Submissions from 2005
Identification of Marker Proteins for Bacillus anthractis Using MALDI-TOF MS and Ion Trap MS/MS After Direct Extraction or Electrophoretic Seperation, Michael J. Stump, Gavin Black, Alvin F. Fox, Charles E. Turick, and Michael A. Matthews
Matrix Metalloproteinase (MMP)-9 Facilitates Collagen Remodeling and Angiogenesis for Vascular Constructs, H. J. Sung, C. E. Johnson, Susan M. Lessner, R. Magid, D. N. Drury, and Z. S. Galis
Combinatorial Materials Synthesis, Ichiro Takeuchi, Jochen A. Lauterbach, and Michael J. Fasolka
Data Management and Visualization of X-Ray Diffraction Spectra from Thin Film Ternary Composition Spreads, I. Takeuchi, C. J. Long, O. O. Famodu, M. Murakami, Jason R. Hattrick-Simpers, G. W. Rubloff, M. Stukowski, and K. Rajan
Gas-phase Epoxidation of Propylene over Small Gold Ensembles on TS-1, B Taylor, Jochen A. Lauterbach, and W N. Delgass
Gas-Phase Epoxidation Of Propylene Over Small Gold Ensembles On TS-1, B Taylor, Jochen A. Lauterbach, and W N. Delgass
High-Throughput Characterization of Shape Memory Thin Films using Automated Temperature-Dependent Resistance Measurements, Sigurd Thienhaus, Christiane Zamponi, Holger Rumpf, Jason R. Hattrick-Simpers, Ichiro Takeuchi, and Alfred Ludwig
Integrating Undergraduate Research into Engineering: A Communications Approach to Holistic Education, Nancy S. Thompson, Elisabeth M. Alford, Changyong Liao, Robert L. Johnson, and Michael A. Matthews
Synthesis and Characterization of Sr3FeMoO6.88: An Oxygen-Deficient 2D Analogue of the Double Perobskite Sr2FeMoO6, Gabriel M. Veith, Martha Greenblatt, Mark Croft, K. V. Ramanujachary, Jason R. Hattrick-Simpers, Samuel E. Lofland, and Israel Nowik
A Protocol for a Distributed Recommender System, José M. Vidal
Using Recursive Agent Models Effectively, José M. Vidal and Edmund H. Durfee
Noble Metal Free NOx Storage Catalysts Using Cobalt Discovered Via High-Throughput Experimentation, Rohit Vijay, Reed J. Hendershot, Sindia M. Rivera-Jiménez, W. Benjamin Rogers, Benjamin J. Feist, Christopher M. Snively, and Jochen A. Lauterbach
Dendrimer-Mediated Synthesis of Platinum Nanoparticles: New Insights from Dialysis and Atomic Force Microscopy Measurements, H. Xie, Y. Gu, and Harry J. Ploehn
Thermal Isomerization at a C=N Double Bond: How Does the Mechanism Vary with the Substituent?, H. Yamataka, Salai Cheettu Ammal, T. Asana, and Y. Ohga
Adsorption of Liquid Mixtures on Silicalite-1 Zeolite: A Density-Bottle Method, Miao Yu, J. L. Falconer, and R. D. Noble
Interphase Exchange Coupling in Fe/Sm-Co Bilayers with Gradient Fe Thickness, Ming-Hui Yu, Jason R. Hattrick-Simpers, Ichiro Takeuchi, Jing Li, Z. L. Wang, J. P. Liu, S. E. Lofland, Somdev Tyagi, J. W. Freeland, D. Giubertoni, M. Bersani, and M. Anderle
Resistive Companion Modeling of Batteries in a Virtual Test Bed, Qi Zhang, Qingzhi Guo, Shengui Liu, Roger A. Dougal, and Ralph E. White
Submissions from 2004
New Methodology for the Measurement and Analysis of Adsorption Dynamics: Butane on Activated Carbon, S. A. Al-Muhtaseb and James A. Ritter
A Growing String Method for Determining Transition States: Comparison to the Nudged Elastic Band and String Methods, Peters Baron, Andreas Heyden, Alexis T. Bell, and Arup Chakraborty
Nautral Excitation Technique and Eigensystem Realization Algorithm for Phase I of the IASC-ASCE Benchmark Problem: Simulated Data, Juan M. Caicedo, S. Dyke, and E. Johnson
Exploration of Artificial Multiferroic Thin-Film Heterostructures using Composition Spreads, K.-S. Chang, M. A. Aronova, C.-L. Lin, M. Murakami, M.-H. Yu, Jason R. Hattrick-Simpers, O. O. Famodu, S. Y. Lee, R. Ramesh, M. Wuttig, I. Takeuchi, C. Gao, and L. A. Bendersky
Analytical Solution for the Impedance of a Porous Electrode, Sheba Devan, Venkat R. Subramanian, and Ralph E. White
Combinatorial Investigation of Ferromagnetic Shape-Memory Alloys in the Ni-Mn-Al Ternary System using a Composition Spread Technique, Olugbenga O. Famodu, Jason R. Hattrick-Simpers, Maria Aronova, Kao-Shou Chang, Makoto Murakami, Manfred Wuttig, Teiko Okazaki, Yasubumi Furuya, Lee A. Knauss, Leonid A. Bendersky, Frank S. Biaricaniello, and Ichiro Takeuchi
Mathematical Model of a Direct Methanol Fuel Cell, Brenda L. García, Vijay A. Sethuraman, John W. Weidner, Ralph E. White, and Roger A. Dougal
Building Blocks for Agent Design, Hrishikesh J. Goradia and José M. Vidal
Parameter Estimates for a PEMFC Cathode, Qingzhi Guo, Vijay A. Sethuraman, and Ralph E. White
A Steady-State Impedance Model for a PEMFC Cathode, Qingzhi Guo and Ralph E. White
Development and Optimization of NOx Storage And Reduction Catalysts Using Statistically Guided High-throughput Experimentation, Reed J. Hendershot, W Benjamin Rogers, Christopher M. Snively, Babatunde A. Ogunnaike, and Jochen A. Lauterbach
Multivariate and Univariate Analysis of Infrared Imaging Data for High-Throughput Studies of NH3 Decomposition and NOx Storage and Reduction Catalysts, Reed J. Hendershot, Rohit Vijay, Benjamin J. Feist, Christopher M. Snively, and Jochen A. Lauterbach
Release Characteristics of a Model Plasmid DNA encapsulated in biodegradable Poly(ethylene glycol fumarate)/acrylamide Hydrogel Microspheres, Esmaiel Jabbari
Swelling Behavior and Cell Viability of Dehydrothermally Crosslinked Poly(vinyl alcohol) Hydrogel Grafted with N-vinyl Pyrrolidone or Acrylic Acid Using γ-Radiation, Esmaiel Jabbari and Saeed Karbasi
Development of Biodegradable Poly(propylene fumarate)/Poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) Blend Microspheres. II. Controlled Drug Release and Microsphere Degradation, Diederik H.R. Kempen, Lichun Lu, Xun Zhu, Choll Kim, Esmaiel Jabbari, Wouter J.A. Dhert, Bradford L. Currier, and Michael J. Yaszemski
Development of Biodegradable Poly(propylene fumarate)/Poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) Blend Microspheres. I. Preparation and Characterization, Diederik H.R. Kempen, Lichun Lu, Xun Zhu, Choll Kim, Esmaiel Jabbari, Wouter J.A. Dhert, Bradford L. Currier, and Michael J. Yaszemski
Development of Novel Method for Preparation of PEMFC Electrodes, Hansung Kim and Branko N. Popov
Cyclophilin A as a Novel Biphasic Mediator of Endothelial Activation and Dysfunction, S. H. Kim, Susan M. Lessner, Y. Sakurai, and Z. S. Galis
Matrix Metalloproteinases and Vascular Endothelium-Mononuclear Cell Close Encounters, Susan M. Lessner and Z. S. Galis
Compensatory Vascular Remodeling during Atherosclerotic Lesion Growth Depends on Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 Activity, Susan M. Lessner, D. E. Martinson, and Z. S. Galis
Quantitative Analysis of Interconnectivity of Porous Biodegradable Scaffolds with Micro-Computed Tomography, Michael J. Moore, Esmaiel Jabbari, Erik L. Ritman, Lichun Lu, Bradford L. Currier, Anthony J. Windebank, and Michael J. Yaszemski
Cycle Life Modeling of Lithium-Ion Batteries, Gang Ning and Branko N. Popov
Platinum Ion Uptake by Dendrimers: An NMR and AFM Study, Perry J. Pellechia, J. Gao, Y. Gu, Harry J. Ploehn, and C. J. Murphy
Solvent Diffusion Model for Aging of Lithium-Ion Battery Cells, Harry J. Ploehn, Premanand Ramadass, and Ralph E. White
Development of First Principles Capacity Fade Model for Li-Ion Cells, P. Ramadass, Bala Haran, Parthasarathy M. Gomadam, Ralph E. White, and Branko N. Popov
Series Solution to the Transient Convective Diffusion Equation for a Rotating Disk Electrode, Shiriram Santhanagopalan and Ralph E. White
Effect of Porosity on the Capacity Fade of a Lithium-Ion Battery: Theory, Godfrey Sikha, Branko N. Popov, and Ralph E. White
An Approximate Solution for a Pseudocapacitror, Venkat R. Subramanian, Sheba Devan, and Ralph E. White
Semianalytical Method of Lines for Solving Elliptic Partial Differential Equations, Venkat R. Subramanian and Ralph E. White
Animal Models of Spinal Cord Injury for Evaluation of Tissue Engineering Treatment Strategies, R. Talac, J. A. Friedman, M. J. Moore, Lichun Lu, Esmaiel Jabbari, Anthony J. Windebank, Bradford L. Currier, and Michael J. Yaszemski
Thermally Cross-Linked Oligo(poly(ethylene glycol) fumarate) Hydrogels Support Osteogenic Differentiation of Encapsulated Marrow Stromal Cells In Vitro, Johnna S. Temenoff, Hansoo Park, Esmaiel Jabbari, Daniel E. Conway, Tiffany L. Sheffield, Catherine G. Ambrose, and Antonios G. Mikos
In Vitro Osteogenic Differentiation of Marrow Stromal Cells Encapsulated in Biodegradable Hydrogels, Johnna S. Temenoff, Hansoo Park, Esmaiel Jabbari, Tiffany L. Sheffield, Richard G. LeBaron, Catherine G. Ambrose, and Antonios G. Mikos
The Effects of Cooperation on Multiagent Search in Task Oriented Domains, José M. Vidal
One Implementation Variant of the Finite Difference Method for Solving ODEs/DAEs, B. Wu and Ralph E. White
Electrophoretic Analysis and Purification of Fluorescent Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Fragments, X. Xu, R. Ray, Y. Gu, Harry J. Ploehn, L. Gearheart, K. Raker, and W. A. Scrivens
L-Shaped Three-Center Two-Electron (C−C−C)+ Bonding Array, N. Yoshikai, Salai Cheettu Ammal, and E. Nakamura
Feasibility Study on Pressure Swing Sorption for Removing H2S from Natural Gas, L. Zhou, Miao Yu, L. Zhong, and Y. Zhou
Submissions from 2003
Linear Free Energy Relationship and Kinetic Isotope Effects as Measures for the Transition State Variation. A Computational Study, Salai Cheettu Ammal, M. Mishima, and H. Yamataka
Dynamics-Driven Reaction Pathway in an Intramolecular Rearrangement, Salai Cheettu Ammal, H. Yamataka, M. Aida, and M. Dupuis
Phase II Benchmark Control Problem for Seismic Response of Cable-Stayed Bridges, Juan M. Caicedo, S. J. Dyke, S. J. Moon, L. A. Bergman, G. Turan, and S. Hague
Catalyst Design: Knowledge Extraction From High-Throughput Experimentation, J. M. Caruthers, Jochen A. Lauterbach, K. T. Thomson, V. Venkatasubramanian, C. M. Snively, A. Bhan, S. Katare, and G. Oskarsdottir
Exploration of Magnetoelectric Thin-Film Sensors using Supperlattice Composition Spreads, K.-S. Chang, M. A. Aronova, C. Gao, C. Lin, Jason R. Hattrick-Simpers, M. Murakami, and I. Takeuchi
Phase I Benchmark Control Problem for Seismic Response of Cable-Stayed Bridges, S. Dyke, Juan M. Caicedo, G. Turan, L. Bergman, and S. Hague
FTIR Analysis of Storage Behavior and Sulfur Tolerance in Barium-based NOx Storage And Reduction (NSR) Catalysts, Paul T. Fanson, Margaret R. Horton, W Nicholas Delgass, and Jochen A. Lauterbach
Practical Modeling of Metal Hydride Hydrogen Storage Systems, S. A. Gadre, Armin D. Ebner, S. A. Al-Muhtaseb, and James A. Ritter
Theoretical Analysis for Obtaining Physical Properties of Composite Electrodes, Parthasarathy M. Gomadam, John W. Weidner, Thomas A. Zawodzinski, and Andrew P. Saab
Modeling Heat Conduction in Spiral Geometries, Parthasarathy M. Gomadam, Ralph E. White, and John W. Weidner
Study of Ionic Conductivity Profiles of the Air Cathode of a PEMFC by AC Impedance Spectroscopy, Qingzhi Guo, Maria Cayetana, Yu-Min Tsou, Emory S. De Castro, and Ralph E. White
Hochdurchsatz Analyse von Katalysatoren: Parallel Analyse von transientem Verhalten, Reed J. Hendershot, Paul T. Fanson, Christopher M. Snively, and Jochen A. Lauterbach
A Novel Reactor System For High Throughput Catalyst Testing Under Realistic Conditions, Reed J. Hendershot, Steven S. Lasko, Mark-Florian Fellmann, Gudbjorg Oskarsdottir, W Nicholas Delgass, Christopher M. Snively, and Jochen A. Lauterbach
A Mathematical Model of Oxide/Carbon Composite Electrode for Supercapacitors, Hansung Kim and Branko N. Popov
Synthesis and Characterization of MnO2-Based Mixed Oxides as Supercapacitors, Hansung Kim and Branko N. Popov
A Novel Electrodeposition Process for Plating Zn-Ni-Cd Alloys, Hansung Kim, Branko N. Popov, and Ken S. Chen
Polyetheretherketone Membranes for Elevated Temperature PEMFCs, Balasubramanian Lakshmanan, Wayne Huang, David Olmeijer, and John W. Weidner
Mathematical Analysis of Physicochemical Processes on Catalytic Surfaces, Tanmay Lele, Jochen A. Lauterbach, and Doraiswami Ramkrishna
Supercritical Fluid Extraction of 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene from DOE Job Control Wastes, Jun Li, Thomas A. Davis, and Michael A. Matthews
Supercritical Fluid Extraction Process for Removing Polychlorinated Biphenyl from a DOE Job Contol Waste, Jun Li, Thomas A. Davis, and Michael A. Matthews
Magnetic Properties of Crystals of La5Mo4-xTxO16, S. E. Lofland; Jason R. Hattrick-Simpers; K. V. Ramanujachary; and W. H, McCarroll
Diffusion Coefficients of Methyl Orange in Dense Carbon Dioxide with the Micelle-Forming Surfactant Dehypon Ls-54, Michael A. Matthews and James M. Becnel
Mathematical Modeling of the Capacity Fade of Li-Ion Cells, P Ramadass, Bala Haran, Ralph E. White, and Branko N Popov
Comparison of the Capacity Fade of Sony US 18650 Cells Charged with Different Protocols, G. Sikha, P. Ramadass, B. S. Haran, Ralph E. White, and Branko N Popov
Thermally Stable Gel Polymer Electrolytes, Min-Kyu Song, Young-Taek Kim, Yong Tae Kim, Byung Won Cho, Branko N. Popov, and Hee-Woo Rhee
Analysis of Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell Performance Using a Three-Phase Homogeneous Model, N. Subramanian, B. S. Haran, P. Ganesan, Ralph E. White, and Branko N. Popov
Full Cell Mathematical Model of a MCFC, N. Subramanian, B. S. Haran, Ralph E. White, and Branko N. Popov
Corrosion Protection of Steel Using Nonanomalous Ni-Zn-P Coatings, Basker Veeraraghavan, Bala Haran, Swaminatha P. Kumaraguru, and Branko N. Popov
Development of a Novel Electrochemical Method to Deposit High Corrosion Resistant Silicate Layers on Metal Substrates, Basker Veeraraghavan, Bala Haran, Dragan Slavkov, Swaminatha Prabhu, Branko N. Popov, and Bob Heimann
A Method for Solving Distributed Service Allocation Problems, José M. Vidal
Learning in Multiagent Systems: An Introduction from a GameTheoretic Perspective, José M. Vidal
Predicting the Expected Behavior of Agents that Learn About Agents: The CLRI Framework, José M. Vidal and Edmund H. Durfee
Nitroalkane Anomaly: Computational Study with Cluster and Continuum Modeling, H. Yamataka and Salai Cheettu Ammal
Equilibrium and Kinetics Properties of p-Dichlorobenzene and Toluene on Silica Gel in Dense CO2 by Chromatography Analysis, Xiaoning Yang and Michael A. Matthews
Enriching Reflux and Parallel Equalization PSA Process for Concentrating Trace Components in Air, M. Yoshida, James A. Ritter, A. Kodama, M. Goto, and T. Hirose
Modeling of Styrene/Butadiene Co-polymerization in Emulsion with Monte Carlo Simulation, S.M. Ghafelebashi Zarand, S. Pourmahdian, F. Afshar Taromi, Esmaiel Jabbari, and B. Dabir
Submissions from 2002
Superoxide Electrochemistry in an Ionic Liquid, Inas M. AlNashef, Matthew L. Leonard, Michael A. Matthews, and John W. Weidner
Synthesis and Micropatterning of Semiconducting Polypyrrole Nanofilms by a Two-Step Deposition/Polymerization Process, J Bai, C M. Snively, W N. Delgass, and Jochen A. Lauterbach
Biter: A Platform for the Teaching and Research of Multiagent Systems’ Design Using RoboCup, Paul Buhler and José M. Vidal
Role of Attractive Forces in Self-Diffusion and Mutual Diffusion in Dense Simple Fluids and Real Substances, L.A. F. Coelho, J. V. de Oliveira, F. W. Tavares, and Michael A. Matthews
Power and Life Extension of Battery-Ultracapacitor Hybrids, Roger A. Dougal, Shengyi Liu, and Ralph E. White
Extension of Newman’s Method to Electrochemical Reaction–Diffusion in a Fuel Cell Catalyst Layer, Tianping Duan, John W Weidner, and Ralph E. White
Electrochemical Characterization of Cobalt-Encapsulated Nickel as Cathodes for MCFC, Anand Durairajan, Hector Colon-Mercado, Bala Haran, Ralph E. White, and Branko Popov
Magnetic Field Orientation and Spatial Effects on the Retention of Paramagnetic Nanoparticles with Magnetite, Armin D. Ebner, Harry J. Ploehn, and James A. Ritter
The Effect of Si/Al Ratio And Copper Exchange Level on Isothermal Kinetic Rate Oscillations For N2O Decomposition Over Cu-ZSM-5: A Transient FTIR Study, Paul T. Fanson, Martin W. Stradt, Jochen A. Lauterbach, and W. Nicholas Delgass
Study of Cobalt-Doped Lithium-Nickel Oxides as Cathodes for MCFC, Prabhu Ganesan, Hector Colon, Bala Haran, Ralph E. White, and Branko N Popov