"Ni-Composite Microencapsulated Graphite as the Negative Electrode in L" by P. Yu, James A. Ritter et al.

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Subject Area(s)

Chemical Engineering


Electrochemical impedance and self-discharge studies were carried out to investigate lithium intercalation into bare and Ni-coated KS10 graphite. Values of the charge-transfer resistances, exchange current densities, surface film resistances, and lithium-ion diffusion coefficients as functions of the state of charge (SOC) all favored the 10 wt % Ni composite KS10 graphite over bare KS10 graphite when these materials were used as the negative electrode in a Li-ion cell with mixed organic electrolyte. The charge-transfer resistances were always lower and gave rise to between 26 and 27% larger exchange current densities, which increased from 137 to 614 mA/g as the SOC increased. The surface film resistances for Ni composite KS10 were between 0.02 and 0.05 g, slightly smaller than those of 0.03 to 0.08 g for bare KS10, and both surface film resistances decreased with increasing SOC. The lithium-ion diffusion coefficients were always slightly larger, ranging between 1.09 × 10–9 and 6.7 × 10–9 cm2/s. Results from the self-discharge study also favored the 10 wt % Ni composite KS10, which exhibited less capacity loss over a 10 day period compared to bare KS10.


© The Electrochemical Society, Inc. 2000. All rights reserved. Except as provided under U.S. copyright law, this work may not be reproduced, resold, distributed, or modified without the express permission of The Electrochemical Society (ECS). The archival version of this work was published in the Journal of the Electrochemical Society.


Publisher's link: http://dx.doi.org/10.1149/1.1393489

DOI: 10.1149/1.1393489
