Submissions from 2022
Cluttering in the Speech of Young Men With Fragile X Syndrome, Katherine Bangert, Kathleen Scaler Scott, Charley Adams, Jessica S. Kisenwether, Lisa Giuffre, Jenna Reed, Angela John Thurman, Leonard Abbeduto, and Jessica Klusek
Reading and Math Achievement in Children With Dyslexia, Developmental Language Disorder, or Typical Development: Achievement Gaps Persist From Second Through Fourth Grades, Dawna M. Duff; Allison E. Hendricks; Lisa Fitton Ph.D., CCC-SLP; and Suzanne M. Adlof Ph.D.
Cardiac Startle Response and Clinical Outcomes in Preschool Children With Fragile X Syndrome and Autism Spectrum Disorder, Jordan Ezell; Abigail L. Hogan PhD; Elizabeth A. Will Ph.D., BCBA; Kayla Smith; and Jane E. Roberts
Family History of FXTAS Is Associated With Age-Related Cognitive-Linguistic Decline Among Mothers With the FMR1 Premutation, Jessica Klusek, Amanda Fairchild, Carly Moser, Marsha R. Mailick, Angela John Thurman, and Leonard Abbeduto
Attention/Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Adolescent and Young Adult Males With Fragile X Syndrome, Jessica Klusek, Shannon L. O'Connor, Alexandra Hickey, Kimberly J. Hills, Leonard Abbeduto, and Jane E. Roberts
Verbal Inhibition Declines Among Older Women With High FMR1 Premutation Expansions: A Prospective Study, Nell Maltman, Leann DaWalt, Jinkuk Hong, Audra Sterling, Elizabeth Berry-Kravis, Jessica Klusek, and Marsha R. Mailick
Tell or Retell? The Role of Task and Language in Spanish-English Narrative Microstructure Performance, Mary Claire Wofford, Jessica Cano, and Lisa A. Fitton Ph.D.
Bias in Measurement of Autism Symptoms by Spoken Language Level and Non-verbal Mental Age in Minimally Verbal Children with Neurodevelopmental Disorders, Shuting Zheng, Aaron Kaat, Cristan Farmer, Audrey Thurm, Catherine A. Burrows, Stephen Kanne, Stelios Georgiades, Amy Esler, Catherine Lord, Nicole Takashashi, Kerri P. Nowell, Elizabeth A. Will Ph.D., Jane E. Roberts, and Somer L. Bishop
Submissions from 2021
Concurrent Associations Between Expressive Language Ability and Independence in Adolescents and Adults With Fragile X Syndrome, Leonard Abbeduto, Jessica Klusek, Julie Lounds Taylor, Nadia Abdelnur, Nicole Sparapani, and Angela John Thurman
Spoken Word Learning in Children With Developmental Language Disorder or Dyslexia, Suzanne M. Adlof, Lauren S. Baron, Bethany A. Bell, and Joanna Scoggins
Reading and Math Achievement in Children With Dyslexia, Developmental Language Disorder, or Typical Development: Achievement Gaps Persist From Second Through Fourth Grades, Dawna Duff, Alison Eisel Hendricks, Lisa Fitton, and Suzanne M. Adlof
Language Variation in the Writing of African American Students: 6 Factors Predicting Reading Achievement, Lisa Fitton Ph.D., Lakeisha Johnson, Carla Wood, Christopher Schatschneider, and Sara A. Hart
Current Approaches to the Treatment of Post-stroke Aphasia, Julius Fridriksson Ph.D. and Argye Elizabeth Hillis
Assessing Oral Language when Screening Multilingual Children for Learning Disabilities in Reading, J. Marc Goodrich, Lisa A. Fitton Ph.D., Jessica Chan, and C. Jamie Davis
Neural Correlates of Infant Face Processing and Later Emerging Autism Symptoms in Fragile X Syndrome, Maggie W. Guy, John E. Richards, Abigail L. Hogan Ph.D., and Jane E. Roberts
Trajectories of Heart Activity Across Infancy to Early Childhood Differentially Predict Autism and Anxiety Symptoms in Fragile X Syndrome, Abigail Hogan Ph.D.; Erin Hunt; Kayla Smith; Conner Black; Katherine Bangert; Jessica Klusek Ph.D., CCC-SLP; and Jane Roberts
Maternal Pragmatic Language Difficulties in the FMR1 Premutation and the Broad Autism Phenotype: Associations with Individual and Family Outcomes, Jessica Klusek, Angela John Thurman, and Leonard Abbeduto
Individualized Response to Semantic Versus Phonological Aphasia Therapies in Stroke, Sigfus Kristinsson, Alexandra Basilakos, Jordan Elm, Leigh Ann Spell, Leonardo Bonilha, Chris Rorden, Dirk Den Ouden Ph.D., Christy Cassarly, Souvik Sen, Argye Hillis, Gregory Hickok, and Julius Fridriksson Ph.D.
The FMR1 Premutation Phenotype and Mother-Youth Synchrony in Fragile X Syndrome, Carly Moser, Laura Mattie, Leonard Abbeduto, and Jessica Klusek
Response Inhibition Deficits in Women With the FMR1 Premutation Are Associated With Age and Fall Risk, Carly Moser, Lyndsay Schmitt, Joseph Schmidt, Amanda Fairchild, and Jessica Klusek
The Development of a Measure of Orthographic Processing in the Arabic Language: A Psychometric Evaluation, Sana Tibi, Lisa Fitton, and Autumn L. McIlraith
Submissions from 2020
Promoting Reading Achievement in Children With Developmental Language Disorders: What Can We Learn From Research on Specific Language Impairment and Dyslexia?, Suzanne M. Adlof
The Relation Between Linguistic Awareness Skills and Spelling in Adults: A Comparison Among Scoring Procedures, Victoria S. Henbest, Lisa A. Fitton Ph.D., Krystal L. Werfel, and Kenn Apel
Inhibition Deficits Are Modulated by Age and CGG Repeat Length in Carriers of the FMR1 Premutation Allele Who Are Mothers of Children With Fragile X Syndrome, Jessica Klusek, Jinkuk Hong, Audra Sterling, Elizabeth Berry-Kravis, and Marsha R. Mailick
Submissions from 2019
If We Don’t Look, We Won’t See: Measuring Language Development to Inform Literacy Instruction, Suzanne M. Adlof and Tiffany P. Hogan
Psychometric Evaluation of the Bilingual English-Spanish Assessment Sentence Repetition Task for Clinical Decision-Making, Lisa A. Fitton Ph.D., Rachel Hoge, Yaacov Petscher, and Carla Wood
A Novel Eye Tracking Paradigm for Indexing Social Avoidance-Related Behavior in Fragile X Syndrome, Jessica Klusek, Carly Moser, Joseph Schmidt, Leonard Abbeduto, and Jane E. Roberts
The Comparative Efficiency of Speech Sound Interventions That Differ by Delivery Modality: Flashcards Versus Tablet, Krystal Werfel, Marren Brooks, and Lisa A. Fitton Ph.D.
Submissions from 2018
Understanding Dyslexia in the Context of Developmental Language Disorders, Suzanne M. Adlof and Tiffany P. Hogan
The Effect of E-book Vocabulary Instruction on Spanish-English Speaking Children, Carla Wood, Lisa Fitton, Yaacov Petscher, Estrella Rodriguez, Gretchen Sunderman, and Taehyeong Lim
Home Literacy of Dual-Language Learners in Kindergarten From Low-SES Backgrounds, Carla Wood, Lisa Fitton, and Estrella Rodriguez
Submissions from 2017
The Social Validity of Telepractice Among Spanish-Speaking Caregivers of English Learners: An Examination of Moderators, Lisa Fitton, Kristina N. Bustamante, and Carla Wood
Reduced Vagal Tone in Women With The Premutation Is Associated With MRNA but Not Depression or Anxiety, Jessica Klusek, Giuseppe LaFauci, Tatyana Adayev, W Ted Brown, Flora Tassone, and Jane E. Roberts
Developmental Markers of Genetic Liability to Autism in Parents: A Longitudinal, Multigenerational Study, Molly Losh, Gary E. Martin, Michelle Lee, Jessica Klusek, John Sideris, Sheila Barron, and Thomas Wassink
Rapid Automated Naming Performance of Young Spanish-English Speaking Children, Carla L. Wood, Kristina N. Bustamante, Lisa Fitton, Dana M. Brown, and Yaacov Petscher
Submissions from 2016
Intensifying English Vocabulary Instruction for English Language Learners, Lisa A. Fitton Ph.D., Kristina Nichole Bustamante, Mary Claire Wofford, Dana Brown, Clariebelle Gabas, Rachel Hoge, and Carla Wood
Comparing Methods for Assessing the English Grammatical Development of Spanish-Speaking English Learners, Lisa A. Fitton Ph.D., Mary Claire Wofford, Kristina N. Bustamante, Natasha De Novi, Bibiana Nuñez, and Carla L. Wood
Submissions from 2014
Structured Narrative Retell Instruction for Young Children From Low Socioeconomic Backgrounds: A Preliminary Study of Feasibility, Suzanne M. Adlof, Angela N. McLeod, and Brianne Leftwich
Submissions from 2013
Processing polarity: ERP evidence for differences between positive and negative polarity, Anna Yurchenko, Dirk B. den Ouden, Jack Hoeksema, Olga Dragoy, John C. J. Hoeks, and Laurie A. Stowe
Submissions from 2012
Acquisition of initial mental graphemic representations by children at risk for literacy development, Kenn Apel, Shurita Thomas-Tate, Elizabeth B. Wilson-Fowler, and Danielle Brimo
Metalinguistic contributions to reading and spelling in second and third grade students, Kenn Apel, Elizabeth B. Wilson-Fowler, Danielle Brimo, and Nancy A. Perrin
Network modulation during complex syntactic processing, Dirk B. den Ouden, Dorothee Saur, Wolfgang Mader, Björn Schelter, Sladjana Lukic, Eisha Wali, Jens Timmer, and Cynthia K. Thompson
Left hemisphere plasticity and aphasia recovery, Julius Fridriksson, Jessica D. Richardson, Paul T. Fillmore, and Bo Cai
Social Communication and Theory of Mind in Boys With Autism and Fragile X Syndrome, Molly Losh, Gary E. Martin, Jessica Klusek, Abigail L. Hogan-Brown, and John Sideris
Re-establishing Broca's initial findings, Jessica D. Richardson, Paul T. Fillmore, Chris Rorden, Leonard L. LaPointe, and Julius Fridriksson
Submissions from 2011
Science Is an Attitude: A Response to Kamhi, Kenn Apel
What is Orthographic Knowledge?, Kenn Apel
Contributions of Morphological Awareness Skills to Word-Level Reading and Spelling in First-Grade Children With and Without Speech Sound Disorder, Kenn Apel and Jessika Lawrence
Statistical, Practical, Clinical, and Personal Significance: Definitions and Applications in Speech-Language Pathology, Anne K. Bothe and Jessica D. Richardson
Simulating the Neural Correlates of Stuttering, Dirk B. den Ouden, Charles F. Adams, and Allen A. Montgomery
Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Improves Naming Reaction Time in Fluent Aphasia: A Double-Blind, Sham-Controlled Study, Julius Fridriksson, Jessica D. Richardson, Julie M. Baker, and Chris Rorden
Cerebral perfusion in chronic stroke: Implications for lesion-symptom mapping and functional MRI, Jessica D. Richardson, Julie M. Baker, Paul S. Morgan, Chris Rorden, L. Bonilha, and Julius Fridriksson
Initial Mental Graphemic Representation Acquistion and Later Literacy Achievement in Children With Language Impairment: A Longitudinal Study, Julie A. Wolter, Trisha Self, and Kenn Apel
Submissions from 2010
Kindergarten Predictors of Second Versus Eighth Grade Reading Comprehension Impairments, Suzanne M. Adlof, Hugh W. Catts, and Jaehoon Lee
Kindergarten Children's Initial Spoken and Written Word Learning in a Storybook Context, Kenn Apel
Systematic Studies of Modified Vocalization: Effects of Speech Rate and Instatement Style During Metronome Stimulation, Jason H. Davidow, Anne K. Bothe, Jessica D. Richardson, and Richard D. Andreatta
What Can Neuroimaging Tell Us About Aphasia?, Julius Fridriksson, Julie M. Baker, and Jessica D. Richardson
The Spelling Sensitivity Score: Noting Developmental Changes in Spelling Knowledge, Julie J. Masterson and Kenn Apel
Effect of Assessment Task and Letter Writing Ability on Preschool Children's Spelling Performance, Cynthia Puranik and Kenn Apel
Neural plasticity and treatment-induced recovery of sentence processing in agrammatism, Cynthia K. Thompson, Dirk B. den Ouden, Borna Bonakdarpour, Kyla Garibaldi, and Todd B. Parrish
Initial Acquisition of Mental Graphemic Representations in Children with Language Impairment, Julie A. Wolter and Kenn Apel
Submissions from 2009
A Taxing Situation, Kenn Apel
Can Clinicians Be Scientists?, Kenn Apel
Do We Do Literacy?, Kenn Apel
The Acquisition of Mental Orthographic Representations for Reading and Spelling Development, Kenn Apel
Morphological Awareness Skills of Fourth-Grade African American Students, Kenn Apel and Shurita Thomas-Tate
Phonological Accuracy and Intelligibility in Connected Speech of Boys With Fragile X Syndrome or Down Syndrome, Elizabeth F. Barnes, Joanne Roberts, Steven H. Long, Gary E. Martin, Mary C. Berni, Kerry C. Mandulak, and John Sideris
From hand to mouth: Verb embodiment in action naming, Dirk B. den Ouden, A. Baria, J. Lee, and Cynthia K. Thompson
The Electrophysiological Manifestation of Dutch Verb Second Violations, Dirk B. den Ouden and Roelien Bastiaanse
Argument structure effects in action verb naming in static and dynamic conditions, Dirk B. den Ouden, Steve Fix, Todd B. Parrish, and Cynthia K. Thompson
Activation shifts after treatment-induced recovery of sentence processing and production in agrammatism, Dirk B. den Ouden and Cynthia K. Thompson
Adult and Child Semantic Neighbors of the Kroll and Potter (1984) Nonobjects, Holly L. Storkel and Suzanne M. Adlof
The Effect of Semantic Set Size on Word Learning by Preschool Children, Holly L. Storkel and Suzanne M. Adlof
Submissions from 2008
A New Year's Resolution, Kenn Apel
"L" is for ....?, Kenn Apel
On Continuing Education, Kenn Apel
The Publication Process: An Olympic Feat, Kenn Apel
A Preliminary Analysis of Reading Materials and Strategies Used by Older Adults, Jill Champley, Julie W. Scherz, Kenn Apel, and Angela N. Burda
Neural correlates of Dutch Verb Second in speech production, Dirk B. den Ouden, Hans Hoogduin, Laurie A. Stowe, and Roelien Bastiaanse
Neuroimaging and Recovery of Language in Aphasia, Cynthia K. Thompson and Dirk B. den Ouden
Submissions from 2007
On Mentoring, Kenn Apel
The Magic of Impact, Kenn Apel
Walt Disney World, Clinical Practice, and Scholarly Journals, Kenn Apel
Analysis of Spelling Error Patterns of Individuals with Complex Communication Needs and Physical Impairments, Pamela Hart, Julie Scherz, Kenn Apel, and Barbara Hodson
African American English Dialect and Performance on Nonword Spelling and Phonemic Awareness Tasks, Candida T. Kohler, Ruth Huntley Bahr, Elaine R. Silliman, Judith Becker Bryant, Kenn Apel, and Louise C. Wilkinson
Receptive Vocabulary, Expressive Vocabulary, and Speech Production of Boys With Fragile X Syndrome in Comparison to Boys With Down Syndrome, Joanne Roberts, Johanna Price, Elizabeth F. Barnes, Lauren Nelson, Margaret Burchinal, Elizabeth A. Hennon, Lauren Moskowitz, Anne Edwards, Cheryl Malkin, Kathleen Anderson, Jan Misenheimer, and Stephen R. Hooper
Submissions from 2006
Should the simple view of reading include a fluency component?, Suzanne M. Adlof, Hugh W. Catts, and Todd D. Little
Effects of Phonotactic and Orthotactic Probabilities During Fast Mapping on 5-Year-Olds' Learning to Spell, Kenn Apel, Julie A. Wolter, and Julie J. Masterson
A Comparison of Oral Structure and Oral-Motor Function in Young Males With Fragile X Syndrome and Down Syndrome, Elizabeth F. Barnes, Joanne Roberts, Penny Mirrett, John Sideris, and Jan Misenheimer
Early Development of Language by Hand: Composing, Reading, Listening, and Speaking Connections; Three Letter-Writing Modes; and Fast Mapping in Spelling, Virginia W. Berninger, Robert D. Abbott, Janine Jones, Beverly J. Wolf, Laura Gould, Marci Anderson-Youngstrom, Shirley Shimada, and Kenn Apel
Language Deficits in Poor Comprehenders: A Case for the Simple View of Reading, Hugh W. Catts, Suzanne M. Adlof, and Susan Ellis Weismer
Phonological markedness affects the production of verb inflections, Dirk B. den Ouden and Cynthia K. Thompson
Effect of Modality on Spelling Words Varying in Linguistic Demands, Julie J. Masterson and Kenn Apel
Subcategory Learning in Normal and Language Learning-Disabled Adults: How Much Information Do They Need?, Jessica D. Richardson, Laurel Harris, Elena Plante, and LouAnn Gerken
A Narrative Therapy Approach to Counseling: A Model for Working With Adolescents and Adults With Language-Literacy Deficits, Julie A. Wolter, Anthony DiLollo, and Kenn Apel
Articulation Rate and Vowel Space Characteristics of Young Males With Fragile X Syndrome: Preliminary Acoustic Findings, David J. Zajac, Joanne E. Roberts, Elizabeth A. Hennon, Adrianne A. Harris, Elizabeth F. Barnes, and Jan Misenheimer
Submissions from 2005
Are Specific Language Impairment and Dyslexia Distinct Disorders?, Hugh W. Catts, Suzanne M. Adlof, Tiffany Hogan, and Susan Ellis Weismer
A Comparison of Phonological Skills of Boys With Fragile X Syndrome and Down Syndrome, Joanne Roberts, Steven H. Long, Cheryl Malkin, Elizabeth F. Barnes, Martie Skinner, Elizabeth A. Hennon, and Kathleen Anderson
Submissions from 2004
Book Review: The Organisation of Conceptual Knowledge in the Brain: Neuropsychological and Neuroimaging Perspectives, Dirk B. den Ouden
Neural correlates of verb second in Dutch: An fMRI study, Dirk B. den Ouden, Y. R. M. Bastiaanse, J. M. Hoogduin, R. P. Maguire, and Laurie A. Stowe