Submissions from 2000
Computer-Aided Design of Novel Heterogeneous Catalysts—A Combinatorial Computational Chemistry Approach, K. Yajima, Y. Ueda, H. Tsuruya, T. Kanougi, Y. Oumi, Salai Cheettu Ammal, S. Takami, M. Kubo, and A. Miyamoto
Near-Critical Behavior of Mutual Diffusion Coefficients for Five Solutes in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide, Xiao-ning Yang, Luiz A. F. Coelho, and Michael A. Matthews
Diffusion Coefficients of Three Organic Solutes in Aqueous Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate Solutions, Xiao-ning Yang and Michael A. Matthews
Palladium-Microencapsulated Graphite as the Negative Electrode in Li-ion Cells, Ping Yu, Bala Haran, James A. Ritter, Ralph E. White, and Branko Popov
Palladium-Microencapsulated Graphite as the Negative Electrode in Li-Ion Cells, Ping Yu, Bala S. Haran, James A. Ritter, Ralph E. White, and Branko N Popov
Ni-Composite Microencapsulated Graphite as the Negative Electrode in Lithium-Ion Batteries II: Electrochemical Impedance and Self-Discharge Studies, P. Yu, James A. Ritter, Ralph E. White, and Branko N. Popov
Studies on Capacity Fade of Lithium-Ion Batteries, D. Zhang, B. S. Haran, A. Durairajan, Ralph E. White, Y. Podrazhansky, and Branko N Popov
Modeling Lithium Intercalation of a Single Spinel Particle under Potentiodynamic Control, Dong Zhang, Branko N. Popov, and Ralph E. White
Submissions from 1999
Production of Hydrogen from Chemical Hydrides via Hydrolysis with Steam, R. Aiello, J. H. Sharp, and Michael A. Matthews
Integrated Computational Chemistry System for Catalysts Design, Salai Cheettu Ammal, S. Takami, M. Kubo, and A. Miyamoto
Mathematical Modeling of the Lithium Deposition Overcharge Reaction in Lithium‐Ion Batteries Using Carbon‐Based Negative Electrodes, Pankaj Arora, Marc Doyle, and Ralph E. White
Methanol Fuel Cell Model: Anode, S. F. Baxter, V. S. Battaglia, and Ralph E. White
Influence of Some Design Variables on the Thermal Behavior of a Lithium‐Ion Cell, Gerardine G. Botte, Bradley A. Johnson, and Ralph E. White
Cycle Life and Utilization Studies on Cobalt Microencapsulated AB5 Type Metal Hydride, Anand Durairajan, Bala S. Haran, Branko N Popov, and Ralph E. White
New Magnetic Field-Enhanced Process for the Treatment of Aqueous Wastes, Armin D. Ebner, James A. Ritter, Harry J. Ploehn, R. L. Kochen, and J. D. Navratil
Comparison Between Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Extraction and Aqueous Surfactant Washing of an Oily Machining Waste, Hong Fu and Michael A. Matthews
Conversion of Intensity-Averaged Photon Correlation Spectroscopy Measurements to Number-Averaged Particle Size Distributions. 1. Theoretical Development, L. H. Hanus and Harry J. Ploehn
Polyamine−Quantum Dot Nanocomposites: Linear versus Starburst Stabilizer Architectures, J. Huang, K. Sooklal, C. J. Murphy, and Harry J. Ploehn
Synthesis of Acrylic Acid Hydrogel by y-Irradiation Cross-linking of Polyacrylic Acid in Aqueous Solution, Esmaiel Jabbari and Samyra Nozari
Analysis of a Lithium/Thionyl Chloride Battery under Moderate-Rate Discharge, Mukul Jain, Ganesan Nagasubramanian, Rudolph G. Jungst, and John W. Weidner
Material Balance Modification in One-Dimensional Modeling of Porous Electrodes, Mukul Jain and John W. Weidner
Nanoelectronic Device Applications of a Chemically Stable GaAs Structure, D B. Janes, V R. Kolagunta, M Batistuta, B L. Walsh, R P. Andres, Jia Liu, J Dicke, Jochen A. Lauterbach, T Pletcher, E H. Chen, M R. Melloch, E L. Peckham, H J. Ueng, J M. Woodall, Takhee Lee, R Reifenberger, C P. Kubiak, and B Kasibhatla
Non-linear Phenomena During CO Oxidation in the Mbar Pressure Range: A Comparison Between Pt/SiO2 and Pt(100), Jochen A. Lauterbach, G. Bonilla, and T. D. Pletcher
An Ohmic Nanocontact To GaAs, Takhee Lee, Jia Liu, D. B. Janes, V. R. Kolagunta, J. Dicke, R. P. Andres, Jochen A. Lauterbach, M. R. Melloch, D. McInturff, J. M. Woodfall, and R. Reifenberger
Correlation of Double-Layer Capacitance with the Pore Structure of Sol-Gel Derived Carbon Xerogels, Chuan Lin, James A. Ritter, and Branko N. Popov
Development of Carbon-Metal Oxide Supercapacitors from Sol-Gel Derived Carbon-Ruthenium Xerogels, Chuan Lin, James A. Ritter, and Branko N. Popov
A Mathematical Model of an Electrochemical Capacitor with Double-Layer and Faradaic Processes, Chuan Lin, James A. Ritter, Branko N. Popov, and Ralph E. White
Computational Studies on GaN Surface Polarity and InN/GaN Heterostructures by Density Functional Theory and Molecular Dynamics, T. Onozu, I. Gunji, R. Miura, Salai Cheettu Ammal, M. Kubo, K. Teraishi, A. Miyamoto, Y. Iyechika, and T. Maeda
Periodic Boundary Quantum Chemical Study on ZnO Ultra-Violet Laser Emitting Materials, Y. Oumi, H. Takaba, Salai Cheettu Ammal, M. Kubo, K. Teraishi, A. Miyamoto, M. Kawasaki, M. Yoshimoto, and H. Koinuma
A Mathematical Model for Electroless Copper Deposition on Planar Substrates, M. Ramasubramanian, Branko N. Popov, Ralph E. White, and K. S. Chen
A Simple Method for Determining Differential Diffusion Coefficients from Aqueous Electrolyte Diaphragm Cell Data at Temperatures Below 0°C, D. M. See and Ralph E. White
Density Functional Theory Calculations of Molecular Nitrogen on a Ruthenium Cluster, K. N. Shrivastavaa, Salai Cheettu Ammal, H. Tsuruya, S. Takami, A. Endou, M. Kubo, K. Teraishi, A. Miyamoto, and A. Ozaki
Investigating Time–Temperature Superpositioning in Crosslinked Polymers Using the Tube-Junction Model, P. P. Simon and Harry J. Ploehn
Fourier-Transform Infrared Imaging Using A Rapid-Scan Spectrometer, C. M. Snively, S. Katzenberger, G. Oskarsdottir, and Jochen A. Lauterbach
Mathematical Modeling of Electrochemical Capacitors, Venkat Srinivasan and John W. Weidner
Series Solutions for Boundary Value Problems using a Symbolic Successive Substitution Method, Venkat R. Subramanian, Bala S. Haran, and Ralph E. White
A Novel Electrochemical Method for the Detection of Nerve Gases, Yuanwu Xie, Branko N Popov, and Ralph E. White
Tight-Binding Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Desorbed SiO Molecule during the Oxidation of Si(111) Surface, A. Yamada, A. Endou, H. Takaba, K. Teraishi, Salai Cheettu Ammal, M. Kubo, K. G. Nakamura, M. Kitajima, and A. Miyamoto
Seismic Response Control using Smart Dampers, F. Yi, S. J. Dyke, Juan M. Caicedo, and J. D. Carlson
Adsorption of H2O on the V2O5 (010) Surface Studied by Periodic Density Functional Calculations, X. Yin, A. Fahmi, H. Han, A. Endou, Salai Cheettu Ammal, M. Kubo, K. Teraishi, and A. Miyamoto
NH3 Adsorption on the Brönsted and Lewis Acid Sites of V2O5 (010): A Periodic Density Functional Study, X. Yin, H. Han, I. Gunji, A. Endou, Salai Cheettu Ammal, M. Kubo, and A. Miyamoto
Determination of the Lithium Ion Diffusion Coefficient in Graphite, Ping Yu, Branko N. Popov, James A. Ritter, and Ralph E. White
Cobalt Doped Chromium Oxides as Cathode Materials for Secondary Lithium Batteries, Dong Zhang, Branko N Popov, Yury M. Podrazhansky, Panakaj Arora, and Ralph E. White
Studies on Metal Hydride Electrodes with Different Weights and Binder Contents, G. Zheng, Bala S. Haran, Branko Popov, and Ralph E. White
Submissions from 1998
Production of Hydrogen Gas from Novel Chemical Hydrides, R, Aiello; Michael A. Matthews; Daniel L. Reger; and J. E. Collins
Structure of the Benzene···ICl Complex: A UVPES and ab Initio Molecular Orbital Study, Salai Cheettu Ammal, S. P. Ananthavel, P. Venuvanalingam, and M. S. Hegde
Ab Initio and DFT Investigations of Lithium/Hydrogen Bonded Complexes of Trimethylamine, Dimethyl Ether and Dimethyl Sulfide, Salai Cheettu Ammal and P. Venuvanalingam
π-systems as lithium/hydrogen bond acceptors: Some theoretical observations, Salai Cheettu Ammal and P. Venuvanalingam
Capacity Fade Mechanisms and Side Reactions in Lithium‐Ion Batteries, Pankaj Arora, Ralph E. White, and Marc Doyle
Chromium Oxides and Lithiated Chromium Oxides. Promising Cathode Materials for Secondary Lithium Batteries, Pankaj Arora, Dong Zhang, Branko N. Popov, and Ralph E. White
Chromium Oxides and Lithiated Chromium Oxides. Promising Cathode Materials for Secondary Lithium Batteries, Pankaj Arora, Dong Zhang, Branko N. Popov, and Ralph E. White
Chromium Oxides and Lithiated Chromium Oxides. Promising Cathode Materials for Secondary Lithium Batteries, Pankaj Arora, Dong Zhang, Branko N. Popov, and Ralph E. White
Electrochemical Investigations of Cobalt-Doped LiMn2O4 as Cathode Material for Lithium-Ion Batteries, P. Arora, Branko Popov, and Ralph E. White
Unsteady State Behavior of CO Oxidation Over A Supported Pt Catalyst In The Millibar Range, G. Bonilla, T. D. Pletcher, G. Haas, and Jochen A. Lauterbach
Ab Initio Study of Formazan and 3-Nitroformazan, G. Buemi, F. Zuccarello, P. Venuvanalingam, M. Ramalingam, and Salai Cheettu Ammal
Hydrogen Permeation Inhibition by Thin Layer Zn–Ni Alloy Electrodeposition, D. H. Coleman, Branko Popov, and Ralph E. White
A Nonisothermal Nickel‐Hydrogen Cell Model, Pauline De Vidts, Javier Delgado, B. Wu, D. M. See, K. Kosanovich, and Ralph E. White
Organic Compounds as Effective Inhibitors for Hydrogen Permeation of Type 1010 Steel, H. A. Durate, D. M. See, Branko N Popov, and Ralph E. White
Recycling Steel from Grinding Swarf, Hong Fu, Michael A. Matthews, and Langdon S. Warner
Ellipsomicroscopy For Surface Imaging - A Novel Tool to Investigate Surface Dynamics, G. Haas, T. D. Pletcher, G. Bonilla, T. A. Jachimowski, H. H. Rotermund, and Jochen A. Lauterbach
Determination of the Hydrogen Diffusion Coefficient in Metal Hydrides by Impedance Spectroscopy, Bala S. Haran, Branko N Popov, and Ralph E. White
Studies on Electroless Cobalt Coatings for Microencapsulation of Hydrogen Storage Alloys, Bala S. Haran, Branko N. Popov, and Ralph E. White
Theoretical Analysis of Metal Hydride Electrodes: Studies on Equilibrium Potential and Exchange Current Density, Bala S. Haran, Branko N. Popov, and Ralph E. White
The Effect of Particle Size on the Discharge Performance of a Nickel-Metal Hydride Cell, Jussi M. Heikonen, Harry J. Ploehn, and Ralph E. White
Measurement of thin liquid film drainage using a novel high-speed impedance analyzer, Kevin O. Hool, Robert C. Saunders, and Harry J. Ploehn
Measurement of Thin Liquid Film Drainage Using a Novel High-Speed Impedance Analyzer, K. O. Hool, R. C. Saunders, and Harry J. Ploehn
A Combined Pressure Reaction Cell – UHV Chamber With Sample Transfer System, T. A. Jachimowski and Jochen A. Lauterbach
Thermodynamic Considerations of the Reversible Potential for the Nickel Electrode, Mukul Jain, Amanda L. Elmore, Michael A. Matthews, and John W. Weidner
Steady-State Modeling of a Parallel-Plate Electrochemical Fluorination Reactor, Kamal Jha, Gerald L. Bauer, and John W. Weidner
Characterization of Commercially Available Lithium-Ion Batteries, Bradley A. Johnson and Ralph E. White
Desorption of Adsorbed Poly(ethylene Oxide) from Colloidal Polystyrene Particles, J. A. Kling and Harry J. Ploehn
Catalysis on Mesoscopic Composite Surfaces: Influence Of Palladium Boundaries On Pattern Formation During CO Oxidation On Pt(110), Jochen A. Lauterbach, K. Asakura, P. B. Rasmussen, H. H. Rotermund, M. Bär, M. D. Graham, I. G. Kevrekidis, and G. Ertl
Characterization of Sol-Gel-Derived Cobalt Oxide Xerogels as Electrochemical Capacitors, Chuan Lin, James A. Ritter, and Branko N. Popov
The Role of Oxygen at the Second Discharge Plateau of Nickel Hydroxide, Sathya Motupally, Mukul Jain, Venkat Srinivasan, and John W. Weidner
Proton Diffusion in Nickel Hydroxide: Prediction of Active Material Utilization, Sathya Motupally, Christopher C. Streinz, and John W. Weidner
Corrosion Effects of Stabilized Backfill on Steel Reinforcement, S. N. Popova, Branko N Popov, Ralph E. White, M. F. Petrou, and D. Morris
Corrosion Effects of Stabilized Backfill on Steel Reinforcement, S. N. Popova, Branko Popov, Ralph E. White, M. F. Petrou, and D. Morris
Characterization of Hydrogen Permeation Through Zinc-Nickel Alloys under Corroding Conditions: Mathematical Model and Experimental Study, M. Ramasubramanian, Branko N. Popov, and Ralph E. White
Solution Equilibrium Characteristics of Electroless Copper Deposition on Thermally-Activated Palladium-Catalysed Polyimide Substrates, M. Ramasubramanian, Branko Popov, Ralph E. White, and K. S. Chen
Diaphragm Cell Measurement of Mutual Diffusion Coefficients for Potassium Hydroxide in Water from 1 °C to 25 °C, Dawn See and Ralph E. White
Backfolding Corrections for Freely Jointed Chains in Self Consistent Field Lattice Models, P. P. Simon and Harry J. Ploehn
A Blue-Emitting CdS/Dendrimer Nanocomposite, S. Sooklal, L. H. Hanus, Harry J. Ploehn, and C. J. Murphy
The Thermal Characterization of Novel Complex Hydrides, James E. Stearns, Michael A. Matthews, Daniel L. Reger, and James E. Collins
Electrochemical Investigation of CrO2.65 Doped LiMn2O4 as a Cathode Material for Lithium-Ion Batteries, D. Zhang, Branko N Popov, and Ralph E. White
Electrochemical Investigations of Bare and Pd-Coated LaNi4.25Al0.75 Electrodes in Alkaline Solution, G. Zheng, Branko Popov, and Ralph E. White
Submissions from 1997
UVPES and ab Initio Molecular Orbital Studies on the Electron Donor−Acceptor Complexes of Bromine with Methylamines, Salai Cheettu Ammal, S. P. Ananthavel, P. Venuvanalingam, and M. S. Hegde
Lithium bonding interaction in H2CY⋯LiF (Y=O,S) complexes: A theoretical probe, Salai Cheettu Ammal, P. Venuvanalingam, and S. Pal
Corrosion Initiation Time of Steel Reinforcement in a Chloride Environment—A One Dimensional Solution, Pankaj Arora, Branko Popov, Bala Haran, M. Ramasubramanian, S. N. Popova, and Ralph E. White
Spatio-Temporal Pattern Formation During Catalytic CO Oxidation On A Pt(100) Surface Modified With Submonolayers of Au, K. Asakura, Jochen A. Lauterbach, H. H. Rotermund, and G. Ertl
Governing Equations for Transport in Porous Electrodes, Pauline De Vidts and Ralph E. White
The Effects of Organic Compounds on Inhibition of Hydrogen Permeation Through a Mild Steel Membrane, H. A. Duarte, D. M. See, Branko N. Popov, and Ralph E. White
The Effects of Organic Compounds on Inhibition of Hydrogen Permeation Through a Mild Steel Membrane, H. A. Duarte, D. M. See, Branko Popov, and Ralph E. White
Feasibility and Limitations of Nanolevel High Gradient Magnetic Separation, Armin D. Ebner, James A. Ritter, and Harry J. Ploehn
Mathematical Modeling of Hexavalent Chromium Decontamination from Low Surface Charged Soils, Bala S. Haran, Branko N Popov, Guanghong Zheng, and Ralph E. White
Ellipsometric and Raman Spectroscopic Study of Thermally Formed Films on Titanium, E. Hristova, Lj. Arsov, Branko N. Popov, and Ralph E. White
Do-It-Yourself Attenuated Total Reflectance Cell Designed and Constructed In a Laboratory Course: A Versatile And Economical Alternative To Commercial Designs, S Lau, J Right, K Stavens, J Whitaker, Z Liu, and Jochen A. Lauterbach
A Novel Laboratory Course on Advanced Chemical Engineering Experiments, Jochen A. Lauterbach, S. White, X. Lui, G. M. Bodner, and W. N. Delgass
Stabilization of Lithium Borohydride with Nitrogen Donor, Chelating Ligands. Syntheses and Solid State Structures of [HC(3,5-Me2pz)3]Li(η3-BH4), {[H2C(3,5-Me2pz)2]Li(μ-η3-BH4)}2, and {[4,4‘-Me2bipy]Li(μ-η3-BH4)}2 (pz = pyrazolyl, bipy = bipyridyl), Daniel L. Reger, James E. Collins, Michael A. Matthews, Arnold L. Rheingold, Louise M. Liable-Sands, and Ilia A. Guzei
Effects of Time and Compression on the Interactions of Adsorbed Polystyrene Layers in a Near-ϑ Solvent, M. Ruths, J. N. Israelachvili, and Harry J. Ploehn
Electrowinning of Nonnoble Metals with Simultaneous Hydrogen Evolution at Flow-Through Porous Electrodes III. Time Effects, Mahmoud M. Saleh, John W Weidner, Bahgat E. El-Anadouli, and Badr G. Ateya