
Submissions from 2007


On Mechanical Behavior and In-Plane Modeling of Constrained PEM Fuel Cell Membranes Subjected to Hydration and Temperature Cycles, Roham Solasi, Yue Zou, Xinyu Huang, Kenneth Reifsnider, and David Condit


Scanning Electron Microscopy for Quantitative Small and Large Deformation Measurements Part II: Experimental Validation for Magnifications from 200 to 10,000, Michael A. Sutton, N. Li, D. Garcia, N. Cornille, J. J. Orteu, S. R. McNeill, H. W. Schreier, Xiaodong Li, and Anthony P. Reynolds


Scanning Electron Microscopy for Quantitative Small and Large Deformation Measurements Part I: SEM Imaging at Magnifications from 200 to 10,000, Michael A. Sutton, N. Li, D. C. Joy, Anthony P. Reynolds, and Xiaodong Li


Degradation of Silicone Rubber under Compression in a Simulated PEM Fuel Cell Environment, Jinzhu Tan, Yuh-Jin Chao, Xiaodong Li, and J.W. Van Zee


Nanomechnical Characterization of One-Step Combustion-Synthesized Al4B2O9 and Al18B4O33 Nanowires, Xinyong Tao, Xinnan Wang, and Xiaodong Li


). Size Dependency of the Elastic Modulus of ZnO Nanowires: Surface Stress Effect, Guofeng Wang and Xiaodong Li


Nanomechanical Characterization of Micro/Nanofiber Reinforced Type I Collagens, Xinnan Wang, Yongda Yan, Michael J. Yost, Stephen A. Fann, Shen Dong, and Xiaodong Li


Single Mode Tuning Effects on Lamb Wave Time Reversal with Piezoelectric Wafer Active Sensors for Structural Health Monitoring, Buli Xu and Victor Giurgiutiu


Effect of Sample Tilt on Nanoindentation Behaviour of Materials, Z-H. Xu and Xiaodong Li


Processing and Banding in AA2524 and AA2024 Friction Stir Welding, J. H. Yan, Michael A. Sutton, and Anthony P. Reynolds


Mixed-Mode Fracture of Ductile Thin-Sheet Materials Under Combined In-Plane and Out-of-Plane Loading, J. Yan, Michael A. Sutton, Xiaomin Deng, and C. S. Cheng


Ferroelectric BaTiO3 thin films on Ni metal tapes using NiO as buffer layer, Z Yuan, J Liu, J Weaver, C L. Chen, J C. Jiang, B Lin, Victor Giurgiutiu, A Bhalla, and R Y. Guo


In-Situ Optimized PWAS Phased Arrays for Lamb Wave Structural Health Monitoring, Lingyu Yu and Victor Giurgiutiu


Elastic Fields Around the Cohesive Zone of a Mode III Crack Perpendicular to a Bi-Material Interface, W. Zhang and Xiaomin Deng


Mixed-Mode I/II Fields Around a Crack with a Cohesive Zone Ahead of the Crack Tip, Wei Zhang and Xiaomin Deng

Submissions from 2006


Elastic Wave Propagation in Sinusoidally Corrugated Waveguides, Sourav Banerjee and Tribikram Kundu


Symmetric and Anti-Symmetric Raleigh-Lamb Modes in Sinusoidally Corrugated Waveguides: An Analytical Approach, Sourav Banerjee and Tribikram Kundu


Carbide-Derived Nanoporous Carbon and Novel Core−Shell Nanowires, Xinqi Chen, Donald R. Cantrell, Kevin Kohlhaas, Sasha Stankovich, James A. Ibers, Mietek Jaroniec, Hongsheng Gao, Xiaodong Li, and Rodney S. Ruoff


Limited Weld Residual Stress Measurements in Fatigue Crack Propagation: Part I. Complete Field Representation through Least-Squares Finite-Element Smoothing, Y. Z. Ge, Michael A. Sutton, Xiaomin Deng, and Anthony P. Reynolds


Limited Weld Residual Stress Measurements in Fatigue Crack Propagation Part I: Complete Field Representation Through Least-Square Finite Element Smoothing, Y. Z. Ge, Michael A. Sutton, Xiaomin Deng, and A. P. Reynolds


The Effect of Protein Adsorption on the Friction Behavior of Ultra-High Molecular Weight Polyethylene, K.S. Kanaga Karuppiah, Sriram Sundararajan, Zhi-Hui Xu, and Xiaodong Li


Predicting Residual Thermal Stresses in Friction Stir Welded Metals, Mir Zahedul H. Khandkar, Jamil A. Khan, Anthony P. Reynolds, and Michael A. Sutton


An Experimental Investigation of Guided Wave Propagation in Corrugated Plates Showing Stop Bands and Pass Bands, Tribikram Kundu, Sourav Banerjee, and Kumar V. Jata


Study of Slant Fracture in Ductile Materials, Weiming Lan, Xiaomin Deng, Michael A. Sutton, and Ching-Shan Cheng


High-Pressure torsion-Induced Grain Growth in Electrodeposited Nanocrystalline Ni, X. Z. Liao, A. R. Kilmametov, R. Z. Valiev, Hongsheng Gao, Xiaodong Li, A. K. Mukherjee, J. F. Blingert, and Y. T. Zhu


Modeling and Testing of PZT and PVDF Piezoelectric Wafer Active Sensors, B Lin and Victor Giurgiutiu


Nanoscale Deformation and Cracking Studies of Advanced Metal Evaporated Magnetic Tapes using Atomic Force Microscopy and Digital Image Correlation Techniques, Xiaodong Li, Weijie Xu, Michael A. Sutton, and M. Mello


In Situ Observation of Nanograin Rotation and Deformation in Nacre, Xiaodong Li, Zhi-Hui Xu, and Rizhi Wang


Parametric Studies of Friction Stir Welding by Commercial Fluid Dynamic Simulation, T. Long and Anthony P. Reynolds


Bioenergetics and Mechanical Actuation Analysis with Membrane Transport Experiments for Use in Biomimetic Nastic Structures, L. Matthews, V. B. Sundaresan, Victor Giurgiutiu, and D. J. Leo


Self-Assembled Composite Nano-/Micronecklaces with SiO2 Beads in Boron Strings, Hai Ni and Xiaodong Li


Young's Modulus of ZnO Nanobelts Measured using Atomic Force Microscopy and Nanoindentation Techniques, Hai Ni and Xiaodong Li


Elastic Modulus of Single-Crystal GaN Nanowires, Hai Ni, Xiaodong Li, Guosheng Cheng, and Robert Klie


Elastic Modulus of Amorphous SiO2 Nanowires, Hai Ni, Xiaodong Li, and Hongsheng Gao


Direct Integration of Thin Film Piezoelectric Sensors with Structural Materials for Structural Health Monitoring, Nothwang, Hirsch, Demaree, Hubbard, Cole, Lin, and Victor Giurgiutiu


Polycrystalline Si1-xGex Thin Film Deposition by Rapid Thermal Chemical Vapor Deposition, Young-Bae Park, Young-Woo Choi, and Xiaodong Li


Multifunctional Engineering Design of Elastomeric Components, Kenneth Reifsnider, Xinyu Huang, Yue Zou, Roham Solasi, and Matthew Freshler


Combined Simulation and Experiment for Friction Stir Welding Process Development, Anthony P. Reynolds


Understanding Process and Property Relationships in Aluminum Alloy Friction Stir Welds, Anthony P. Reynolds


Metrology in a Scanning Electron Microscope: Theoretical Developments and Experimental Validation, Michael A. Sutton, Ning Li, Dorian Garcia, Nicolas Cornille, Jean Jose Orteu, Stephen R. McNeil, Hubert W. Schreier, and Xiaodong Li


Limited Weld Residual Stress Measurements in Fatigue Crack Propagation: Part II. FEM-Based Fatigue Crack Propagation with Complete Residual Stress Fields, Michael A. Sutton, Anthony P. Reynolds, Y. Z. Ge, and Xiaomin Deng


Microstructure and Mixed Mode I/II Fracture of AA2524-T351 Base Material and Friction Stir Welds, Michael A. Sutton, Anthony P. Reynolds, Junhui Yan, Bangcheng Yan, and Ning Yuan


Limited Weld Residual Stress Measurements in Fatigue Crack Propagation Part II: FEM-Based Fatigue Crack Propagation with Complete Residual Stress Fields, Michael A. Sutton, A. P. Reynolds, Y. Z. Ge, and Xiaomin Deng


Estimation of Residual Stresses from Elastic Recovery of Nanoindentation, Z.-H. Xu and Xiaodong Li


Notch Tensile Response of Mini-Regions in AA22024 and AA2524 Friction Stir Welds, Junhui Yan, Michael A. Sutton, and Anthony P. Reynolds


Asymptotic Fields Around an Interfacial Crack with a Cohesive Zone Ahead of the Crack Tip, W. Zhang and Xiaomin Deng

Submissions from 2005


Ultrasonic Field Modeling in multilayered Fluid Structures using the Distributed Point Source Method Technique, Sourav Banerjee, Tribikram Kundu, and Dominique Placko


Structural Damping Caused by Micro-Slip Along Frictional Interfaces, W. Chen and Xiaomin Deng


A Damage Mechanics Model for Creep and Oxygen Embrittlment in Metals, Xiaomin Deng, Fashang Ma, and Michael A. Sutton


Mechanics of Hydrogenated Amorphous Carbon Deposits from Electron-Beam-Induced Deposition of Paraffin Precursor, W. Ding, D. A. Dikin, X. Chen, R. D. Piner, R. S. Ruoff, E. Zussman, X. Wang, and Xiaodong Li


Tuned Lamb-Wave Excitation and Detection with Piezoelectric Wafer Active Sensors for Structural Health Monitoring, Victor Giurgiutiu


Mechatronics/Microcontroller Education for Mechanical Engineering Students at the University of South Carolina, Victor Giurgiutiu, Jed Lyons, David Rocheleau, and Weiping Liu


Structural and Mechanical Characterization of Nanoclay-Reinforced Agarose Nanocomposites, Xiaodong Li, Hongsheng Gao, Wally A. Scrivens, Dongling Fei, Vivek Thakur, Michael A. Sutton, Anthony P. Reynolds, and Micheal L. Myrick


Direct Nanomechanical Machining of Gold Nanowires Using a Nanoindenter and an Atomic Force Microscope, Xiaodong Li, Patrick Nardi, Chang-Wook Baek, Jong-Man Kim, and Yong-Kweon Kim


Micro/Nanoscale Mechanical and Tribological Characterization of SiC for Orthopedic Applications, Xiaodong Li, Xinnan Wang, Robert Bondokov, Julie Morris, Yuehuei H. An, and Tangali S. Sudarshan


Effect of Tensile Offset Angles on Micro/Nanoscale Tensile Testing, Xiaodong Li, Xinnan Wang, Wei-Che Chang, Yuh-Jin Chao, and Ming Chang


Mechanical Properties of ZnS Nanobelts, Xiaodong Li, Xinnan Wang, Qihua Xiong, and Peter C. Eklund


Top-Down Structure and Device Fabrication using In Situ Nanomachining, Xiaodong Li, Xinnan Wang, Qihua Xiong, and Peter C. Eklund


Nanoscale Structural and Mechanical Characterization of Bamboo-like Polymer/Silicon Nanocomposite Films, Hai Ni, Xiaodong Li, Hongsheng Gao, and Thien-Phap Nguyen


Nanomechanical Characterization of Cavity Growth and Rupture in Hydrogen-Implanted Single-Crystal BaTiO3., Young-Bae Park, Patrick Nardi, Xiaodong Li, and Harry A. Atwater


Interfacial Modification of Amorphous Substrates for Microcrystalline Silicon Growth with in situ Hydrogen Plasma Pretreatment, Young-Bae Park, Shi-Woo Rhee, and Xiaodong Li


Mechanics of Composite Materials in Fuel Cell Systems, Kenneth Reifsnider, Xinyu Huang, G. Ju, Matthew Feshler, and K. An


Texture in Friction Stir Welds of Timetal 21S, Anthony P. Reynolds, Elizabeth Hood, and Wei Tang


Relationships Between Weld Parameters, Hardness Distribution and Temperature History in Alloy 7050 Friction Stir Welds, Anthony P. Reynolds, W. Tang, Z. Khandkar, Jamil A. Khan, and K. Lindner


Mechanical Characterization of Ultra-Thin Fluorocarbon Films Deposited by R.F. Magnetron Sputtering, Guangze Tang, Xinxin Ma, Mingren Sun, and Xiaodong Li


Laser Induced Fluorescence Photobleaching Anemometer for Microfluidic Devices, Guiren Wang


Microtensile Testing of Collagen Fibril for Cardiovascular Tissue Engineering, Xinnan Wang, Xiaodong Li, and Michael J. Yost


Influence of Equi-Biaxial Residual Stress on Unloading Behaviour of Nanoindentation, Zhi-Hui Xu


Process-Structure-Property Relationships for Nugget and Heat Affected Zone Regions of AA2524-T351 Friction Stir Welds, Junhui Yan, Michael A. Sutton, and Anthony P. Reynolds


Formulation of a Cohesive Zone Model for a Mode III Crack, W. Zhang and Xiaomin Deng


Advances in Tetrahedral Mesh Generation for Modeling of Three-Dimensional Regions with Complex, Curvilinear Crack Shapes, Jianzheng Zuo, Xiaomin Deng, and Michael A. Sutton

Submissions from 2004


Noble Metal Nanostructures Synthesized inside Mesoporous Nanotemplate Pores, J. Arbiol, E. Rossinyol, A. Cabot, F. Peiro, A. Cornet, J. R. Morante, Fanglin Chen, and Meilin Liu


Noble Metal Nanostructures Synthesized inside Mesoporous Nanotemplate Pores, J. Arbiol, E. Rossinyol, A. Cabot, F. Peiró, A. Cornet, J. R. Morante, Fanglin Chen, and Meilin Liu


Modeling Anisotropic Hardening with Stochastic Cellular Automaton, S. C. Baxter and Anthony P. Reynolds


Surface States in Template Synthesized Tin Oxide Nanoparticles, A. Cabot, J. Arbiol, R. Ferre, J. R. Morante, Fanglin Chen, and Meilin Liu


Synthesis of Tin Oxide Nanostructures with Controlled Particle Size Using Mesoporous Frameworks, A. Cabot, J. Arbiol, E. Rossinyol, J. R. Morante, Fanglin Chen, and Meilin Liu


Development of Patterns for Nanoscale Strain Measurements: I. Fabrication of Imprinted Au Webs for Polymeric Materials, S. A. Collette, M. A. Sutton, P. Miney, A. P. Reynolds, Xiaodong Li, P. E. Colavita, W. A. Scrivens, Y. Luo, T. Sudarshan, P. Muzykov, and M. L. Myrick


Two-Dimensional Finite Element Simulation of Material Flow in the Friction Stir Welding Process, Xiaomin Deng and Shaowen Xu


Damage Identification in Aging Aircraft Structures with Piezoelectric Wafer Active Sensors, Victor Giurgiutiu, Andrei Zagrai, and Jingjing Bao


Gas-Diffusion Process in a Tubular Cathode Substrate of an SOFC, Part I: Theoretical Analysis of Gas-Diffusion Process under Cylindrical Coordinate System, Kevin Huang


Gas-Diffusion Process in a Tubular Cathode Substrate of a SOFC, Part II: Identification of Gas-Diffusion Process Using AC Impedance Method, Kevin Huang


Microstructure and Mechanical Behavior of Friction Stir Welded Titanium Alloys, K. V. Jata and Anthony P. Reynolds


Nanoscale Structural and Mechanical Characterization of a Natural Nanocomposite Material:  The Shell of Red Abalone, Xiaodong Li, Wei-Che Chang, Yuh J. Chao, Rizhi Wang, and Ming Chang


Nanoindentation of Cu2O Nanocubes, Xiaodong Li, Hongsheng Gao, Catherine J. Murphy, and Linfeng Gou


Nanomechanical Characterization of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Reinforced Epoxy Composites, Xiaodong Li, Hongsheng Gao, Wally A. Scrivens, Dongling Fei, Xiaoyou Xu, Michael A. Sutton, Anthony P. Reynolds, and Micheal L. Myrick


Micro/Nanomechanical Characterization of a Natural Nanocomposite Material—The Shell of Pectinidae, Xiaodong Li and Patrick Nardi


Micro/Nanomechanical Characterization of a Single Decagonal AlCoNi Quasicrystal, Xiaodong Li, Liming Zhang, and Hongsheng Gao


High-Field Characterization of Piezoelectric and Magnetostrictive Actuators, Radu Pomirleanu and Victor Giurgiutiu


Structural Evolution and Superplastic Formability of Friction Stir Welded AA 2095 Sheets, H. G. Salem, Anthony P. Reynolds, and Jed S. Lyons


Banded Microstructure in 2024-T351 and 2524-T351 Aluminum Friction Stir Welds: Part II. Mechanical Characterization, Michael A. Sutton, Bangcheng Yang, Anthony P. Reynolds, and Junhui Yan


An Evaluation of Simplified Finite Element Models for Spot-Welded Joints, S Xu and Xiaomin Deng


Banded Microstructure in AA2024-T351 and AA2524-T351 Aluminum Friction Stir Welds: Part I. Metallurgical Studies, Bangcheng Yang, Junhui Yan, Michael A. Sutton, and Anthony P. Reynolds


Residual Stress and Microstructure Effects on Fatigue Crack Growth in AA2050 Friction Stir Welds, Bangcheng Yang, Junhui Yan, Michael A. Sutton, and Anthony P. Reynolds


Basic Studies of Ductile Failure Processes and Implications for Fracture Prediction, Jianzheng Zuo, Michael A. Sutton, and Xiaomin Deng

Submissions from 2003


Mesoporous Catalytic Filters for Semiconductor Gas Sensors, A. Cabot, J. Arbiol, A. Cornet, J. R. Morante, Fanglin Chen, and Meilin Liu


Piezoelectric-Wafer Active-Sensor Embedded Ultrasonics in Beams and Plates, Victor Giurgiutiu, Jack Bao, and W Zhao


Disbond Detection with Piezoelectric Wafer Active Sensors in RC Structures Strengthened with FRP Composite Overlays, Victor Giurgiutiu, Kent Harries, Michael Petrou, Joel Bost, and Josh B. Quattlebaum


Prediction of Temperature Distribution and Thermal History during Friction Stir Welding: Input Torque Based Model, M. Z. H. Khandkar, Jamil A. Khan, and Anthony P. Reynolds


Fatigue Studies of Nanoscale Structures for MEMS/NEMS Applications Using Nanoindentation Techniques, Xiaodong Li and Bharat Bhushan


Mechanical characterization of Micro/Nanoscale Structures for MEMS/NEMS Applications Using Nanoindentation Techniques, Xiaodong Li, Bharat Bhushan, Kazuki Takashima, Chang-Wook Baek, and Yong-Kweon Kim