Faculty Publications | Chemical Engineering, Department of | University of South Carolina


Submissions from 2013


Applications of High Throughput (Combinatorial) Methodologies to Electronic, Magnetic, Optical, and Energy-Related Materials, Martin L. Green, Ichiro Takeuchi, and Jason R. Hattrick-Simpers


A Three-Dimensional Multi-Physics Model for a Li-Ion Battery, Meng Guo, Gi-Heon Kim, and Ralph E. White


A Distributed Thermal Model for a Li-Ion Electrode Plate Pair, Meng Guo and Ralph E. White


A Multi-Physics Model for Solid Oxide Iron-Air Redox Flow Battery: Simulation of Discharge Behavior at High Current Density, Meng Guo, Xuan Zhao, Ralph E. White, and Kevin Huang


Converting an Electrical Insulator into a Dielectric Capacitor: End-Capping Polystyrene with Oligoaniline, C. G. Hardy, Md. S. Islam, D. Gonzalez-Delozier, J. E. Morgan, B. Cash, Brian C. Benicewicz, Harry J. Ploehn, and Chuanbing Tang


Fabrication and Optimization of Membrane Electrode Assembly with Support-Less Platinum Catalysts for Space Applications, Xinyu Huang, William A. Rigdon, Keith J. Billings, and Thomas I. Valdez


Drug Release Kinetics, Cell Uptake, and Tumor Toxicity of Hybrid VVVVVVKK Peptide-Assembled Polylactide Nanoparticles, Esmaiel Jabbari, Xioming Yang, Seyedsina Moeinzadeh, and Xuezhong He


A Fresh Look at the Male-specific Region of the Human Y Chromosome, Zohreh Jangravi, Mehdi Alikhani, Babak Arefnejad, Mehdi Sharifi Tabar, Sara Taleahmad, Razieh Karamzadeh, Mahdieh Jadaliha, Seyed Ahmad Mousavi, Diba Ahmadi Rastegar, Pouria Parsamatin, Haghighat Vakilian, Shahab Mirshahvalad, Marjan Sabbaghian, Anahita Mohseni Meybodi, Mehdi Mirzaei, Maryam Shahhoseini, Marzieh Ebrahimi, Abbas Piryaei, Ali Akbar Moosavi-Movahedi, Paul A. Haynes, Ann K. Goodchild, Mohammad Hossein Nasr-Esfahani, Esmaiel Jabbari, Hossein Baharvand, Mohammad Ali Sedighi Gilani, Hamid Gourabi, and Ghasem Hosseini Salekdeh


Ultrathin, Molecular-Sieving Graphene Oxide Membranes for Selective Hydrogen Separation, H. Li, Z. Song, X. Zhang, Yi Huang, S. Li, Y. Mao, Harry J. Ploehn, Y. Bao, and M. Yu


Deliquescence of NaBH4 from Density Functional Theory and Experiments, Ping Li, Lin Yu, Michael A. Matthews, Wissam A. Saidi, and J. Karl Johnson


Metal Carbides as Alternative Electrocatalyst Supports, Ying Liu, Thomas G. Kelly, Jingguang G. Chen, and William E. Mustain


Microkinetic Modeling of the Decarboxylation and Decarbonylation of Propanoic Acid over Pd(111) Model Surfaces based on Parameters Obtained from First Principles, Jianmin Lu, Sina Behtash, Muhammad Faheem, and Andreas Heyden


Corrosion Damage Quantification of Prestressing Strands Using Acoustic Emission, Jese Mangual, Mohamed ElBatanouny, Paul Ziehl, and Fabio Matta


Size Effect on Concrete Shear Strength in Beams Reinforced with Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Bars, Fabio Matta, Ahmed K. El-Sayed, Antonio Nanni, and Brahim Benmokrane


Combinatorial Approach to Turbine Bond Coat Discovery, Christopher Jason Metting, Johnathan K. Bunn, Ellen A. Underwood, Stephen Smoak, and Jason R. Hattrick-Simpers


Note: A Simple Thermal Gradient Annealing Unit for the Treatment of Thin Films, C. J. Metting, Johnathan K. Bunn, Ellen A. Underwood, Yihao Zhu, G. Koley, T. Crawford, and Jason R. Hattrick-Simpers


Nanostructure Formation and Transition from Surface to Bulk Degradation in Polyethylene Glycol Gels Chain-Extended with Short Hydroxy Acid Segments, Seyedsina Moeinzadeh, Danial Barati, Samaneh Kamali Sarvestani, Ozan Karaman, and Esmaiel Jabbari


Clustered Computing with NetLogo for the Evaluation of Asynchronous Search Techniques, Ionel Muscalagiu, Horia Emil Popa, and José M. Vidal


Temperature Controlled Surface Chemistry of Nitrogen-Doped Mesoporous Carbon and its Influence on Pt ORR Activity, William E. Mustain, Sujan Shrestha, Sasha Asheghi, and Jeffrey Timbro


Report of the 3rd Royan Summer School in Tehran, Iran (14th July-19th July 2012), Andreas Nüssler, Natalia Tapia, and Esmaiel Jabbari


Polymers Containing Highly Polarizable Conjugated Side Chains as High-Performance All-Organic Nanodielectric Materials, Yali Qiao, Md. S. Islam, K. Han, E. Leonhardt, J. Zhang, Q. Wang, Harry J. Ploehn, and Chuanbing Tang


Extension of Physics-Based single Particle Model for Higher Charge-Discharge Rates, Saeed K. Rahimian, Sean Rayman, and Ralph E. White


A New Method for Solving Initial Value Problems, Mostafa Rahmanzadeh, Long Cai, and Ralph E. White


Integrating Top-Down and Bottom-Up Scaffolding Tissue Engineering Approach for Bone Regeneration, M. Ramalingam, Esmaiel Jabbari, S. Ramakrishna, and A. Khademhosseini


Composite carbon nanotube and titania catalyst supports for enhanced activity and durability, William A. Rigdon, Diana Larrabee, and Xinyu Huang


Titania and Carbon Nanotube Composite Catalyst Supports for Durable Electrocatalyst Performance, William A. Rigdon, Joshua Sightler, Diana Larrabee, Eli McPherson, and Xinyu Huang


Sum of Heterogeneous Blind Zones Predict Movements of Simulated Groups, William L. Romey and José M. Vidal


Hydrogels for lentiviral Gene Delivery, Stephanie K Seidlits, Robert Michael Gower, Jaclyn A Shepard, and Lonnie D Shea


Effects of Pore Structure in Nitrogen Functionalized Mesoporous Carbon on Oxygen Reduction Reaction Activity of Platinum Nanoparticles, Sujan Shrestha, Sasha Asheghi, Jeffrey Timbro, and William E. Mustain


Temperature Controlled Surface Chemistry of Nitrogen-Doped Mesoporous Carbon and Its Influence on Pt Orr Activity, Sujan Shrestha, Sasha Asheghi, Jeffrey Timbro, and William E. Mustain


Application of Electrospinning Technique in the Fabrication of Catalyst Layer of Membrane Electrode Assemblies, Joshua Sightler, Eli McPherson, William A. Rigdon, and Xinyu Huang


Effective Healthcare Process Redesign through an Interdisciplinary Team Approach, Rita Snyder, Nathan Huynh, Bo Cai, José M. Vidal, and Kevin Bennett


Electrochemical Methane Activation and Conversion to Oxygenates at Room Temperature, Neil Spinner and William E. Mustain


Nanostructural Effects on the Cycle Life and Li+ Diffusion Coefficient of Nickel Oxide Anodes, Neil Spinner and William E. Mustain


Investigation of Metal Oxide Anode Degradation in Lithium-Ion Batteries via Identical-Location TEM, Neil Spinner, Lichun Zhang, and William E. Mustain


Platinum–Copper Nanotube Electrocatalyst with Enhanced Activity and Durability for Oxygen Reduction Reactions,, Liang Su, Sujan Shrestha, Zhonghua Zhang, and William E. Mustain


Adhesive Strength Of Atherosclerotic Plaque In A Mouse Model Depends On Local Collagen Content And Elastin Fragmentation, Y. Wang, J. A. Johnson, A. Fulp, M. A. Sutton, and Susan M. Lessner


Quantitative Measurement of Dissection Resistance in Intimal and Medial Layers of Human Coronary Arteries, Y. Wang, J. A. Johnson, F. G. Spinale, M. A. Sutton, and Susan M. Lessner


Synthesis of Mono-Disperse CoFe Alloy Nanoparticles with High Activity toward NaBH4 Hydrolysis, Cun Wen, Xin Zhang, Samuel E. Lofland, Jochen A. Lauterbach, and Jason R. Hattrick-Simpers


Effect of CD44 Binding Peptide Conjugated to an Engineered Inert Matrix on Maintenance of Breast Cancer Stem Cells and Tumorsphere Formation, Xiaoming Yang, Samaneh Kamali Sarvestani, Seyedsina Moeinzadeh, Xuezhong He, and Esmaiel Jabbari


Three-Dimensional Engineered Matrix to Study Cancer Stem Cells and Tumorsphere Formation: Effect of Matrix Modulus, Xiaoming Yang, Samaneh Kamali Sarvestani, Seyedsina Moeinzadeh, Xuezhong He, and Esmaiel Jabbari


Effect of CD44 Binding Peptide Conjugated to an Engineered Inert Matrix on Maintenance of Breast Cancer Stem Cells and Tumorsphere Formation, Xiaoming Yang, Samaneh K. Sarvestani, Seyedsina Moeinzadeh, Xuezhong He, and Esmaiel Jabbari


Synthesis of LiNi1/3Co1/3Mn1/3O2 Cathode Material by a Modified Sol–Gel Method for Lithium-Ion Battery, Yaoyao Zhang, Xiaoyan Wu, Ye Lin, Dan Wang, Chunming Zhang, and Dannong He

Submissions from 2012


Combined DFT and Microkinetic Modeling Study of Hydrogen Oxidation at the Ni/YSZ Anode of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells, Salai Cheettu Ammal and Andreas Heyden


Nature of Ptn/CeO2 (111) Surface under Water–Gas Shift Reaction Conditions: A Constrained ab Initio Thermodynamics Study, S. Aranifard, Salai Cheettu Ammal, and Andreas Heyden


Nature of Ptn/CeO2 (111) Interface under Water-Gas Shift Reaction Conditions: A Constrained ab Initio Thermodynamics Study, Sara Aranifard, Salai Cheettu Ammal, and Andreas Heyden


Lithium Ion Cell Modeling Using Orthogonal Collocation on Finite Elements, Long Cai and Ralph E. White


Enhancing Sink-Location Privacy in Wireless Sensor Networks Through k-Anonymity, Guofei Chai, Miao Xu, Wenyuan Xu, and Zhiyun Lin


Layered YSZ/SCSZ/YSZ Electrolytes for Intermediate Temperature SOFC Part I: Design and Manufacturing, Y. Chen, N. Orlovskaya, M. Klimov, Xinyu Huang, D. Cullen, T. Graule, and J. Kuebler


Simulation and Analysis of Stress in a Li-Ion Battery with a Blended LiMn2O4 and LiNi0.8Co0.15Al0.05O2 Cathode, Yiling Dai, Long Cai, and Ralph E. White


Fiber Reinforced Cement-Based Composite System for Concrete Confinement, Francisco De Caso y Basalo, Fabio Matta, and Antonio Nanni


Bent-Cap Confining Stress Effect on Slip of Prestressing Strands, Mohamed K. ElBatanouny, Paul Ziehl, Aaron Larosche, Timothy Mays, and Juan M. Caicedo


New Implicit Solvation Scheme for Solid Surfaces, Muhammad Faheem, Suwit Suthirakun, and Andreas Heyden


An Analysis of Constructive Network Formation Models (Extended Abstract), Gary Fredericks and José M. Vidal


Nucleation, Growth, and Adsorbate-Induced Changes in Composition for Co–Au Bimetallic Clusters on TiO2, R. P. Galhenage, Salai Cheettu Ammal, H. Yan, A. S. Duke, S. A. Tenney, Andreas Heyden, and Donna A. Chen


An Approximate Solution for Solid-Phase Diffusion in a Spherical Particle in Physics-Based Li-Ion Cell Models, Meng Guo and Ralph E. White


Oligoaniline-Containing Supramolecular Block Copolymer Nanodielectric Materials, C. G. Hardy, Md. S. Islam, D. Gonzalez-Delozier, Harry J. Ploehn, and Chuanbing Tang


Combined Effect of Osteopontin and BMP-2 Derived Peptides Grafted to an Adhesive Hydrogel on Osteogenic and Vasculogenic Differentiation of Marrow Stromal Cells, Xuezhong He, Xiaoming Yang, and Esmaiel Jabbari


A Linear Time-Invariant Model for Solid-Phase Diffusion in Physics-Based Lithium Ion Cell Models, Xiao Hu, Scott Stanton, Long Cai, and Ralph E. White


Model Order Reduction for Solid-Phase Diffusion in Physics-Based Lithium Ion Cell Models, Xia Hu, Scott Stanton, Long Cai, and Ralph E. White


Application of Computer Simulation Modeling to Medication Administration Process Redesign, Nathan Huynh, Rita Snyder, José M. Vidal, Abbas S. Tavakoli, and Bo Cai


A Novel Methodology for Modelling Yard Cranes at Seaport Terminals to Support Planning and Real­time Decision Making, Nathan Huynh and José M. Vidal


Investigation of Carbon Corrosion Resistance of CNT Containing Electrode, Diana Larrabee, William A. Rigdon, Eli McPherson, Joshua Sightler, and Xinyu Huang


A New Symmetric Solid Oxide Fuel Cell with a Samaria-Doped Ceria Framework and a Silver-Infiltrated Electrocatalyst, Ye Lin, Chao Su, Cheng Huang, Ju Sik Kim, Chan Kwak, and Zongping Shao


Characterization and Evaluation of BaCo0.7Fe0.2Nb0.1O3−δ as a Cathode for Proton-Conducting Solid Oxide Fuel Cells, Ye Lin, Wei Zhou, Jaka Sunarso, Ran Ran, and Zongping Shao


Evaluation of Tungsten Carbide as the Electrocatalyst Support for Platinum Hydrogen Evolution/Oxidation Catalysts, Ying Liu and William E. Mustain


High Stability, High Activity Pt/ITO Oxygen Reduction Electrocatalysts, Ying Liu and William E. Mustain


Evaluation of Tungsten Carbide as the Electrocatalyst Support for Platinum Hydrogen Evolution/Oxidation Catalysts, Ying Liu and William E. Mustain


Synthesis of Nano-Size Tungsten Oxide and Its Evaluation as an Electrocatalyst Support for Oxygen Reduction in Acid Media, Ying Liu, Sujan Shrestha, and William E. Mustain


Theoretical Investigation of the Reaction Mechanism of the Decarboxylation and Decarbonylation of Propanoic Acid on Pd (111) Model Surfaces, Jianmin Lu, Sina Behtash, and Andreas Heyden


Controlling Particle Location with Mixed Surface Functionalities in Block Copolymer Thin Films, Michael K. Mayeda, Wei-Fan Kuan, Wen-Shiue Young, Jochen A. Lauterbach, and Thomas H. EppsIII


Gelation Characteristics and Osteogenic Differentiation of Stromal Cells in Inert Hydrolytically Degradable Micellar Polyethylene Glycol Hydrogels, Seyedsina Moeinzadeh, Danial Barati, Xuezhong He, and Esmaiel Jabbari


Mesoscale Simulation of the Effect of a Lactide Segment on the Nanostructure of Star Poly(ethylene glycol-co-lactide)-Acrylate Macromonomers in Aqueous Solution, Seyedsina Moeinzadeh and Esmaiel Jabbari


Equilibrium Theory Analysis of a Pressure Swing Adsorption Cycle Utilizing a Favorable Langmuir Isotherm: Approach to Periodic Behavior, D. J. Owens, Armin D. Ebner, and James A. Ritter


State of Charge and Loss of Active Material Estimation of a Lithium Ion Cell under Low Earth Orbit Condition using Kalman Filtering Approaches, Saeed Khaleghi Rahimian, Sean Rayman, and Ralph E. White


New Approach for Modeling Hybrid Pressure Swing Adsorption–Distillation Processes, James A. Ritter, Fan Wu, and Armin D. Ebner


Quantifying Cell-to-Cell Variations in Lithium Ion Batteries, Shriram Santhanagopalan and Ralph E. White


Synthesis of Carbonyl Compounds from Alcohols Using Electrochemically Generated Superoxide Ions in RTILs, Praneshwar Sethupathy, Inas M. Alnashef, John R. Monnier, Michael A. Matthews, and John W. Weidner


An Agent-Based Solution Framework for Inter-Block Yard Crane Scheduling Problems, Omor Sharif, Nathan Huynh, Mashrur Chowdhury, and José M. Vidal


Application of Electrospinning Technique in the Fabrication of a Composite Electrode for PEMFC, Joshua Sightler, Eli McPherson, William A. Rigdon, and Xinyu Huang


Influence of Non-Conducting Zirconia on the Electrochemical Performance of Nickel Oxide in Alkaline Media at Room Temperature, Neil Spinner and William E. Mustain


Obtaining Mixed Ionic/Electronic Conductivity in Perovskite Oxides in a Reducing Environment: A Computational Prediction for Doped SrTiO3, S. Suthirakun, Salai Cheettu Ammal, G. Xiao, Fanglin Chen, Kevin Huang, Hans-Conrad zur Loye, and Andreas Heyden


Effect of Magnetization on the Gel Structure and Protein Electrophoresis in Polyacrylamide Hydrogel Nanocomposites, J. W. Thompson, H. A. Stretz, P. E. Arce, H. Gao, Harry J. Ploehn, and J. He


Synthesis and Characterization of Mo-Doped SrFeO3-δ as Cathode Materials for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells, Guoliang Xiao, Qiang Liu, Siwei Wang, Vasileios G. Komvokis, Michael D. Amiridis, Andreas Heyden, Shuguo Ma, and Fanglin Chen


Development of a High-Throughput Methodology for Screening Coking Resistance of Modified Thin-Film Catalysts, Kaijian Yang, John Bedenbaugh, Hang Li, Michael Peralta, Johnathan K. Bunn, Jochen A. Lauterbach, and Jason R. Hattrick-Simpers


Mammalian PER2 Regulates AKT Activation and DNA Damage Response, Xiaoming Yang, Xuezhong He, Zhengguan Yang, and Esmaiel Jabbari


Mammalian PER2 Regulates AKT Activation and DNA Damage Response, Xiaoming Yang, Xuezhong He, Zhengguan Yang, and Esmaiel Jabbari


Bayesian Model Updating and Prognosis of Fatigue Crack Growth, Boris A. Zarate, Juan M. Caicedo, Jianguo Yu, and Paul Ziehl


Deterministic and Probabilistic Fatigue Prognosis of Cracked Specimens using Acoustic Emissions, Boris A. Zarate, Juan M. Caicedo, Jianguo Yu, and Paul Ziehl


Probabilistic Prognosis of Fatigue Crack Growth using Acoustic Emission Data, Boris Zarate, Juan M. Caicedo, J. Yu, and P. Ziehl

Submissions from 2011


Nature of Ptn/TiO2 (110) Interface under Water-Gas Shift Reaction Conditions: A Constrained ab Initio Thermodynamics Study, Salai Cheettu Ammal and Andreas Heyden


Nature of Ptn/TiO2(110) Interface under Water-Gas Shift Reaction Conditions: A Constrained ab Initio Thermodynamics Study, Salai Ammal and Andreas Heyden


Mechanical Identification of Layer-Specific Properties of Mouse Carotid Arteries Using 3D-DIC and a Hyperelastic Anisotropic Constitutive Model, P. Badel, S. Avril, Susan M. Lessner, and M. A. Sutton


Thermal Dehydration and Vibrational Spectra of Hydrated Sodium Metaborates, Amy M. Beaird, Ping Li, Hilary S. Marsh, W. A. Al-Saidi, J. Karl Johnson, Michael A. Matthews, and Christopher T. Williams


Practical Guidelines for the Natural Excitation Technique (NExT) and the Eigensystem Realization Algorithm (ERA) for Modal Identification using Ambient Vibration, Juan M. Caicedo


Fast Mode Identification Technique for Online Monitoring, Juan M. Caicedo and Johannio Marulanda


Mathematical Modeling of a Lithium Ion Battery with Thermal Effects in COMSOL Inc. Multiphysics (MP) Software, Long Cai and Ralph E. White


Reverse Micelle Synthesis and Characterization of Supported Pt/Ni Bimetallic Catalysts on Gamma-Al2O3, Beth A. Cheney, Jochen A. Lauterbach, and Jingguang G. Chen


Novel Test Method for Ultimate Hoop Strain Characterization in FRP Jackets, Francisco J. De Caso y Basalo, Fabio Matta, and Antonio Nanni


Palladium–Silver Bimetallic Catalysts With Improved Activity and Selectivity for Ethylene Epoxidation, J C. Dellamorte, Jochen A. Lauterbach, and M A. Barteau