Faculty Publications | Chemical Engineering, Department of | University of South Carolina


Submissions from 2007


High-Throughput Screening of Magnetic Properties of Quench Metallic-Alloy Thin-Film Composition Spreads, Jason R. Hattrick-Simpers, Cui Jun, Makoto Murakami, Antonio Orozco, Lee Knauss, Robert J. Booth, Edward W. Greve, Samuel E. Lofland, Manfred Wuttig, and Ichiro Takeuchi


Sterilization of Bacterial Spores by Using Supercritical Carbon Dioxide and Hydrogen Peroxide, Jason D. Hemmer, Michael J. Drews, Martine LaBerge, and Michael A. Matthews


Response Surface Study of The Performance of Lean NOx Storage Catalysts As a Function of Reaction Conditions and Catalyst Composition, Reed J. Hendershot, Rohit Vijay, Christopher M. Snively, and Jochen A. Lauterbach


Material Properties and Cytocompatibility of Injectable MMP Degradable Poly(lactide ethylene oxide fumarate) Hydrogel as a Carrier for Marrow Stromal Cells, Xuezhong He and Esmaiel Jabbari


Adaptive Partitioning in Combined Quantum Mechanical and Molecular Mechanical Calculations of Potential Energy Functions for Multiscale Simulations, Andreas Heyden, Hai Lin, and Donald G. Truhlar


Accelerated Testing Method for PEM Fuel Cell based Uninterrupted Power Supply Systems, Xinyu Huang and Xiaofeng Wang


Swelling Characteristics of Acrylic Acid Polyelectrolyte Hydrogel in a DC Electric Field, Esmaiel Jabbari, Javad Tavakoli, and Alireza S. Sarvestani


Compatibility of Medical-Grade Polymers with Dense CO2, A. Jiménez, G. L. Thompson, Michael A. Matthews, T. A. Davis, K. Crocker, Jed S. Lyons, and A. Trapotsis


Development of Ruthenium-Based Catalysts for Oxygen Reduction Reaction, Lingyun Liu, Hansung Kim, Jong-Won Lee, and Branko N. Popov


Development of Method for Synthesis of Pt–Co Cathode Catalysts for PEM Fuel Cells, Xuguang Li, Héctor R. Colón-Mercado, Gang Wu, Jong-Won Lee, and Branko N. Popov


Rapid structural Mapping of Ternary Metallic Alloy Systems using the Combinatorial Approach and Cluster Analysis, C. J. Long, Jason R. Hattrick-Simpers, M. Murakami, R. C. Srivastava, I. Takeuchi, V. L. Karen, and X. Li


Hydrolysis of Sodium Borohydride with Steam, Eyma Y. Marrero-Alfonso, Joshua R. Gray, Thomas A. Davis, and Michael A. Matthews


Minimizing Water Utilization in Hydrolysis of Sodium Borohydride: The Role of Sodium Metaboarate Hydrates, Eyma Y. Marrero-Alfonso, Joshua R. Gray, Thomas A. Davis, and Michael A. Matthews


Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of the NO + NH3 Reaction on Polycrystalline Platinum, Noah McMillan, Christopher Snively, and Jochen A. Lauterbach


Osteogenic Differentiation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells on Novel Three-dimensional Poly(L-lactic acid)/Chitosan/Gelatin/β-Tricalcium Phosphate Hybrid Scaffolds, Yousef Mohammadi, Hamid Mirzadeh, Fathollah Moztarzadeh, Masoud Soleimani, and Esmaiel Jabbari


The Effects of Agent Synchronization in Asynchronous Search Algorithms, Ionel Muscalagiu, José M. Vidal, Vladimir Cretu, Popa Horia Emil, and Manuela Panoiu


CoPdx Oxygen Reduction Electrocatalysts for Polymer Electrolyte Membrane and Direct Methanol Fuel Cells, William E. Mustain, Keith Kepler, and Jai Prakash


Platinum–Glass Composite Electrode for Fuel Cell Applications, William E. Mustain, Hyea Kim, Shruti Prakash, Johanna Stark, Tyler Osborn, and Paul A. Kohl


A Model for the Electroreduction of Molecular Oxygen, William E. Mustain and Jai Prakash


Kinetics and Mechanism for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction on Polycrystalline Cobalt-Palladium Electrocatalysts in Acid Media, William E. Mustain and Jai Prakash


Preferentially Oriented Ag Nanocrystals with Extremely High Activity and Faradaic Efficiency for CO2 Electrochemical Reduction to CO, Xiong Peng, Stavros G. Karakalos, and William E. Mustain


Parameter Estimation and Model Discrimination for a Lithium-Ion Cell, Shriram Santhanagopalan, Qingzhi Guo, and Ralph E. White


Effect of Composition on Gelation Kinetics of Unfilled and Nanoapatite-Filled Poly(lactide-ethylene oxide-fumarate) Hydrogels, Alireza S. Sarvestani, Xuezhong He, and Esmaiel Jabbari


Effect of Osteonectin-Derived Peptide on the Viscoelasticity of Hydrogel/Apatite Nanocomposite Scaffolds, Alireza S. Sarvestani, Xuezhong He, and Esmaiel Jabbari


Viscoelastic Characterization and Modeling of Gelation Kinetics of Injectable In Situ Cross-Linkable Poly(lactide-co-ethylene oxide-co-fumarate) Hydrogels, Alireza S. Sarvestani, Xuezhong He, and Esmaiel Jabbari


Modeling the Viscoelastic Response of Suspension of Particles in Polymer Solution: The Effect of Polymer-Particle Interactions, Alireza S. Sarvestani and Esmaiel Jabbari


Gelation and Degradation Characteristics of In Situ Photo-Crosslinked Poly(l-lactide-co-ethylene oxide-co-fumarate) Hydrogels, Alireza S. Sarvestani, Weijie Xu, Xuezhong He, and Esmaiel Jabbari


Effect of Diphenyl Siloxane on the Catalytic Activity of Pt on Carbon, Vijay A. Sethuraman, John W. Weidner, and Lesia V V. Protsailo


EXAFS Characterization of Dendrimer‐Derived Pt/γ‐Al2O3, A. Siani, Oleg S. Alexeev, Christopher T. Williams, Harry J. Ploehn, and Michael D. Amiridis


EXAFS Characterization of Dendrimer-Derived Pt/γ-Al2O3, A. Siani, O. S. Alexeev, C. T. Williams, Harry J. Ploehn, and M. D. Amiridis


Analytical Expression for the Impedance Response of an Insertion Electrode Cell, Godfrey Sikha and Ralph E. White


Effect of Water on the Electrochemical Oxidation of Gas-Phase SO2 in a PEM Electrolyzer for H2 Production, John Staser, Ramaraja P. Ramasamy, Premkumar Sivasubramanian, and John W. Weidner


The Effect of Mesoporous Scale Defects on the Activity of Au/TS-1 for the Epoxidation of Propylene, Bradley Taylor, Jochen A. Lauterbach, and W Nicholas Delgass


Effect of a Low-Molecular-Weight Cross-Linkable Macromer on Electrospinning of Poly(lactide-co-glycolide) Fibers, Weijie Xu, Xuezhong He, Alireza S. Sarvestani, and Esmaiel Jabbari


A Controllable Nanometer-Sized Valve, Miao Yu, J. L. Falconer, T. J. Amundsen, M. Hong, and R. D. Noble


Supercritical Carbon Dioxide and Hydrogen Peroxide Cause Mild Changes in Spore Structures Associated with High Killing Rate of Bacilus Anthracis, Jian Zhang, Nishita Dalal, Michael A. Matthews, Lashanda N. Waller, Clint Saunders, Karen F. Fox, and Alivn Fox


Semi-Empirical Modeling of Charge and Discharge Profiles for a LiCoO2 Electrode, Qi Zhang, Qingzhi Guo, and Ralph E. White


Calendar Life Study of Li-Ion Pouch Cells, Qi Zhang and Ralph E. White


Comparison of Approximate Solution Methods for the Solid Phase Diffusion Equation in a Porous Electrode Model, Qi Zhang and Ralph E. White


Moving Boundary Model for the Discharge of a LiCoO2 Electrode, Qi Zhang and Ralph E. White

Submissions from 2006


Computation Revealed a Case Where Kinetic Selectivity Is Controlled by Dynamics: Isomerization of Benzylideneanilines, Salai Cheettu Ammal and H. Yamataka


Combinatorial Study of Ni-Ti-Pt Ternary Metal Gate Electrodes on HfO2 for the Advanced Gate Stack, K.-S. Chang, M. L. Green, J. Suehle, E. M. Vogel, H. Xiong, Jason R. Hattrick-Simpers, I. Takeuchi, O. Famodu, K. Ohmori, P. Ahmet, T. Chikyow, P. Majhi, B.-H. Lee, and M. Gardner


Combinatorial Search of Thermoelastic Shape-Memory Alloys with Extremely Small Hysteresis Width, Jun Cui, Yong S. Chu, Olugbenga O. Famodu, Yasubumi Furuya, Jason R. Hattrick-Simpers, Richard D. James, Alfred Ludwig, Sigurd Thienhaus, Manfred Wuttig, Zhiyong Zhang, and Ichiro Takeuchi


The Dynamics of the UMDL Service Market Society, Edmund H. Durfee, Tracy Mullen, Sunju Park, José M. Vidal, and Peter Weinstein


Understanding the Adsorption and Desorption Behavior of CO2 on a K-Promoted Hydrotalcite-like Compound (HTlc) through Nonequilibrium Dynamic Isotherms, Armin D. Ebner, S. P. Reynolds, and James A. Ritter


Damage Detection Accommodating Varying Environmental Conditions, Diego F. Giraldo, Shirley J. Dyke, and Juan M. Caicedo


Modeling Volume Changes in Porous Electrodes, Parthasarathy M. Gomadam and John W. Weidner


High-Throughput Study of the Performance of NOx Storage and Reduction Catalysts as a Function of Cycling Conditions and Catalyst Composition, Reed J. Hendershot, Rohit Vijay, Christopher M. Snively, and Jochen A. Lauterbach


High-Throughput Study of the Influence of H2O and CO2 on the Performance of Nitrogen Storage and Reduction (NSR) Catalysts, R. J. Hendershot, R. Vijay, C. M. Snively, and Jochen A. Lauterbach


Nitrous Oxide Decomposition over Fe-ZSM-5 in the Presence of Nitric Oxide: A Comprehensive DFT Study, Andreas Heyden, Niels Hansen, Alexis T. Bell, and Frerich J. Keil


Mechanical Endurance of Polymer Electrolyte Membrane and PEM Fuel Cell Durability, Xinyu Huang, Roham Solasi, Yue Zou, Matthew Feshler, Kenneth Reifsnider, David Condit, Sergei Burlatsky, and Thomas Madden


Effect of Surface Polarity on Wettability and Friction Coefficient of Silicone Rubber/Poly(acrylic acid) Hydrogel Composite, Saeid Kheirandish and Esmaiel Jabbari


Development of an Electroless Method to Deposit Corrosion-Resistant Silicate Layers on Metallic Substrates, Swaminatha P. Kumaraguru, Basker Veeraraghavan, and Branko N. Popov


Cycle Life Performance of Lithium-Ion Pouch Cells, Karthikeyan Kumaresan, Qingzhi Guo, Premanand Ramadass, and Ralph E. White


Fabrication and Characterization of Poly(Propylene Fumarate) Scaffolds with Controlled Pore Structures Using 3-Dimensional Printing and Injection Molding, Kee-Won Lee, Shanfeng Wang, Lichun Lu, Esmaiel Jabbari, Bradford L. Currier, and Michael J. Yaszemski


Monte Carlo Simulation of Degradation of Porous Poly(lactide) Scaffolds, I. Effect of Porosity on pH, Yousef Mohammadi and Esmaiel Jabbari


A Generalized Cycle Life Model of Rechargeable Li-Ion Batteries, Gang Ning, Ralph E. White, and Branko N Popov


Quantitative Analysis of Montmorillonite Platelet Size by Atomic Force Microscopy, Harry J. Ploehn and C. Liu


Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Resistance Model, Sinduja Renganathan, Qingzhi Guo, Vijay A. Sethuraman, John W. Weidner, and Ralph E. White


Enriching PSA Cycle for the Production of Nitrogen from Air, S. P. Reynolds, Armin D. Ebner, and James A. Ritter


Stripping PSA Cycles for CO2 Recovery from Flue Gas at High Temperature Using a Hydrotalcite-Like Adsorbent, S. P. Reynolds, Armin D. Ebner, and James A. Ritter


Review of Models for Predicting the Cycling Performance of Lithium Ion Batteries, Shriram Santhanagopalan, Qingzhi Guo, Premanand Ramadass, and Ralph E. White


Online Estimation of the State of Charge of a Lithium Ion Cell, Shriram Santhanagopalan and Ralph E. White


Modeling and Experimental Investigation of Rheological Properties of Injectable Poly(lactide ethylene oxide fumarate)/Hydroxyapatite Nanocomposites, Alireza S. Sarvestani and Esmaiel Jabbari


Advances in Methods and Algorithms in a Modern Quantum Chemistry Program Package, Yihan Shao, Laszlo Fusti Molnar, Yousung Jung, Jörg Kussmann, Christian Ochsenfeld, Shawn T. Brown, Andrew T B Gilbert, Lyudmila V. Slipchenko, Sergey V. Levchenko, Darragh P. O’Neill, Robert A. DiStasio Jr, Rohini C. Lochan, Tao Wang, Gregory J O Beran, Nicholas A. Besley, John M. Herbert, Ching Yeh Lin, Troy Van Voorhis, Siu Hung Chien, Alex Sodt, Ryan P. Steele, Vitaly A. Rassolov, Paul E. Maslen, Prakashan P. Korambath, Ross D. Adamson, Brian Austin, Jon Baker, Edward F C Byrd, Holger Dachsel, Robert J. Doerksen, Andreas Dreuw, Barry D. Dunietz, Anthony D. Dutoi, Thomas R. Furlani, Steven R. Gwaltney, Andreas Heyden, So Hirata, Chao-Ping Hsu, Gary Kedziora, Rustam Z. Khalliulin, Phil Klunzinger, Aaron M. Lee, Michael S. Lee, WanZhen Liang, Itay Lotan, Nikhil Nair, Baron Peters, Emil I. Proynov, Piotr A. Pieniazek, Young Min Rhee, Jim Ritchie, Edina Rosta, C David Sherrill, Andrew C. Simmonett, Joseph E Subotnik, H. Lee Woodcock III, Weimin Zhang, Alexis T. Bell, Arup K. Chakraborty, Daniel M. Chipman, Frerich J. Keil, Arieh Warshel, Warren J. Hehre, Henry F. Schaefer III, Jing Kong, Anna I. Krylov, Peter M W Gill, and Martin Head-Gordon


Swelling Characterization of Anionic Acrylic Acid Hydrogel in an External Electric Field, Javad Tavakoli, Esmaiel Jabbari, Mohammad Etrati Khosroshahi, and Mina Boroujerdi


Reaction Kinetic Analysis of the Gas-Phase Epoxidation of Propylene Over Au/TS-1, Bradley Taylor, Jochen A. Lauterbach, Gary E. Blau, and W Nicholas Delgass


Performance of Co-containing NOx Storage and Reduction Catalysts As A Function of Cycling Condition, Rohit Vijay, Christopher M. Snively, and Jochen A. Lauterbach


Polymerization of “Unpolymerizable” Molecules through Topological Control, Seth Washburn


Desorption and Photopolymerization Behavior of Mixed and Multilayered Styrene–Pyrrole Nanofilms, Seth Washburn, Ethan Townsend, Jochen A. Lauterbach, and Christopher M. Snively


Simulation of an Enriching Reflux PSA Process with Parallel Equalization for Concentrating a Trace Component in Air, M. Yoshida, James A. Ritter, A. Kodama, M. Goto, and T. Hirose


Reversible H2 Storage Using a SAPO-34 Zeolite Layer, Miao Yu, S. Li, J. L. Falconer, and R. D. Noble


Sterilizing Bacillus pumilus Spores Using Supercritical Carbon Dioxide, Jian Zhang, Sarah Burrows, Courtney Gleason, Michael A. Matthews, Michael J. Drews, Martine LaBerge, and Yuehuei H. An


On the Mechanisms of Deactivation of Bacillus atrophaeus Spores Using Supercritical Carbon Dioxide, Jian Zhang, Nishita Dalal, Courtney Gleason, Michael A. Matthews, Lashanda N. Waller, Karen F. Fox, Alvin Fox, Michael J. Drews, Martine LaBerge, and Yuehuei H. An


Sterilization Using High-Pressure Carbon Dioxide, Jian Zhang, Thomas A. Davis, Michael A. Matthews, Michael J. Drews, Martine LaBerge, and Yuehuei H. An

Submissions from 2005


Linear Free Energy Relationship and Kinetic Isotope Effects as Measures for the Transition-State Variation: A Case of the Neophyl System, Salai Cheettu Ammal and H. Yamataka


Synergistic Dimetallic Effects in Propargylic Substitution Reaction Catalyzed by Thiolate-Bridged Diruthenium Complex, Salai Cheettu Ammal, N. Yoshikai, Y. Inada, Y. Nishibayashi, and E. Nakamura


Towards Adaptive Workflow Enactment Using Multiagent Systems, Paul A. Buhler and José M. Vidal


Experimental Validation of Structural Health Monitoring for Flexible Bridge Structures, Juan M. Caicedo and Shirley J. Dyke


Lifting the Pt{100} Surface Reconstruction Through Oxygen Adsorption: A DFT Analysis, N Aaron Deskins, Jochen A. Lauterbach, and Kendall T. Thomson


Transient Analysis of a Porous Electrode, Sheba Devan, Venkat R. Subramanian, and Ralph E. White


Characterizing Discourse Among Undergraduate Researchers in an Inquiry-Based Community of Practice, Lori Donath, Roxanne Spray, Elisabeth M. Alford, Nadia Craig, and Michael A. Matthews


Cubic Spline Regression for the Open-Circuit Potential Curves of a Lithium-Ion Battery, Qingzhi Guo and Ralph E. White


AFM Characterization of Dendrimer-Stabilized Platinum Nanoparticles, Y. Gu, H. Xie, J. Gao, D. Liu, Christopher T. Williams, C. J. Murphy, and Harry J. Ploehn


High-Throughput Heterogeneous Catalytic Science, Reed J. Hendershot, Christopher M. Snively, and Jochen A. Lauterbach


Kinetic Modeling of Nitrous Oxide Decomposition over Fe-ZSM-5 Based on Parameters obtained from First-Principles Calculations, Andreas Heyden, Alexis T. Bell, and Frerich J. Keil


Efficient Methods for Finding Transition States in Chemical Reactions: Comparison of Modified Dimer Method and Partitioned Rational Function Optimization Method, Andreas Heyden, A. T. Bell, and F. J. Keil


Comprehensive DFT Study of Nitrous Oxide Decomposition over Fe-ZSM-5, Andreas Heyden, Baron Peters, Alexis T. Bell, and Frerich J. Keil


Synthesis, Material Properties, and Biocompatibility of a Novel Self-Cross-Linkable Poly(caprolactone fumarate) as an Injectable Tissue Engineering Scaffold, Esmaiel Jabbari, Shanfeng Wang, Lichun Lu, James A. Gruetzmacher, Syed Ameenuddin, Theresa E. Hefferan, Bradford L. Currier, Anthony J. Windebank, and Michael J. Yaszemski


Ring Cleavage of Aziridines by Difluoroamine:  Mechanistic Insights from ab Initio and DFT Study, A. Kalaiselvan, Salai Cheettu Ammal, P. Venuvanalingam, and H. Yamataka


Effects of Dynamic Fluid Pressure on Chondrocytes Cultured in Biodegradable Poly(glycolic acid) Fibrous Scaffolds, Lichun Lu, Xun Zhu, Larry G. Pederson, Esmaiel Jabbari, Bradford Currier, Shawn O'Driscoll, and Michael Yaszemski


Vapor-Assisted Remodeling of Thin Gold Films, Y. Luo, J. Ruff, R. Ray, Y. Gu, Harry J. Ploehn, and W. A. Scrivens


Subsurface Oxygen Formation on Pt(100): Experiments and Modeling, Noah McMillan, Tanmay Lele, Christopher M. Snively, and Jochen A. Lauterbach


Tunable Multiferroic Properties in Nanocomposite PbTiO3-CoFe2O4 Epitaxial Thin Films, M. Murakami, K.-S. Chang, M. A. Aronova, C.-L. Lin, Ming H. Yu, Jason R. Hattrick-Simpers, M. Wuttig, I. Takeuchi, C. Gao, B. Hu, S. E. Lofland, L. A. Knauss, and L. A. Bendersky


Algorithms for Distributed Winner Determination in Combinatorial Auctions, Muralidhar V. Narumanchi and José M. Vidal


Thermal Decomposition of Generation-4 Polyamidoamine Dendrimer Films:  Decomposition Catalyzed by Dendrimer-Encapsulated Pt Particles, O. Ozturk, T. J. Black, K. Perrine, K. Pizzolato, C. T. Williams, F. W. Parsons, J. S. Ratliff, J. Gao, C. J. Murphy, H. Xie, Harry J. Ploehn, and Donna A. Chen


Calendar Life Performance of Pouch Lithium-Ion Cells, Ramaraja P. Ramasamy, Ralph E. White, and Branko N Popov


A Mathematical Model for a Lithium-Ion Battery/Electrochemical Capacitor Hybrid System, Godfrey Sikha, Ralph E. White, and Branko N. Popov


Experimental Aspects of Asynchronous Rapid-Scan Fourier Transform Infrared Imaging, Christopher M. Snively and Jochen A. Lauterbach


Analysis of Capacity Fade in a Lithium Ion Battery, Andrew T. Stamps, Charles E. Holland, Ralph E. White, and Edward P. Gatzke