Submissions from 2023
Dynamic Multi-Dimensional Numerical Transport Study of Lithium-Ion Battery Active Material Microstructures for Automotive Applications, Joseph S. Lopata, Taylor R. Garrick, Fengkun Wang, Han Zhang, Yangbing Zeng, and Sirivatch Shimpalee
Submissions from 2022
Antiviral Polymers: A Review, Ali Akbari, Ashkan Bigham, Vahid Rahimkhoei, Sina Sharifi, and Esmaiel Jabbari
Higher Corrections of the Ilkovich Equation, S. Jon Chapman, Charles W. Monroe, Shiv Krishna Madi Reddy, Alexander Van-Brunt, and Ralph E. White
Simplified Thermal Runaway Model for Assisting the Design of a Novel Safe Li-Ion Battery Pack, Paul T. Coman, Eric C. Darcy, and Ralph E. White
Editorial for Gels 6th Anniversary Special Issue, Esmaiel Jabbari and Gulden Camci-Unal
Decellularized Articular Cartilage Microgels as Microcarriers for Expansion of Mesenchymal Stem Cells, Esmaiel Jabbari and Azadeh Sepahvandi
Bio-Oil Production From Hydrothermal Liquefaction of Pennisetum Purpureum X Pennisetum Typhoideum, Tossapon Katongtung, Sanphawat Phtomphithak, Thossaporn Onsree, Nakorn Tippayawong, and Jochen A. Lauterbach
Mathematical Model for SEI Growth under Open-Circuit Conditions, Shiv Krishna Madi Reddy, Wei Shang, and Ralph E. White
Kinetic and Thermodynamic Analyses for Pyrolysis of Hemp Hurds Using Discrete Distributed Activation Energy Model, Panuphong Mankeed, Thossaporn Onsree, Salman Raza Naqvi, Sirivatch Shimpalee, and Nakorn Tippayawong
Chiral Liquid Crystal Microdroplets for Sensing Phospholipid Amphiphiles, Sepideh Norouzi, Jose A. Martinez Gonzalez, and Monirosadat (Sanaz) Sadati
Pretreatment of Corncob With Green Deep Eutectic Solvent to Enhance Cellulose Accessibility for Energy and Fuel Applications, Sanphawat Phromphithak, Nakorn Tippayawong, Thossaporn Onsree, and Jochen A. Lauterbach
KOH vs Deionized Water Operation in Anion Exchange Membrane Electrolyzers, Noor Ul Hassan, Yiwei Zheng, Paul A. Kohl, and Mustain E. William
Commemorative Issue in Honor of Professor Gerhard Ertl on the Occasion of His 85th Birthday, Stanislaw Waclawek, Andrzej Kudelski, Jochen A. Lauterbach, and Dionysios D. Dionysiou
Submissions from 2021
A Reduced-Order Lumped Model for Li-Ion Battery Packs during Operation, Paul T. Coman, Eric C. Darcy, Brad Strangways, and Ralph E. White
Nanoparticles for Targeted Drug Delivery to Cancer Stem Cells: A Review of Recent Advances, Yavuz Nuri Ertas, Keyvan Abedu Dorcheh, Ali Akbari, and Esmaiel Jabbari
Resolving Anodic Current and Temperature Distributions in a Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Water Electrolysis Cell Using a Pseudo-Two-Phase Computational Fluid Dynamics Model, J. Lopata, Z. Kang, J. Young, G. Bender, J. W. Weidner, H-S. Cho, and Sirivatch Shimpalee
Investigating Influence of Geometry and Operating Conditions on Local Current, Concentration, and Crossover in Alkaline Water Electrolysis Using Computational Fluid Dynamics, J. S. Lopata, S-G. Kang, H-S. Cho, C-H. Kim, J. W. Weidner, and Sirivatch Shimpalee
Kinetics Study of the Hydrodeoxygenation of Xylitol over a ReOx-Pd/CeO2 Catalyst, Blake Macqueen, Michael Royko, Bradie S. Crandall, Andreas Heyden, Yomaira J. Pagán-Torres, and Jochen A. Lauterbach
Hydrothermal Synthesis and Structural Investigation of a Crystalline Uranyl Borosilicate, Kristen A. Pace, Vladislav V. Klepov, Mark D. Smith, Travis Williams, Gregory Morrison, Jochen A. Lauterbach, Scott T. Misture, and Hans Conrad Zur Loye
Hybrid Lattice Boltzmann Agglomeration Method for Modeling Transport Phenomena in Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells, P. Satjaritanun, F. C. Cetinbas, S. Hirano, I. V. Zenyuk, R. K. Ahluwalia, and Sirivatch Shimpalee
Mixing Optimization With Inward Flow Configuration Contra-Rotating Impeller, Baffle-Free Tank, P. Satjaritanun, J. R. Regalbuto, J. A. Regalbuto, N. Tippayawong, and Sirivatch Shimpalee
The Impact of Micro Porous Layer on Liquid Water Evolution Inside PEMFC Using Lattice Boltzmann Method, Mitchell Sepe, P. Satjaritanun, I. V. Zenyuk, N. Tippayawong, and Sirivatch Shimpalee
The Effects of Ceria Loading on Three-Way Catalysts for Passive SCR Operation, Calvin R. Thomas, Josh A. Pihl, Vitaly Y. Prikhodko, Michelle K. Kidder, Jochen A. Lauterbach, and Todd J. Toops
Editors’ Choice-Examining Performance and Durability of Anion Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells With Novel Spirocyclic Anion Exchange Membranes, Ami C. Yang-Neyerlin, Samantha Medina, Kelly M. Meek, Derek J. Strasser, Cheng He, Daniel M. Knauss, Mustain E William, Svitlana Pylypenko, and Bryan S. Pivovar
Editors’ Choice-Power-Generating Electrochemical CO2 Scrubbing From Air Enabling Practical AEMFC Application, Yiwei Zheng, Garrett Huang, Mrinmay Mandal, John R. Varcoe, Paul A. Kohl, and William E. Mustain
Effect of Membrane Properties on the Carbonation of Anion Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells, Yiwei Zheng, Lyzmarie Nicole Irizarry, Noor UI Hassan, Eric R. Williams, Morgan Stefik, Jacob M. LaManna, Daniel S. Hussey, and Mustain E William
Submissions from 2020
Bio-Oils From Vacuum Ablative Pyrolysis of Torrefied Tobacco Residues, Nattawut Khuenkaeo, Blake MacQueen, Thossaporn Onsree, Sangu Daiya, Nakorn Tippayawong, and Jochen A. Lauterbach
Material Discovery and High Throughput Exploration of Ru Based Catalysts for Low Temperature Ammonia Decomposition, Katherine McCullough, Pei-Hua Chiang, Juan D. Jimenez, and Jochen A. Lauterbach
Catalysts for Polymer Membrane Fuel Cells, William E. Mustain and Bryan Pivovar
Submissions from 2019
Material and Regenerative Properties of an Osteon-Mimetic Cortical Bone-Like Scaffold, Danial Barati, Ozan Karaman, Seyedsina Moeinzadeh, Safaa Kader, and Esmaiel Jabbari
A New Interpretation of the √7×√7 r19.1° Structure for P Adsorbed on a NI(111) Surface, Elizabeth Barrow, Grant S. Seuser, Hiroko Ariga-Miwa, Donna A. Chen, Jochen A. Lauterbach, and Kiyotaka Asakura
Upcycling Single-Use Polyethylene into High-Quality Liquid Products, Gokhan Celik, Robert M. Kennedy, Ryan A. Hackler, Magali Ferrandon, Akalanka Tennakoon, Smita Patnaik, Anne M. LaPointe, Salai Ammal, Andreas Heyden, Frédéric A. Perras, Marek Pruski, Susannah L. Scott, Kenneth R. Poeppelmeier, Aaron D. Sadow, and Massimiliano Delferro
Challenges for Natural Hydrogels in Tissue Engineering, Esmaiel Jabbari
Challenges for Natural Hydrogels in Tissue Engineering, Esmaiel Jabbari
Hypermongone C Accelerates Wound Healing through the Modulation of Inflammatory Factors and Promotion of Fibroblast Migration, Sara E. Moghadam, Moridi Mahdi Farimani, Sara Soroury, Samad N. Ebrahimi, and Ehsan Jabbarzadeh
Intelligent Machine Learning: Tailor-Making Macromolecules, Yousef Mohammadi, Mohammad Reza Saeb, Alexander Penlidis, Esmaiel Jabbari, Florian J. Stadler, Philippe Zinck, and Krzysztof Matyjaszewski
High-Performing PGM-Free AEMFC Cathodes From Carbon-Supported Cobalt Ferrite Nanoparticles, Xiong Peng, Varchaswal Kashyap, Benjamin Ng, Sreekumar Kurungot, Lianqin Wang, John R. Varcoe, and Mustain E William
Gasification of Pelletized Corn Residues with Oxygen Enriched Air and Steam, Poramate Sittisun, Nakorn Tippayawong, and Sirivatch Shimpalee
7-epi-Clusianone, a Multi-Targeting Natural Product with Potential Chemotherapeutic, Immune-Modulating, and Anti-Angiogenic Properties, Wesley F. Taylor, Maria Yanez, Sara E. Moghadam, Mahdi Moridi Farimani, Sara Soroury, Samad N. Ebrahimi, Marzieh Tabefam, and Ehsan Jabbarzadeh
Submissions from 2018
Identifying Prevalent Mathematical Pathways to Engineering in South Carolina, Eliza Gallagher, Christy Brown, D. Andrew Brown, Kristin Kelly Frady, Patrick Bass, Michael A. Matthews, Thomas T. Peters, Robert J. Rabb, Ikhalfani Solan, Ronald W. Welch, and Anand K. Gramopadhye
Hydrogels for Cell Delivery, Esmaiel Jabbari
Statistically Guided Synthesis of MoV- Based Mixed Oxide Catalysts for Ethane Partial Oxidation, Juan D. Jimenez, Kathleen Mingle, Teeraya Bureerug, Cun Wen, and Jochen Lauterbach
Statistically Guided Synthesis of MoV-Based Mixed-Oxide Catalysts for Ethane Partial Oxidation, Juan D. Jimenez, Kathleen Mingle, Teeraya Bureerug, Cun Wen, and Jochen A. Lauterbach
In-situ Electrochemical Analysis of Microbial Activity, Ariane L. Martin, Pongsarun Satjaritanun, Sirivatch Shimpalee, Blake A. Devivo, John Weidner, Scott Greenway, J. Michael Henson, and Charles E. Turick
A Novel Supercritical CO2-based Decellularization Method for Maintaining Scaffold Hydration and Mechanical Properties, Michael A. Matthews, Tarek Shazly, Rachel M. Handleton, and Dominic M. Casali
Synthesis-Structure-Activity Relationships in Co3O4 Catalyzed CO Oxidation, Kathleen Mingle and Jochen A. Lauterbach
Importance of Balancing Membrane and Electrode Water in Anion Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells, T.J. Omasta, L. Wang, X. Peng, C.A. Lewis, J.R. Varcoe, and William E. Mustain
Explaining the role and mechanism of carbon matrices in enhancing reaction reversibility of metal oxide anodes for high performance Li ion batteries, Alessandro Palmieri, Neil Spinner, Shuai Zhao, and William E. Mustain
Improved Capacity Retention of Metal Oxide Anodes in Li‐Ion Batteries: Increasing Intraparticle Electronic Conductivity through Na Inclusion in Mn3O4, Alessandro Palmieri, Sajad Yazdani, Raana Kashfi‐Sadabad, Dr. Stavros G. Karakalos, Benjamin Ng, Alexandra Oliveira, Xiong Peng, Prof. Michael T. Pettes, and William E. Mustain
Cobalt Doping as a Pathway To Stabilize the Solid-State Conversion Chemistry of Manganese Oxide Anodes in Li-Ion Batteries, Allesandro Palmieri, Sajad Yazdani, Raana Kashfi-Sadabad, Stavros G. Karakalos, Michael T. Pettes, and William E. Mustain
Beyond catalysis and membranes: visualizing and solving the challenge of electrode water accumulation and flooding in AEMFCs, Andrew M. Park, Jacob M. LaManna, Yufeng Zhang, Xiong Peng, Lianqin Wang, David L. Jacobson, John R. Varcoe, Daniel S. Hussey, Bryan S. Pivovar, and William E. Mustain
Recent Progress and Perspectives of Bifunctional Oxygen Reduction/Evolution Catalyst Development for Regenerative Anion Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells, Shuai Zhao, Litao Yan, Hongmei Luo, William E. Mustain, and Hui Xu
The Effect of Ambient Carbon Dioxide on Anion‐Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells, Noga Ziv, William E. Mustain, and Dario R. Dekel
Submissions from 2017
Modeling Nickel Oxide Particle Stress Behavior Induced by Lithiation Using a FEM Linear Elastic Approach, Alessandro Palmieri, Tao Wang, Jianqin Zhang, Neil Spinner, Mengchen Liu, and William E. Mustain
Activity and Durability of Pt-Ni Nanocage Electocatalysts in Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells, Xiong Peng, Shuai Zhao, Travis J. Omasta, Justin M. Roller, and William E. Mustain
Effect of Cobalt Alloying on the Electrochemical Performance of Manganese Oxide Nanoparticles Nucleated on Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes, Sajad Yazdani, Ranna Kashfi-Sadabad, Alessandro Palmieri, William E. Mustain, and Michael Thompson Pettes
Highly Durable and Active Co3O4 Nanocrystals Supported on Carbon Nanotubes as Bifunctional Electrocatalysts in Alkaline Media, Shuai Zhao, Brian Rasimick, William E. Mustain, and Hui Xu
Submissions from 2016
Development of an Optimization Procedure for Magnetron Sputtered Thin Films to Facilitate Combinatorial Materials Research, Jonathan K. Bunn, Richard Z. Voepel, Zhiyong Wang, Edward P. Gatzke, Jochen A. Lauterbach, and Jason R. Hattrick-Simpers
Shadow Attacks based on Password Reuses: A Quantitative Empirical View, Weili Han, Zhigong Li, Minyue Ni, Guofei Gu, and Wenyuan Xu
High-rate and Long-life of Li-Ion Batteries Using Reduced Graphene Oxide/co3o4 as Anode Materials, Junkai He, Ying Liu, Yongtao Meng, Xiangcheng Sun, Sourav Biswas, Min Shen, Zhu Luo, Ran Miao, Lichun Zhang, William E. Mustain, and Steven L. Suib
Numerical Modeling of Experimental Human fibrous cap delamination, X. Leng and M. A. Sutton
Transforming Growth Factor-Beta 1 Delivery from Microporous Scaffolds Decreases Inflammation Post-Implant and Enhances Function of Transplanted Islets, Jeffrey M.H. Liu, Jesse Zhang, Xiaomin Zhang, Kelan A. Hlavaty, Christine F. Ricci, Joshua N. Leonard, Lonnie D. Shea, and R. Michael Gower
Highly Conductive In-SnO2/RGO Nano-Heterostructures with Improved Lithium-Ion Battery Performance, Ying Liu, Alessandro Palmieri, Junkai He, Yongtao Meng, Nicole Beauregard, Steven L. Suib, and William E. Mustain
End-to-End Detection of Caller ID Spoofing Attacks, Hossen Mustafa, Wenyuan Xu, Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi, and Steffen Schulz
High Performance Bi-Metallic Manganese Cobalt Oxide/Carbon Nanotube Li-ion Battery Anodes, Alessandro Palmieri, Raana Kashfi-Sadabad, Sajad Yazdani, Michael Pettes, and William E. Mustain
Fabrication of High Performing Pemfc Catalyst-Coated Membranes with a Low Cost Air-Assisted Cylindrical Liquid Jets Spraying System, Xiong Peng, Travis Omasta, William Rigdon, and William E. Mustain
Electrochemical Characterization of Early Corrosion in Prestressed Concrete Exposed to Salt Water, William Velez, Fabio Matta, and Paul Ziehl
An Optimised Synthesis of High Performance Radiation-Grafted Anion-Exchange Membranes, Lianqin Wang, Emanuele Magliocca, Emma L. Cunningham, William E. Mustain, Simon D. Poynton, Ricardo Escudero-Cid, Mohamed M. Nasef, Julia Ponce-González, Rachida Bance-Souahli, Robert C. T. Slade, Daniel K. Whelligan, and John R. Varcoe
Energy Efficient Time Synchronization in Wireless Sensor Networks via Temperature-Aware Compensation, M Xu, Wenyuan Xu, T Han, and Z Lin
Facet Control of Gold Nanorods, Qingfeng Zhang, Lili Han, Hao Jing, Douglas A. Blom, Ye Lin, Huolin L. Xin, and Hui Wang
Intertwining Roles of Silver Ions, Surfactants, and Reducing Agents in Gold Nanorod Overgrowth: Pathway Switch between Silver Underpotential Deposition and Gold–Silver Codeposition, Qingfeng Zhang, Hao Jing, Guangfang Grace Li, Ye Lin, Douglas A. Blom, and Hui Wang
Submissions from 2015
Towards Rational Design of Stable, Supported Metal Catalysts for Aqueous Phase Processing: Insights from the Hydrogenation of Aevulinic Acid, Omar Ali Abdelrahman, Helen Y. Luo, Andreas Heyden, Yuriy Roman-Leshkov, and Jesse Q. Bond
In Vivo Capture and Label-Free Detection of Early Metastatic Cells, Samira M. Azarin, Ji Yi, Robert Michael Gower, Brian A. Aguado, Megan E. Sullivan, Ashley G. Goodman, Eric J. Jiang, Shreyas S. Rao, Yinying Ren, Susan L. Tucker, Vadim Backman, Jacqueline S. Jeruss, and Lonnie D Shea
Effect of Palladium Surface Structure on the Hydrodeoxygenation of Propionic Acid: Identification of Active Sites, Sina Behtash, Jianmin Lu, Christopher T. Williams, John R. Monnier, and Andreas Heyden
Standard Duplex Criteria Overestimate the Degree of Stenosis After Eversion Carotid Endarterectomy, T. Benzing, C. Wilhoit, S. Wright, P. A. McCann, Susan M. Lessner, and T. E. Brothers
A Semi-Empirical Model for Tilted-Gun Planar Magnetron Sputtering Accounting for Chimney Shadowing, Johnathan K. Bunn, C. J. Metting, and Jason R. Hattrick-Simpers
Modeling of Asphalt Roof Shingle-Sealant Structures for Prediction of Local Delamination Under High Wind Loads, Brendan P. Croom, Michael A. Sutton, Xing Zhao, Fabio Matta, and Rahim Ghorbani
Condition Assessment of Prestressed Concrete Beams Using Cyclic and Monotonic Load Tests, Mohamed K. ElBatanouny, Antonio Nanni, Paul H. Ziehl, and Fabio Matta
Full-Field Deformation Measurement and Crack Mapping on Confined Masonry Walls Using Digital Image Correlation, Rahim Ghorbani, Fabio Matta, and Michael A. Sutton
Regional Patterns and Vulnerability Analysis of Chinese Web Passwords, Weili Han, Zhigong Li, Lang Yuan, and Wenyuan Xu
The Materials Super Highway: Integrating High-Throughput Experimentation into Mapping the Catalysis Materials Genome, Jason R. Hattrick-Simpers, Cun Wen, and Jochen A. Lauterbach
Ultrafiltration Membranes with Structure-Optimized Graphene-Oxide Coatings for Antifouling Oil/Water Separation, Y. Huang, H. Li, Lei Wang, Yali Qiao, Chuanbing Tang, Chanil Jung, Yeomin Yoon, S. Li, and Miao Yu
Dielectric Properties and Energy Storage Performance of CCTO/Polycarbonate Composites: Influence of CCTO Synthesis Route, Md. S. Islam, W. M. Chance, Hans-Conrad zur Loye, and Harry J. Ploehn
Terthiophene-Containing Copolymers and Homopolymer Blends as High-Performance Dielectric Materials, Md. S. Islam, Yali Qiao, Chuanbing Tang, and Harry J. Ploehn
Nanoparticles for Stem-Cell Engineering, Esmaiel Jabbari
Optimum 3D Matrix Stiffness for Maintenance of Cancer Stem Cells Is Dependent on Tissue Origin of Cancer Cells, Esmaiel Jabbari, Samaneh K. Sarvestani, Leily Daneshian, and Seyedsina Moeinzadeh
One-Step Process for the Production of BTEX and LPG-like Fuel from Pentanediol, Sungtak Kim, Michael K. Mayeda, Erdem Sasmaz, and Jochen A. Lauterbach
Effect of Pt and Gd on Coke Formation and Regeneration During JP-8 Cracking Over ZSM-5 Catalysts, Sungtak Kim, Erdem Sasmaz, and Jochen A. Lauterbach
Modeling of Experimental Atherosclerotic Plaque Delamination, X. Leng, X. Chen, X. Deng, M. A. Sutton, and Susan M. Lessner
The Nitrolysis Mechanism of 3,7-Dinitro-1,3,5,7-Tetraazabicyclo[3,3,1]Nonane, Wen Jin Liu, Zhi Bin Xu, Ke Jian Cui, Min Xue, Zi Hui Meng, Xiao Chuan Huang, Zhong Xue Ge, Zhi Hui Lin, and Guang Ming Qin
Importance of Particle Size and Distribution in Achieving High-Activity, High-Stability Oxygen Reduction Catalysts, Ying Liu, Lichun Zhang, Brian G. Willis, and William E. Mustain
Unraveling the Mechanism of Propanoic Acid Hydrodeoxygenation using Deuterium Kinetic Isotope Effects, Yuliana K. Lugo-José, Sina Behtash, Marjorie Nicholson, John R. Monnier, Andreas Heyden, and Christopher T. Williams
Theoretical Investigation of the Reaction Mechanism of the Guaiacol Hydrogenation over a Pt (111) Catalyst, Jianmin Lu, Sina Behtash, Osman Mamun, and Andreas Heyden
Theoretical Investigation of the Decarboxylation and Decarbonylation Mechanism of Propanoic Acid over a Ru (0001) Model Surface, Jianmin Lu, Muhammad Faheem, Sina Behtash, and Andreas Heyden
Theoretical Investigation of the Reaction Mechanism of the Hydrodeoxygenation of Guaiacol over a Ru (0001) Model Surface, Jianmin Lu and Andreas Heyden
Earthen Masonry Dwelling Structures for Extreme Wind Loads, Fabio Matta, Mabel C. Cuellar-Azcarate, and Enrico Garbin
Gaussian Pre-Filtering for Uncertainty Minimization in Digital Image Correlation Using Numerically-Designed Speckle Patterns, Paolo Mazzoleni, Fabio Matta, Emanuele Zappa, Michael A. Sutton, and Alfredo Cigada
Thermo-Mechanical Toner Transfer for High-Quality Digital Image Correlation Speckle Patterns, Paolo Mazzoleni, Emanuele Zappa, Fabio Matta, and Michael A. Sutton
High Polymer Content 2,5-Pyridine-Polybenzimidazole Copolymer Membranes with Improved Compressive Properties, M. A. Molleo, Xiaoming Chen, Harry J. Ploehn, and Brian C. Benicewicz
Application of a Coated Film Catalyst Layer Model to a High Temperature Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell with Low Catalyst Loading Produced by Reactive Spray Deposition Technology, Timothy D. Myles, Siwon Kim, Radenka Maric, and William E. Mustain