Submissions from 2010
Performance of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells based on Proton-Conducting BaCe0.7In0.3-xYxO3-δ Electrolyte, Fei Zhao and Fanglin Chen
Synthesis and Characterization of BaIn0.3-xYxCe0.7O3-δ(x=0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3) Proton Conductors, Fei Zhao, Qiang Liu, Siwei Wang, Kyle Brinkman, and Fanglin Chen
Layered Perovskity PrBa0.5Sr0.5Co2O5+δ as High Performance Cathode for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells using Oxide Proton-Conducting Electrolyte, Fei Zhao, Siwei Wang, Kyle Brinkman, and Fanglin Chen
Submissions from 2009
Torque, Power Requirement and Stir Zone Geometry in Friction Stir Welding Through Modeling and Experiments, A. Arora, R. Nandan, Anthony P. Reynolds, and T. DebRoy
Estimation of Intrinsic Damage State in Materials using Non-Local Perturbation: Application to Active Health Monitoring, Sourav Banerjee
Controlled Space Radiation concept for Mesh-Free Semi-Analytical Technique to Model Wave Fields in Complex Geometries, Sourav Banerjee, Samik Das, Tribikram Kundu, and Dominique Placko
Multi-Pass Friction Stir Welding in Alloy 7050-T7451: Effects on Weld Response Variables and on Weld Properties, Rebecca Brown, Wei Tang, and Anthony P. Reynolds
Improved Process Stability during Friction Stir Welding of 5 cm Thick Copper Canisters through Shoulder Geometry and Parameter Studies, L. Cederqvist, C. D. Sorensen, Anthony P. Reynolds, and T. Oberg
Wave Propagation in a Fluid Wedge over a Solid Half-Space-Mesh-Free Analysis with Experimental Verification, Cac Minh Dao, Samik Das, Sourav Banerjee, and Tribikram Kundu
High Performance Layered SmBa0.5Sr0.5Co2O5+δ Cathode for Intermediate-Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cells, Hanping Ding, Xingjian Xue, Xingqin Liu, and Guangyao Meng
Fatigue Crack Growth in 2024-T351 Friction Stir Welded Joints: Longitudinal Residual Stress and Microstructural Effects, L. Fratini, S. Pasta, and Anthony P. Reynolds
Extension of the Shear-Lag Solution for Structurally Attached Ultrasonic Active Sensors, Victor Giurgiutiu and Giola Bottai-Santoni
Enhance Diamond Coating Adhesion by Oriented Interlayer Microcracking, Habio Guo, Xingcheng Xiao, Yue Qi, Zhi-Hui Xu, and Xiaodong Li
Nanoscale Structural and Mechanical Characterization of Heat Treated Nacre, Zaiwang Huang and Xiaodong Li
Low Temperature, Organic-Free Synthesis of Ba3B6O9(OH)6 Nanorods and ß-BaB2O4 Nanospindles, Rui Li, Xinyoung Tao, and Xiaodong Li
Self-Rising Approach to Synthesize Hierarchically Porous Metal Oxides, Qiang Liu and Fanglin Chen
Synthesis and Application of Porous Sm0.2Ce0.8O1.9 Nanocrystal Aggregates, Qiang Liu, Fei Zhao, Xilhui Dong, Chenghao Yang, and Fanglin Chen
Unveiling the Formation Mechanism of Pseudo-Single-Crystal Aragonite Platelets in Nacre, Xiaodong Li and Zaiwang Huang
Nanomechanical Testing: Challenges and Opportunities, Xiaodong Li and Xinghang Zhang
Development of a Real-Time Active Pipeline Integrity Detection System, Xinlin P. Qing, Shawn Beard, Shyan Bob Shen, Sourav Banerjee, Ian Bradley, Mamdouh M. Salama, and Fu-Kuo Chang
Tobacco Mosaic Virus Templated Synthesis of One Dimensional Inorganic-Polymer Hybrid Fibres, Jianhua Rong, Fiona Oberbeck, Xinnan Wang, Xiaodong Li, Jerry Oxsher, Zhongwei Niu, and Qian Wang
In Situ Observation of Small-Scale Deformation in a Lead-Free Solder Alloy, Yong Sun, Jin Liang, Zhi-Hui Xu, Guofeng Wang, and Xiaodong Li
Microindentation Test for Assessing the Mechanical Properties of Silicone Rubber Exposed to a Simulated Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell Environment, Jinzhu Tan, Yuh-Jin Chao, Xiaodong Li, and J. Van Zee
Application of 3D Image Correlation for Full-Field Transient Plate Deformation Measurements During Blast Loading, Vikrant Tiwari, Michael A. Sutton, Stephen R. McNeill, Shaowen Xu, Xiaomin Deng, William L. Fourney, and Damien Bretall
Determination of Mechanical Properties of Al-Mg Alloys Dissimilar Friction Stir Welded Interface by Indentation Methods, P. Venkateswaran, Zhi-Hui Xu, Xiaodong Li, and Anthony P. Reynolds
The Influence of Tube Length, Radius and Chirality on the Buckling Behavior of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Filled with Copper Atoms, L. Wang, H. W. Zhang, and Xiaomin Deng
Transient Modeling of Anode-Supported Solid Oxide Fuel Cells, Y. Xie and Xingjian Xue
Progressive Damage Modeling for Large Deformation Loading of Composite Structures, Liqun Xing, Kenneth L. Reifsnider, and Xinyu Huang
Mixed-Mode Crack Growth in Ductile Thin-Sheet Materials Under Combined In-Plane and Out-of-Plane Loading, J. H. Yan, Michael A. Sutton, Xiaomin Deng, Z. Wei, and Pablo Zavattieri
Effect of Initial Base Metal Temper on Mechanical Properties in AA7050 Friction Stir Welds, J. Yan and Anthony P. Reynolds
Multi-Mode Damage Detection Methods with Piezoelectric Wafer Active Sensors, Lingyu Yu and Victor Giurgiutiu
A High Performance intermediate-Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cell using Impregnated La0.6Sr0.4CoO3-δ Cathode, Fei Zhao, Lei Zhang, Zhiyi Jiang, Changrong Xia, and Fanglin Chen
La0.85Sr0.15MnO3− Infiltrated Y0.5Bi1.5O3 Cathodes for Intermediate-Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cells, Jiang Zhiyi, Changrong Xia, Fei Zhao, and Fanglin Chen
Nanoscale Structural and Mechanical Characterization of the Cell Wall of Bamboo Fibers, Linhua Zou, Helena Jin, Wei-Yang Lu, and Xiaodong Li
Submissions from 2008
Pipe Wall Damage Detection in Buried Pipes using Guided Waves, Rais Ahmad, Sourav Banerjee, and Tribikram Kundu
Elastic Wave Field Computation in Multilayered Nonplanar Solid Structures: A Mesh-Free Semianalytical Approach, Sourav Banerjee and Tribikram Kundu
Semi-Analytical Modeling of Ultrasonic Fields in Solids with Internal Anomalies Immersed in a Fluid, Sourav Banerjee and Tribikram Kundu
The Effects of Different Cranial Modules on Mechanical Properties of Cranial Suture in Lewis Rats and Same-aged C57BL/6 Mice, C. H. Chien, Y. D. Wu, Yuh-Jin Chao, T. Chen, W. F. Chen, J. C. Yu, and Xiaodong Li
Elastic Wave Scattering in aa Solid Half-Space with a Circular Cylindrical Hole using the Distributed Point Source Method, S. Das, Sourav Banerjee, and T. Kundu
Predicting the Hydrogen Pressure to Achieve Ultralow Friction and Diamondlike Carbon Surfaces from First Principles, Haibo Guo, Yue Qi, and Xiaodong Li
Development of Delta-Type High Power Density Solid Oxide Fuel Cells at Siemens Stationary Fuel Cells, Kevin Huang
Study of Ultrasonic Field in Polishing Based on Coupling Vibrations of Liquid, X. Z. Huang, Zhong Ning Guo, Zhi Gang Huang, Q. H. Li, Z. Q. Yu, T. M. Yue, and Wing Bun Lee
Friction and Wear Behavior of Ultra-High Molecular Weight Polyethylene as a Function of Polymer Crystallinity, K.S. Kanaga Karuppiah, Agnela L. Bruck, Sriram Sundararajan, Jun Wang, Zhiqun Lin, Zhi-Hui Xu, and Xiaodong Li
Full-field Thermal Deformation Measurements in a Scanning Electron Microscope by 2D Digital Image Correlation, N. Li, Michael A. Sutton, Xiaodong Li, and H. W. Schreier
Micro/Nanoscale Mechanical Characterization and in situ Observation of Cracking of Laminated Si3N4/BN Composites, Xiaodong Li, Linhua Zou, Hai Ni, Anthony P. Reynolds, Chang-an Wang, and Yong Huang
NaBH 4/H2O2 Fuel Cells for Air Independent Power Systems, Nie Luo, G. H. Miley, Kyu Jung Kim, Rodney Burton, and Xinyu Huang
Synthesis, Structural and Mechanical Characterization of Amorphous and Crystalline Boron Nanobelts, Hai Ni and Xiaodong Li
Residual Stress Effects on Fatigue Crack Growth in a Ti-6Al-4V Friction Stir Weld, S. Pasta and Anthony P. Reynolds
Residual Stress and Microstructure Effects on Fatigue Crack Growth in AA2050 Friction Stir Welds, G. Pouget and Anthony P. Reynolds
Flow Visualization and Simulation in FSW, Anthony P. Reynolds
Characterization of Superplastically Formed Friction Stir Weld in Titanium 6AL-4V: Preliminary Results, D. G. Sanders, M. Ramulu, E. J. Klock-McCook, P. D. Edwards, Anthony P. Reynolds, and T. Trap
A Time and Hydration Dependent Viscoplastic Model for Polyelectrolyte Membranes in Fuel Cells, Roham Solasi, Yue Zou, Xinyu Huang, and Kenneth Reifsnider
Nanoindentation for Measuring Individual Phase Mechanical Properties of Lead Free Solder Alloy, Yong Sun, Jin Liang, Zhi-Hui Xu, Guofeng Wang, and Xiaodong Li
Assessment of Mechanical Properties of Fluoroelastomer and EPDM in a Simulated PEM Fuel Cell Environment by Microindentation Test, Jinzhu Tan; Yuh-Jin Chao; J. W., Van Zee; Xiaodong Li; Xinnan Wang; and Min Yang
B/SiO,sub>x Nanonecklace Reinforced Nanocomposites by Unique Mechanical Interlocking Mechanism, Xinyong Tao, Jie Liu, Goutam Koley, and Xiaodong Li
Catalyst-Free Sytnthesis, Structural, and Mechanical Characterization of Twinned Mb2B2O5 Nanowires, Xinyong Tao and Xiaodong Li
Predicting Young’s Modulus of Nanowires from First-Principles Calculations on their Surface and Bulk Materials, Guofeng Wang and Xiaodong Li
Influence of Defects on Mechanical Properties of Bicrystal Copper Interfaces, L. Wang, H. W. Zhang, and Xiaomin Deng
Nanomechanical Characterization of Polyaniline Coated Tobacco Mosaic Virus Nanotubes, Xinnan Wang, Zhongwei Niu, Siqi Li, Qian Wang, and Xiaodong Li
Integration of Ferroelectric BaTiO3 Thin Films Directly on Ni and Ti Metallic Tapes for Structural Health Monitoring Systems and Energy Harvesting Applications, J Weaver, Z Yuan, J Liu, G Collins, C L. Chen, J C. Jiang, J He, E I. Meletis, R Y. Guo, A Bhalla, B Lin, Victor Giurgiutiu, and M W. Cole
Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor Administration Alters Femoral Biomechanical Properties in C57BL/6 Mice, Yii-Der Wu, Chi-Hui Chien, Yuh-Jin Chao, Marck W. Hamrick, William D. Hill, Jack C. Yu, and Xiaodong Li
A Study of Texture Patterns in Friction Stir Welds, Shaowen Xu and Xiaomin Deng
Nanoscale Void Nucleation and Growth and Crack Tip Stress Evolution Ahead of a Growing Crack in a Single Crystal, Shaowen Xu and Xiaomin Deng
Effects of Indenter Geometry and Material Properties on the Correction Factor of Sneddon's Relationship for Nanoindentation of Elastic and Elastic-Plastic Materials, Zhi-Hui Xu and Xiaodong Li
Residual Stress Determination Using Nanoindentation Technique, Zhi-Hui Xu and Xiaodong Li
Sample Size Effect on Nanoindentation of Micro-/Nanostructures, Zhi-Hui Xu and Xiaodong Li
Mapping Nanoscale Wear Field by Combined Atomic Force Microscopy and Digital Image Correlation Techniques, Zhi-Hui Xu and Michael A. Sutton
Drift and Spatial Distortion Elimination in Atomic Force Microscopy Images by the Digital Image Correlation Technique, Z-H Xu, Xiaodong Li, Michael A. Sutton, and N. Li
Splitting in Dual-Phase 590 High Strength Steel Plates: Part II. Quantitative Analysis and Its Effect on Charpy Impact Energy, Min Yang, Yuh-Jin Chao, Xiaodong Li, David Immel, and Jinzhu Tan
Splitting in Dual-Phase 590 High Strength Steel Plates: Part I. Mechanisms, Min Yang, Yuh-Jin Chao, Xiaodong Li, and Jinzhu Tan
Evaluation of Coated Metallic Bipolar Plates for Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells, Wonseok Yoon, Xinyu Huang, Paul Fazzino, Kenneth L. Reifsnider, and Michael A. Akkaoui
In situ 2-D piezoelectric wafer active sensors arrays for guides wave damage detection, Lingyu Yu and Victor Giurgiutiu
Novel Nano-Network Cathodes for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells, Fei Zhao, Zhiyong Wang, Mingfei Liu, Lei Zhang, Changrong Xia, and Fanglin Chen
Three-Point Bending Young's Modulus of Nanowires, Ping Zhou, Chengwei Wu, and Xiaodong Li
Three-Dimensional Crack Growth in Ductile Materials: Effect of Stress Constraint on Crack Tunneling, Jianzheng Zuo, Xiaomin Deng, Michael A. Sutton, and Chin Shang Cheng
Submissions from 2007
Scattering of Ultrasonic Waves by Internal Anomalies in Plates, Sourav Banerjee and Tribikram Kundu
Ultrasonic Field Modeling in Plates Immersed in Fluid, Sourav Banerjee, Tribikram Kundu, and Nasser A. Alnuaimi
Structural and Mechanical Characterization of Platelet Graphite Nanofibers, Xinqi Chen, Zhi-Hui Xu, Xiaodong Li, Medhat A. Shaibat, and Rodney S. Ruoff
Structural health monitoring with piezoelectric wafer active sensors for space applications, Adrian Cuc, Victor Giurgiutiu, Shiv Joshi, and Zeb Tidwell
DPSM Modeling for Studying Interaction between Bounded Ultrasonic Beams and Corrugated Plates with Experimental Verification, S. Das, Cac Minh Dao, Sourav Banerjee, and T. Kundu
Friction Stir Welding of Single Crystal Aluminum, R. W. Fonda, J. A. Wert, Anthony P. Reynolds, and W. Tang
In-Situ Imaging of Crack Growth with Piezoelectric Wafer Active Sensors, Victor Giurgiutiu, Lingyu Yu, James R. Kendall, and Christopher Jenkins
III Finishing, Lapping, Honing and Polishing: Processes, Characterisation and Novel Techniques-Experimental Research on Ultra-Smooth Surface Polishing Based on Two-Dimensional Vibration of Liquid, Zhong Ning Guo, X. Z. Huang, Z. G. Huang, Z. Q. Yu, T. M. Yue, and Wing Bun Lee
Three-Dimensional Finite Element Simulations of Mixed-Mode Stable Tearing Crack Growth Experiments, Weiming Lan, Xiaomin Deng, and Michael A. Sutton
Whisker Nucleation in Indentation Residual Stress Field on Tin Plated Component Leads, Jin Liang, Zhi-Hui Xu, and Xiaodong Li
Nanoscale Structural and Mechanical Characterization of Nautral Nanocomposites: Seashells, Xiaodong Li
Microindentation Test for Assessing the Mechanical Properties of Cartilaginous Tissues, Xiaodong Li, Yuehuei H. An, Yii-Der Wu, Ying Ching Song, Yuh-Jin Chao, and Chi-Hui Chien
Reinforcing Mechanisms of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube-Reinforced Polymer Composites, Xiaodong Li, Hongsheng Gao, Wally A. Scrivens, Dongling Fei, Xiaoyou Xu, Michael A. Sutton, Anthony P. Reynolds, and Micheal L. Myrick
In Situ Nanoscale In-Plane Deformation Studies of Ultrathin Polymeric Films During Tensile Deformation Using Atomic Force Microscopy and Digital Image Correlation Techniques, Xiaodong Li, Weijiang Xu, Michael A. Sutton, and M. Mello
Process Response Parameter Relationships in Aluminum Alloy Friction Stir Welds, T. Long, W. Tang, and Anthony P. Reynolds
Nanoindentation of the a and c Domains in a Tetragonal BaTiO3 Single Crystal, Young-Bae Park, Matthew J. Dicken, Zhi-Hui Xu, and Xiaodong Li
Multiphysics Concepts and Foundations for Durability and Accelerated Characterization of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells, Kenneth Reifsnider, Gang Ju, and Xinyu Huang
Development of Patterns for Digital Image Correlation Measurements at Reduced Length Scales, W. A. Scrivens, Y. Luo, Michael A. Sutton, S. A. Collette, Micheal L. Myrick, P. Miney, P. E. Colavita, Anthony P. Reynolds, and Xiaodong Li
On Mechanical Behavior and In-Plane Modeling of Constrained PEM Fuel Cell Membranes Subjected to Hydration and Temperature Cycles, Roham Solasi, Yue Zou, Xinyu Huang, Kenneth Reifsnider, and David Condit
Scanning Electron Microscopy for Quantitative Small and Large Deformation Measurements Part II: Experimental Validation for Magnifications from 200 to 10,000, Michael A. Sutton, N. Li, D. Garcia, N. Cornille, J. J. Orteu, S. R. McNeill, H. W. Schreier, Xiaodong Li, and Anthony P. Reynolds
Scanning Electron Microscopy for Quantitative Small and Large Deformation Measurements Part I: SEM Imaging at Magnifications from 200 to 10,000, Michael A. Sutton, N. Li, D. C. Joy, Anthony P. Reynolds, and Xiaodong Li
Degradation of Silicone Rubber under Compression in a Simulated PEM Fuel Cell Environment, Jinzhu Tan, Yuh-Jin Chao, Xiaodong Li, and J.W. Van Zee
Nanomechnical Characterization of One-Step Combustion-Synthesized Al4B2O9 and Al18B4O33 Nanowires, Xinyong Tao, Xinnan Wang, and Xiaodong Li
). Size Dependency of the Elastic Modulus of ZnO Nanowires: Surface Stress Effect, Guofeng Wang and Xiaodong Li
Nanomechanical Characterization of Micro/Nanofiber Reinforced Type I Collagens, Xinnan Wang, Yongda Yan, Michael J. Yost, Stephen A. Fann, Shen Dong, and Xiaodong Li