Submissions from 2012
Development of Clinical Ethics Services in the UK: A National Survey, Anne Marie Slowther, Leah McClimans, and Charlotte Price
Submissions from 2011
Direct and Indirect Roles for Values in Science, Kevin Elliott
Is a Little Pollution Good for You? Incorporating Societal Values in Environmental Research, Kevin Elliott
Nanomaterials And The Precautionary Principle, Kevin C. Elliott PhD
Submissions from 2010
Geoengineering and the Precautionary Principle, Kevin Elliott
Book Review: Moses Mendelssohn - Begründer des modernen Judentums, by Dominique Bourel, Anne Pollok
Submissions from 2009
How Values in Scientific Discovery and Pursuit Alter Theory Appraisal, Kevin C. Elliott and Daniel J. McKaughan
Book Review: Kant and the Metaphysics of Causality by Eric Watkins, Konstantin Pollok
Submissions from 2008
Book Review: Nanoethics: The Ethical and Social Implications of Nanotechnology, Kevin Elliott
Book Review: Taking Action, Saving Lives: Our Duties to Protect Environmental and Public Health, Kevin Elliott
"An Almost Single Inference": Kant's Deduction of the Categories Reconsidered, Konstantin Pollok
Submissions from 2007
The Ethics of Infection Control: Philosophical Frameworks, Charles S. Bryan, Theresa J. Call, and Kevin Elliott
"Wenn Vernunft volle Gewalt über das Begehrungsvermögen hätte": Über die gemeinsame Wurzel der Kantischen Imperative, Konstantin Pollok
Submissions from 2006
A Novel Account of Scientific Anomaly: Help for the Dispute over Low-Dose Biochemical Effects, Kevin C. Elliott
Submissions from 2005
Die Normativität des Expressiven: Überlegungen zum Begriff der Wahrhaftigkeit, Konstantin Pollok
Submissions from 2004
Error as Means to Discovery, Kevin C. Elliott
Submissions from 2002
Book Review: Immanuel Kant - Kritik der reinen Vernunft, eds. Georg Mohr, Marcus Willaschek, Konstantin Pollok
Review: Kants naturtheoretische Begriffe (1747-1780). Eine Datenbank zu ihren expliziten und impliziten Vernetzungen., Konstantin Pollok
Submissions from 2001
Book Review: Immanuel Kant - Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics That Will Be Able to Come Forward as Science, ed. Gary Hatfield, Konstantin Pollok
Submissions from 2000
Conceptual Clarification and Policy-Related Science: The Case of Chemical Hormesis, Kevin C. Elliott