, and John B. Goodenough
Oxide-Ion Conducting Ceramics for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells, Kevin Huang, Jen-Hau Wan, and John B. Goodenough
Bistable Operation of a Two-Section 1.3-mm InAs Quantum Dot Laser—Absorption Saturation and the Quantum Confined Stark Effect, Xiaodong Huang, A. Stintz, Hua Li, Audra Rice, G. T. Liu, L.F. Lester, Julian Cheng, and K.J. Malloy
Dynamic Mechanical Characterization of Magnetic Tapes Using Nanoindentation Techniques, Xiaodong Li and Bharat Bhushan
Micro/Nanomechanical and Tribological Studies of Bulk and Thin-Film Materials Used in Magnetic Recording Heads, Xiaodong Li and Bharat Bhushan
Time-Dependent Mechanical Properties and Tribological Behavior of Magnetic Tapes, Xiaodong Li, Bharat Bhushan, and Makoto Inoue
Plane Strain Mixed Mode Crack-Tip Stress Fields Characterized by a Triaxial Stress Parameter and a Plastic Deformation Extent Based Characteristic Length, Fashang Ma, Michael A. Sutton, and Xiaomin Deng
Measurement of the Effect of Artificial Crack Geometry on the Rate of Bulk H+ Transport using Fiber Optic Chemical Sensors, P. D. Peterson, Anthony P. Reynolds, and Michael A. Sutton
Visualization of the Material Flow in AA2195 Friction-Stir Welds using a Marker Insert Technique, T. U. Seidel and Anthony P. Reynolds
Reduced-Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cells Fabricated by Screen Printing, Changrong Xia, Fanglin Chen, and Meilin Liu
Finite Element Simulation of Material Flow in Friction Stir Welding, S. Xu, Xiaomin Deng, Anthony P. Reynolds, and T. U. Seidel
Finite Element Simulation of Material Flow in Friction Stir Welding, S. Xu, Xiaomin Deng, A. P. Reynolds, and T. U. Seidel
Electro-Mechanical Impedance Method for Crack Detection in Thin Plates, Andrei Zagrai and Victor Giurgiutiu
Submissions from 2000
24th Annual Conference on Composites, Advanced Ceramics, Materials, and Structures: A-Commercialization-The Effects of Thermal Shock on the Mechanical Properties of a Hot Gas Candle Filter, R. H. Carter, X. Huang, and K.L. Reifsnider
Preparation of Mesoporous Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia (YSZ) and YSZ-NiO Using a Triblock Copolymer as Surfactant, Fanglin Chen and Meilin Liu
Preparation of Mesoporous SnO2-SiO2 Composite as Electrodes for Lithium Batteries, Fanglin Chen, Zhong Shi, and Meilin Liu
Performance of Shell Elements in Modeling Spot-Welded Joints, W. Chen and Xiaomin Deng
Three-Dimensional Finite Element Analysis of the Mechanical Behavior of Spot Welds, Xiaomin Deng, W. Chen, and G. Shi
Review of Smart Materials Actuation Solutions for Aeroelastic and Vibration Control, Victor Giurgiutiu
Review of Smart Materials Actuation Solutions for Aeroelastic and Vibration Control, Victor Giurgiutiu
Characterization of Piezoelectric Wafer Active Sensors, Victor Giurgiutiu and Andrei Zagrai
A Solid Oxide Fuel Cell based on Sr- and Mg-doped LaGaO3 Electrolyte: The Role of a Rare-Earth Oxide Buffer, Kevin Huang and John B. Goodenough
Characterization of Iron-Based Alloy Interconnects for Reduced Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cells, Kevin Huang, Peggy Y. Hou, and John B. Goodenough
Structural and Electrical Characterization of a Novel Mixed Conductor: CeO2 - Sm2O3 - ZrO2 Solid Solution, W. Huang, P. Shuk, M. Greenblatt, M. Croft, Fanglin Chen, and M. Liu
Continuous Stiffness Measurement and Creep Behavior of Composite Magnetic Tapes, Xiaodong Li and Bharat Bhushan
Development of Continuous Stiffness Measurement Technique For Composite Magnetic Tapes, Xiaodong Li and Bharat Bhushan
Microstructural Characterization of N, Ti Mixed Coatings Deposited by Plasma Based Ion Implantation and Magnetron Sputtering Deposition, Xinxin Ma, Renchao Che, Mingren Sun, Yue Sun, Lifang Xia, and Xiaodong Li
Preparation of Ti/N and Ag/TiNx Multilayers by Plasma Based Ion Implantation With Multi-Targets Unbalanced Magnetron Sputtering, Xinxin Ma, Xiaodong Li, Yue Sun, Lifang Xia, Mingren Sun, and Guang Li
Laser Remelting of Plasma Sprayed Partially Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia Coatings, J. H. Ouynag and Xiaodong Li
Electron Microscopy Structure Study of Laser-Clad TiC-Ni Particle-Reinforced Coating, J. H. Ouynag, Xiaodong Li, and T. C. Lei
Visualization of Material Flow in Autogenous Friction Stir Welds, Anthony P. Reynolds
Kinematic Hardening in a Dispersion Strengthened Aluminum Alloy: Experiment and Modeling, Anthony P. Reynolds and S. C. Baxter
Processing-Property Correlation in Friction Stir Welds, Anthony P. Reynolds, W. D. Lockwood, and T. U. Seidel
Finite Element Analysis of the Orthogonal Metal Cutting Process, Chandrakanth Shet and Xiaomin Deng
Development and Application of a Crack Tip Opening Displacement-Based Mixed Mode Fracture Criterion, Michael A. Sutton, Xiaomin Deng, Fashang Ma, James C. Newman Jr., and Mark James
Submissions from 1999
Preparation of Mesoporous Tin Oxide for Electrochemical Applications, Fanglin Chen and Meilin Liu
A Study of Some Issues in Stable Crack Growth Simulations, Xiaomin Deng and James C. Newman Jr.
Experimental Investigation of E/M Impedance Health Monitoring for Spot-Welded Structural Joints, Victor Giurgiutiu, Anthony P. Reynolds, and Craig A. Rogers
Experimental Investigation of E/M Impedance Health Monitoring for Spot-Welded Structural Joints, Victor Giurgiutiu, Anthony Reynolds, and Craig A. Rogers
Oxygen Permeation Through Composite Oxide-Ion and Electronic Conductors, Kevin Huang, Michael Schroeder, and John B. Goodenough
Evaluation of Fracture Toughness of Ultra-Thin Amorphous Carbon Coatings Deposited by Different Deposition Techniques, Xiaodong Li and Bharat Bhushan
Micro/Nanomechanical and Tribological Characterization of Ultrathin Amorphous Carbon Coatings, Xiaodong Li and Bharat Bhushan
Micro/Nanomechanical Characterization of Ceramic Films for Microdevices, Xiaodong Li and Bharat Bhushan
Use and Verification of Digital Image Correlation for Automated 3-D Surface Characterization in the Scanning Electron Microscope, W. D. Lockwood and Anthony P. Reynolds
Effects of Annealing in O2 and N2 on the Microstructure of Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition Ta2O5 Film and the Interfacial SiO2 Layer, Young-Bae Park, Xiaodong Li, Gap-Jin Nam, and Shi-Woo Rhee
Remote Plasma Chemical Vapour Deposition of Silicon Films at Low Temperature with H2 and He Plasma Gases, Young-Bae Park, Xiaodong Li, Shi-Woo Rhee, and Dong-Wha Park
Damage Detection with Spatial Wavelets, Quan Wang and Xiaomin Deng
Submissions from 1998
Micro/Nanotribological Studies of Single-Crystal Silicon and Polysilicon and SiC Films for Use in MEMS Devices, Bharat Bhushan, Sriram Sundararajian, Xiaodong Li, Christian Zorman, and Mehran Mehregany
Study of Transition Metal Oxide Doped LaGaO3 as Electrode Materials for LSGM- Based Solid Oxide Fuel Cells, Fanglin Chen and Meilin Liu
Thermal Decomposition of BaC2O4·0.5H2O Studied by Stepwise Isothermal Anaylsis and Non-Isothermal Thermogravimetry, Fanglin Chen, O. T. Sorensen, G. Meng, and D. Peng
Plane Stress Crack Tip Field Around a Rapidly Growing Ductile/Rigid Interface Crack, Xiaomin Deng
Details of the Integral Equation Method Applied to the Analysis of an Adhesive Layer Crack, Victor Giurgiutiu, Axinte Ionita, and David A. Dillard
Synthesis and Electrical Properties of Dense Ce0.9Gd0.1O1.95 Ceramics, Kevin Huang, Man Feng, and John B. Goodenough
Wet Chemical Synthesis of Sr- and Mg-Doped LaGaO3, a Perovskite-Type Oxide-Ion Conductor, Kevin Huang and John B. Goodenough
Sr‐ and Ni‐Doped LaCoO3 and LaFeO3 Perovskites: New Cathode Materials for Solid‐Oxide Fuel Cells, Kevin Huang, Hee Y. Lee, and John B. Goodenough
Superior Perovskite Oxide-Ion Conductor; Strontium- and Magnesium-Doped LaGaO3: III, Performance Tests of Single Ceramic Fuel Cells, Kevin Huang, Robin Tichy, John B. Goodenough, and Christopher Milliken
Superior Perovskite Oxide-ion Conductor Sr- and Mg- doped LaGaO3: Part II Ac Impedance Spectroscopy, Kevin Huang, Robin S. Tichy, and John B. Goodenough
Superior Perovskite Oxide-Ion Conductor; Strontium- and Magnesium-Doped LaGaO3: I, Phase Relationships and Electrical Properties, Kevin Huang, Robin S. Tichy, and John B. Goodenough
Correlation of Grain-Boundary Precipitates Parameters with Fracture Toughness in an Al-Cu-Mg-Ag Alloy Subjected to Long-Term Thermal Exposure, B. Q. Li and Anthony P. Reynolds
Experimental Characterization of Crack Tip Deformation Fields in Alloy 718 at High Temperatures, Jin Liu, Michael A. Sutton, and Anthony P. Reynolds
Measurement of Fracture Toughness of Ultra-Thin Amorphous Carbon Films, Xiaodong Li and Bharat Bhushan
Micromechanical and Tribological Characterization of Hard Amorphous Carbon Coatings as Thin as 5 nm for Magnetic Recording Heads, Xiaodong Li and Bharat Bhushan
Kinetics and Mechanism of a Sintering Process for Macroporous Alumina Ceramics by Extrusion, Huan-ting Wang, Xing-qin Liu, Fanglin Chen, Guang-yao Meng, and O. Roft Sorensen
Submissions from 1997
Tribological Studies of Chromium Oxide Films for Magnetic Recording Applications, Bharat Bhushan, Gerard S.A.M. Theunissen, and Xiaodong Li