Faculty Publications | Health Promotion, Education, and Behavior | University of South Carolina


Submissions from 2024


Messaging About Very Low Nicotine Cigarettes (VLNCs) to Influence Policy Attitudes, Harm Perceptions and Smoking Motivations: A Discrete Choice Experiment, Reed M. Reynolds; Lucy Popova; David L. Ashley; Katherine C. Henderson; Charity A. Ntansah; Bo Yang; Emily E. Hackworth; James Hardin; and Jim F. Thrasher Ph.D., MA, MS


COVID-19 Vaccine Effectiveness Among People Living With and Without HIV in South Carolina, USA: Protocol of a Population-Based Cohort Study, Xueying Yang, Jiajia Zhang Ph.D., Bankole Olatosi, Sharon Weissman, and Xiaoming Li Ph.D.

Submissions from 2023


Perspective: Food Environment Research Priorities for Africa-Lessons from the Africa Food Environment Research Network, Amos K. Laar, Phyllis Addo, Richmond Aryeetey, Charles Agyemang, Francis Zotor, Gershim Asiki, Krystal K. Ramapalli, Gideon S. Anevinya, Akua Tandoh, Silver Nanema, Akosua Pokua Adjei, Matlida E. Laar, Kobby Mensah, Dennis Laryea, Daniel Sellen, Stefanie Vandevijvere, Christopher Turner, Hibbah Osei-Kwasi, Mark Spires, Christine E. Blake, Dominic Rowland, Suneetha Kadiyala, Isabel Madzorera, Adama Diouf, Namukolo Covic, Isaac M. Dzudzor, Reginald Annan, Peiman Milani, John Nortey, Nicholas Bricas, Sukati Mphumuzi, Kenneth Yongabi Anchang, Ali Jafri, Meenal Dhall, Amanda Kee, Sally Mckay, Samuel O. Oti, Karen Hofman, Edward A. Frongillo Jr. Ph.D., and Michelle Holdsworth


Predicting Adolescent Intervention Non-responsiveness for Precision HIV Prevention Using Machine Learning, Bo Wang, Feifan Liu, Lynette Deveaux, Arlene Ash, Ben Gerber, Jeroan Allison, Carly Herbert, Maxwell Poitier, Karen MacDonell, Xiaoming Li Ph.D., and Bonita Stanton

Submissions from 2022


Resilience Resources and Coping Strategies of COVID-19 Female Long Haulers: A Qualitative Study, Atefeh Aghaei, Abhishek Aggarwal, Ran Zhang, Xiaoming Li Ph.D., and Shan Qiao Ph.D.


Social Life of Females with Persistent COVID-19 Symptoms: A Qualitative Study, Atefeh Aghaei, Ran Zhang, Slone Taylor, Cheuk-Chi Tam, Chih-Hsiang Yang, Xiaoming Li Ph.D., and Shan Qiao Ph.D.


Extent of Inclusion of “Rural” in Comprehensive Cancer Control Plans in the United States, Inti Barrientos-Gutierrez; Katia Gallegos-Carrillo; Lizeth Cruz-Jimenez; Rosibel Rodriguez- Bolaños; Edna Arillo-Santillán; and Jim F. Thrasher Ph.D., MA, MS


Validity of an Abbreviated Individual Water Insecurity Experiences (IWISE-4) Scale for Measuring the Prevalence of Water Insecurity in Low- And Middle-Income Countries, Hilary J. Bethanancourt, Edward A. Frongillo Jr. Ph.D., and Sera L. Young


A Five-Country Study of Front- And Back-Of-Package Nutrition Label Awareness and Use: Patterns and Correlates from the 2018 International Food Policy Study, Jasmin Bhawra; Sharon I. Kirkpatrick; Marissa G. Hall; Lana Vanderlee; Jim Thrasher Ph.D., MA, MS; Alejandra Jáuregui de la Mota; and David Hammond


Relationship Power, Antiretroviral Adherence, and Physical and Mental Health Among Women Living with HIV in Rural Kenya, Rachel L. Burger, Craig R. Cohen, A. Rain Mocello, Shari L. Dworkin, Edward A. Frongillo Jr. Ph.D., Elly Weke, Lisa M. Butler, Harsha Thirumurthy, Elizabeth A. Bukusi, and Sheri D. Weiser


The Mediating Effect of Depression on the Relation Between Interpersonal Needs and Suicidal Ideation Among Chinese Transgender Women, Ruijie Chang, Chengbo Zeng, Shan Qiao Ph.D., Huwen Wang, Chen Xu, Xiaoyue Yu, Tiecheng Ma, Ying Wang, Xiaoming Li Ph.D., and Yong Cai


Inhibitory Control of Emotional Interference in Deaf Children: Evidence From Event-Related Potentials and Event-Related Spectral Perturbation Analysis, Qiong Chen, Junfeng Zhao, Huang Gu, and Xiaoming Li Ph.D.


Tobacco 21 Laws May Reduce Smoking and Tobacco-Related Health Disparities Among Youth in the U.S., David C. Colston; Yanmel Xie; Megan E. Patrick; Jim F. Thrasher Ph.D., MA, MS; Andrea R. Titus; Michael R. Elliot; David T. Levy; and Nancy L. Fleischer


Understanding Alcohol Use Discourse and Stigma Patterns in Perinatal Care on Twitter, Fritz Culp, Yuqi Wu, Dezhi Wu, Yang Ren, Phyllis Raynor, Peiyin Hung, Shan Qiao Ph.D., Xiaoming Li Ph.D., and Kacey Eichelberger


Exposure to Negative News Stories About Vaping, and Harm Perceptions of Vaping, Among Youth in England, Canada, and the United States Before and After the Outbreak of E-Cigarette or Vaping-Associated Lung Injury (‘EVALI’), Katherine East; Jessica L. Reid; Robin Burkhalter; Olivia A. Wackowski; Jim Thrasher Ph.D., MA, MS; Harry Tattan-Birch; Christian Boudreau; Maansi Bansal-Travers; Alex C. Liber; Ann McNeill; and David Hammond


Evaluation of a Community-Based Performance Arts Programme for People Who Have Experienced Stroke in the UK: Protocol for the Shaper-Stroke Odysseys Study, Carolina Estevao, Maria Baldellou Lopez, Rachel E. Davis, Lucinda Jarret, Tayana Soukup, Ioannis Bakolis, Andy Healey, Jean Harrington, Anthony Woods, Nikki Crane, Fiona Jones, Carmine Pariante, Daisy Fancourt, and Nick Sevdalis


Transitions Between Tobacco Products: Correlates of Changes in Cigarette Smoking and E-Cigarette Use Among Exclusive Adult Smokers and Dual Users in Mexico, Katia Gallegos-Carrillo; Inti Barrientos-Gutiérrez; Edna Arillo-Santillán; Rosibel Rodríguez-Bolaños; Lizeth Cruz-Jiménez; Desirée Vidaña-Pérez; Yoo Jin Cho; and Jim F. Thrasher Ph.D., MA, MS


EEG Evidence of Altered Functional Connectivity and Microstate in Children Orphaned by HIV/AIDS, Huang Gu, Xueke Shan, Hui He, Junfeng Zhao, and Xiaoming Li Ph.D.

Analysis of Residential Segregation and Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Severe Maternal Morbidity Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Peiyin Hung, Johong Liu, Chelsea Norregaard, and Yiwen Shih


Translation of Policy for Reducing Undernutrition from National to Sub-national Levels in Rwanda, Elyse Iruhiriye, Deanna K. Olney, Edward A. Frongillo, Emmanuel Niyongira, Simeon Nanama, Eugene Rwibasira, Paul Mbonyi, and Christine E. Blake


Investigating the Relationships Between Concentrated Disadvantage, Place Connectivity, and COVID-19 Fatality in the United States Over Time, Fengrui Jing, Zhenlong Liu, Shan Qiao, Jiajia Zhang Ph.D., Bankole Olatosi Ph.D., and Xiaoming Li Ph.D.


Event-Related Brain Potential Correlates of Event-Based Prospective Memory in Children With Learning Disability, Lili Jing, Qi Zhao, Yafei Zhang, Jiaojiao Wan, and Xiaoming Li Ph.D.


Specificity Matters: Unpacking Impact Pathways of Individual Interventions Within Bundled Packages Helps Interpret the Limited Impacts of a Maternal Nutrition Intervention in India, Shivani Kachwaha, Phuong H. Nguyen, Lan Mai Tran, Rasmi Avula, Melissa F. Young, Sebanti Ghosh, Thomas Forissier, Jessica Escobar-Alegria, Praveen Kumar Sharma, Edward A. Frongillo Jr., and Purnima Menon


Determinants of Egg Consumption by Infants and Young Children in Ethiopia, Bezawit E. Kase, Edward A. Frongillo Jr. Ph.D., Sejla Isanovic, Wendy Gonzalez, Hana Yemane Wodajo, and Eric W. Djmeu


Feasibility of a Primary Care Patient Decision Aid for Smoking Cessation with Information About E-Cigarettes, Jennifer H. LeLaurin; Jim F. Thrasher Ph.D., MA, MS; Scott M. Strayer; John Malaty; Christy Kollath-Cattano; Maribeth Williams; Oliver T. Nguyen; Allie M. Kellner; James M. Smith; and Ramzi G. Salloum


Using Height-Adjusted Stunting Prevalence Will Fail Disadvantaged Children Worldwide, Jef L. Leroy, Edward A. Frongillo Jr. Ph.D., and Elaine Borghi


Strengthening Causal Inference from Randomised Controlled Trials of Complex Interventions, Jef L. Leroy, Edward A. Frongillo Jr. Ph.D., Bezawit E. Kase, Silvia Alonso, Mario Chen, Ian Dohoo, Lieven Huybregts, Suneetha Kadiyala, and Naomi M. Saville


Curating a Knowledge Base for Individuals With Coinfection of HIV and SARS-CoV-2: A Study Protocol of EHR-Based Data Mining and Clinical Implementation, Chen Liang, Sharon Weissman, Bankole Olatosi, Eric G. Poon, Michael E. Yarrington, and Xiaoming Li Ph.D.


Association of Body Mass Index and Plant-Based Diet with Cognitive Impairment among Older Chinese Adults: A Prospective, Nationwide Cohort Study, Fang Liang; Jialin Fu; Gabrielle Turner-McGrievy Ph.D., RD; Yechuang Wang; Nan Qiu; Kai Ding; Jing Zeng; Justin B. Moore; and Rui Li


Multilevel Determinants of Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Severe Maternal Morbidity and Mortality in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic in the USA: Protocol for a Concurrent Triangulation, Mixed-Methods Study, Jihong Liu, Peiyin Hung Ph.D, Chen Liang Ph.D., Jiajia Zhang Ph.D., Shan Qiao Ph.D., Berry A. Campbell, Bankole Olatosi Ph.D., Myriam E. Torres Ph. D., Neset Hikmet, and Xiaoming Li Ph.D.


A Resilience-Based Intervention to Mitigate the Effect of HIV-Related Stigma: Protocol for a Stepped Wedge Cluster Randomized Trial, Xiaoming Li PH.D., Shan Qiao Ph.D., Xueying Yang, Sayward E. Harrison, Cheuk Chi Tam, Zhiyong Shen, and Yuejiao Zhou


Elements for Successful Implementation of a Clinic-Based Health Literacy Intervention, Mark M. Macauda; Michelle Angelique Arent; Mayank Sakhuja; Brooks Yelton MA, LMSW; Samuel Noblet; Delores Fedrick; Diana Zona; Cyndi New; William D. Isenhower; Abraham Wandersman; and Daniela B. Friedman Ph.D.


Development and Validation of Self-Efficacy and Intention Measures for Spending Time in Nature, Jay E. Maddock, Courtney Suess, Gregory N. Bratman, Carissa Smock, Debra Kellstedt, Jeanette Gustat, Cynthia K. Perry, and Andrew T. Kaczynski Ph.D.


Future Orientation Among Children Affected by Parental HIV in China: An Exploratory Analysis of Complex Interactions, Heather L. McDaniel, Sayward E. Harrison, Amanda J. Fairchild, and Xiaoming Li Ph.D.


Adolescent-Reported Household Food Insecurity and Adolescents' Poor Mental and Physical Health and Food Insufficiency in Kenya, Amanda S. McRell, Maryah S. Fram, and Edward A. Frongillo Jr.


Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Postpartum Care in the Greater Boston Area During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Tianyue Mi, Peiyin Hung, Xiaoming Li Ph.D., Alecia McGregor, Jinggui He, and Jie Zhou


HIV-Related Stigma, Sexual Identity, and Depressive Symptoms Among MSM Living With HIV: A Moderated Mediation Modeling Analysis, Tianyue Mi, Guanghua Lan, Xueying Yang Ph.D., Xiaoming Li Ph.D., Shan Qiao Ph.D., Zhiyong Shen, and Yuejiao Zhou


Associations of Public Open Space Attributes with Active and Sedentary Behaviors in Dense Urban Areas: A Systematic Review of Observational Studies, Minica Motomura, Mohammad Javad Koohsari, Chien-Yu Lin, Kaori Ishii, Ai Shibata, Tomoki Nakaya, Andrew T. Kaczynski Ph.D., Jenny Veitch, and Koichiro Oka


Three Dimensions of COVID-19 Risk Perceptions and Their Socioeconomic Correlates in the United States: A Social Media Analysis, Shan Qiao Ph.D., Zhenlong Li Ph.D., Chen Liang Ph.D., Xiaoming Li Ph.D., and Caroline Rudisill Ph.D.


Three Dimensions of COVID-19 Risk Perceptions and Their Socioeconomic Correlates in the United States: A Social Media Analysis, Shan Qiao, Zhenlong Li, and Caroline Rudsill


Social Capital, Urbanization Level, and COVID-19 Vaccination Uptake in the United States: A National Level Analysis, Shan Qiao, Zhenlong Li, Jiajia Zhang, Xiaowen Sun, Camryn Garrett, and Xiaoming Li


How Different Pre-existing Mental Disorders and Their Co-occurrence Affects COVID-19 Clinical Outcomes? A Real-World Data Study in the Southern United States, Shan Qiao Ph.D., Jiajia Zhang Ph.D., Shujie Chen, Bankole Olatosi Ph.D., Suzanne Hardeman, Meera Narasimhan, Larisa Bruner, Abdoulaye Diedhiou, Cheryl Scott, Ali Mansaray, Sharon Weissman, and Xiaoming Li Ph.D.


How Different Pre-existing Mental Disorders and Their Co-occurrence Affects COVID-19 Clinical Outcomes? A Real-World Data Study in the Southern United States, Shan Qiao PH.D., Jiajia Zhang Ph.D., Shujie Chen, Bankole Olatosi Ph.D., Suzanne Hardeman, Meera Narasimhan, Larisa Bruner, Abdoulaye Diedhiuo, Cheryl Scott, Ali Mansaray, Sharon Weissman, and Xiaoming Li Ph.D.


Latent Class Analysis of Polysubstance Use and Sexual Risk Behaviors among Men Who Have Sex with Men Attending Sexual Health Clinics in Mexico City, Rosibel Rodríguez-Bolaños; Ricardo Baruch-Dominguez; Edna Aril; Elsa Yunes-Díaz; Leonor Rivera-Rivera; Lizeth Cruz-Jiménez; Jim F. Thrasher Ph.D., MA, MS; Alan G. Nyitray; and Eduardo Lazcando-Ponce


Association Between Socioeconomic Status and Mental Health Among China’s Migrant Workers: A Moderated Mediation Model, Yubo Shao, Huang Ying, Xiaoming Li Ph.D., and Lian Tong


Perceived COVID-19 Threat, Perceived Healthcare System Inequities, Personal Experiences of Healthcare Discrimination and Their Associations with COVID-19 Preventive Behavioral Intentions Among College Students in the US, Juliana S. Sherchan, Jessica R. Fernandez, Shan Qiao, Arie W. Kruglanski, and Allana T. Forde


Study Protocol: Randomised Controlled Hybrid Type 2 Trial Evaluating the Scale-up of Two Arts Interventions for Postnatal Depression and Parkinson’s Disease, Tayana Soukup, Rachel Davis, Maria Baldellou Lopez, Andy Healey, Carolina Estevao, Daisy Fancourt, Paola Dazzan, Carmine Pariante, Hannah Dye, Tim Osborn, Rebecca Bind, Kristi Sawyer, Lavinia Rebecchini, Katie Hazelgrove, Alexandra Burton, Manonmani Manoharan, Rosie Perkins, Aleksandra Podlewska, Ray Chaudhuri, Fleur Derbyshire-Fox, Alison Hartley, Anthony Woods, and Nikki Crane


Mindfulness, Psychological Distress, and Somatic Symptoms Among Women Engaged in Sex Work in China, Cheuk Chi Tam, Yuejiao Zhao, Shan Qiao, Xiaoming Li, and Zhiyong Shen


The Effectiveness of Two Implementation Strategies for Improving Teachers’ Delivery of an Evidenced-Based HIV Prevention Program, Bo Wang, Lynette Deveaux, Lesley Cottrell, Xiaoming Li, Richard Adderley, Barbara Dorsett, Regina Firpo-Triplett, Veronica Koci, Sharon Marshall, Nikkiah Forbes, and Bonita Stanton


Comparing Standard Versus Enhanced Implementation of an Evidence-Based HIV Prevention Program Among Bahamian Sixth Grade Students: Findings From Nationwide Implementation Trials, Bo Wang, Lynette Deveaux, Carly Herbert, Xiaoming Li Ph.D., Lesley Cottrell, Richard Adderley, Maxwell Poitier, Arvis Mortimer, Glenda Rolle, Sharon Marshall, Nikkiah Forbes, and Bonita Stanton


The Effect of Social Exclusion on Trust Among Youth Orphaned by HIV/AIDS: Evidence From an Event-Related Potentials Study, Jiaojiao Wan, Qi Zhao, Yafei Zhang, Lili Ji, Junfeng Zhao, Shan Qiao Ph.D., and Xiaoming Li Ph.D.


The Faith, Activity, and Nutrition (FAN) Dissemination and Implementation Study: Changes in and Maintenance of Organizational Practices over 24 Months in a Statewide Initiative, Sarah Wilcox PhD, Kelsey R. Day, Ruth P. Saunders, Danielle E. Jake-Schoffman, Andrew T. Kaczynski, Jessica Stucker, Caroline G. Dunn, and John Bernhart Ph.D.


Hair Zidovudine Concentrations Predict Virologic Outcomes Among People Living with HIV/AIDS in China, Yan Wu, Shuaifeng Liu, Liuxi Chu, Quan Zhang, Jin Yang, Shan Qiao, Xiaoming Li Ph.D., Yuejiao Zhou, Huihua Deng, and Zhiyong Shen


Examining Social Determinants of Health During a Pandemic: Clinical Application of Z Codes Before and During COVID-19, Xueying Yang Ph.D., Brooks Yelton, Shujie Chen, Jiajia Zhang Ph.D., Bankole Olatosi Ph.D., Shan Qiao Ph.D., Xiaoming Li Ph.D., and Daniela B. Friedman Ph.D.


COVID-19-Related Stressful Experiences and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms Among College Students in China: A Moderated Mediation Model of Perceived Control Over the Future and Empathy, Zhi Ye, Chengbo Zeng, Xueying Yang, Cheuk-Chi Tam, Yuyan Wang, Shan Qiao Ph.D., Xiaoming Li Ph.D., and Danhu Lin


Availability of Hospital-Based Cancer Services Before and After Rural Hospital Closure, 2008-2017, Whitney Zahnd Ph.D., Peiyin Hung Ph.D., Sylvia Kewei Shi, Anja Zgodic, Melinda A. Merrell Ph.D., Elizabeth L. Crouch, Janice C. Probst, and Jan Eberth Ph.D.


The Relationship of Hair Glucocorticoid Levels to Immunological and Virological Outcomes in a Large Cohort of Combination Antiretroviral Therapy Treated People Living With HIV, Quan Zhang, Xiaoming Li Ph.D., Shan Qiao Ph.D., Shuaifeng Liu, Yuejiao Zhou, and Zhiyong Shen


“Where the Truth Really Lies”: Listening to Voices From African American Communities in the Southern States About COVID-19 Vaccine Information and Communication, Ran Zhang, Shan Qiao, Brooke McKeever, Bankole Olatosi, and Xiaoming Li


Listening to Voices from African American Communities in the Southern States about COVID-19 Vaccine Information and Communication: A Qualitative Study, Ran Zhang, Shan Qiao, Bankole Olatosi Ph.D., and Xiaoming Li Ph.D.


Does HIV-Related Stigma Depress Social Well-Being of Youths Affected by Parental HIV/AIDS?, Yafei Zhao, Jiaojiao Wan, Lili Ji, Giagai Lui, Yixin Shi, Junfeng Zhao, and Xiaoming Li Ph.D.

Submissions from 2021


Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Uptake Among Black Men Who Have Sex with Men (BMSM) in the Southern U.S, Oluwafemi Adeagbo, Sayward Elizabeth Harrison, Shan Qiao Ph.D., and Xiaoming Li Ph.D.


Suicide Attempts in US Veterans with Chronic Headache Disorders: A 10-Year Retrospective Cohort Study, X. Michelle Androulakis, Siyuan Guo, Jiajia Zhang Ph.D., Jason Sico, Peter Warren, Alec Giakas, Xiaoming Li Ph.D., B Lee Peterlin, Roy Mathew, and Deborah Reyes


Correction To: Factor Structure and Equivalence of Maternal Resources for Care in Bangladesh, Vietnam, and Ethiopia, Sulochana Basnet, Edward A. Frongillo Jr., Phuong Hong Nguyen, Spencer Moore, and Mandana Arabi


Factor Structure and Equivalence of Maternal Resources for Care in Bangladesh, Vietnam, and Ethiopia, Sulochana Basnet, Edward A. Frongillo Jr. Ph.D., Phuong Hong Nguyen, Spencer Moore, and Mandana Arabi


Maternal Resources for Care Are Associated With Child Growth and Early Childhood Development in Bangladesh and Vietnam, Sulochana Basnet, Edward A. Frongillo Jr., Phuong Hong Nguyen, Spencer Moore, and Mandana Arabi


Program Implementation and Church Members' Health Behaviors in a Countywide Study of the Faith, Activity, and Nutrition Program, John Bernhart Ph.D., MPH, CHES; Sarah Wilcox PhD; Ruth P. Saunders Ph.D.; Brent E. Hutto MSPH; and Jessica Stucker


Occasions, Purposes, and Contexts for Offering Snacks to Preschool-Aged Children: Schemas of Caregivers With Low-Income Backgrounds, Christine E. Blake, Kirsten K. Davison, Rachel E. Blaine, and Jennifer O. Fisher


Elaborating the Science of Food Choice for Rapidly Changing Food Systems in Low-and Middle-Income Countries, Christine E. Blake Ph.D., RD; Edward A. Frongillo Jr. Ph.D.; Andrea M. Warren; Shilpa V. Constantinides; Krystal K. Rampalli; and Shiva Bhandari


Propensity Score Matching Evaluation of Psychological Stress and Hair Cortisol Among People Living with HIV in China, Xu Chen, Shuaifeng Liu, Chengbo Zeng, Xiaoming Li Ph.D., Shan Qiao Ph.D., Riying Lv, and Zhiyong Shen


The Association Between Quitline Characteristics and Smoking Cessation by Educational Attainment, Income, Race/Ethnicity, and Sex, David C. Colston; Bethany J. Simard; Yanmei Xie; Marshall Chandler McLeod; Micheal R. Elliott; Jim F. Thrasher Ph.D., MA, MS; and Nancy L. Fleischer


Exploring How Exposure to Truth and State-Sponsored Anti-tobacco Media Campaigns Affect Smoking Disparities Among Young Adults Using a National Longitudinal Dataset, 2002-2017, David C. Colston; Yanmei Xie; Jim Thrasher Ph.D.,MA. MS; Sherry Emery; Megan E. Patrick; Andrea R. Titus; Micheal R. Elliot; and Nancy L. Fleischer


Using a Global Food Environment Framework to Understand Relationships With Food Choice in Diverse Low- And Middle-Income Countries, Shilpa V. Constantinides, Christopher Turner, Edward A. Frongillo Jr., Shiva Bhandari, Ligia I. Reyes, and Christine E. Blake


Association of Cumulative Social Risk and Social Support With Receipt of Chemotherapy Among Patients With Advanced Colorectal Cancer, Rachel E. Davis, Amber W. Trickey, Paul Abrahamse, Ikuko Kato, Kevin Ward, and Arden M. Morris


Restriction of Access to Deep Brain Stimulation for Refractory OCD: Failure to Apply the Federal Parity Act, Rachel Davis, James Giordano, D Brian Hufford, Sameer A. Sheth, Peter Warnke, Alik S. Widge, R Mark Richardson, Joshua M. Rosenow, Peter Justin Rossi, Eric A. Storch, Helena Winston, JoAnne Zboyan, Darin D. Dougherty, Kelly D. Foote, Wayne K. Goodman, Nicole C. McLaughlin, Steven Ojemann, Steven Rasmussen, Aviva Abosch, and Michael S. Okun


Adaptation of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality’s ‘Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture’ to the Bosnia and Herzegovina Context, Šehad Draganović, Guido Offermanns, and Rachel E. Davis


Shaper-PND Trial: Clinical Effectiveness Protocol of a Community Singing Intervention for Postnatal Depression, Carolina Estevao, Rebecca Bind, Daisy Fancourt, Kristi Sawyer, Paola Dazzan, Nick Sevdalis, Anthony Woods, Nikki Crane, Lavinia Rebecchini, Katie Hazelgrove, Manonmani Manoharan, Alexandra Burton, Hannah Dye, Tim Osborn, Rachel E. Davis, Tayana Soukup, Jorge Arias de la Torre, Ioannis Bakolis, Andy Healey, Rosie Perkins, and Carmine Pariante


Measuring and Leveraging Motives and Values in Dietary Interventions, Sarah J. Eustis, Gabrielle Turner-McGrievy, Swann A. Adams, and James R. Hébert ScD


Impact of Adverse Childhood Events on the Psychosocial Functioning of Children Affected by Parental HIV in Rural China, Jordan Ezell, Sayward E. Harrison, Yanping Jiang, and Xiaoming Li Ph.D.


Association of Health Warning Labels and Motivation to Quit Waterpipe Tobacco Smoking Among University Students in the Eastern Mediterranean Region, Dina Farran; Grace Khawam; Rima Nakkash; Juhan Lee; Niveen Abu-Rmeileh; Muhammad W. Darawad; Aya Mostafa; Khalid A. Kheirallah; Mohamed Salama; Randah R. Hamadeh; Jim Thrasher Ph.D., MA, MS; and Ramzi G. Salloum


Moving Beyond Giving Free Food: Specific Targeting and Tailoring in Response to Child Food Insecurity, Maryah Stella Fram and Edward A. Frongillo Jr.


Advancing Use of Nutrition Knowledge to Improve Practice by Policy and Program Communities in India During a Political Transition, Edward A. Frongillo Jr. and Jessica L. Escobar-Alegria


Challenges for Estimating the Global Prevalence of Micronutrient Deficiencies and Related Disease Burden: A Case Study of the Global Burden of Disease Study, Sonja Y. Hess, Alexander C. McLain, Edward A. Frongillo Jr., Ashkan Afshin, Nicholas J. Kassebaum, Saskia J. Osendarp, Reed Atkin, Rahul Rawat, and Kenneth H. Brown


Prolonged Time From Diagnosis to Breast-Conserving Surgery Is Associated With Upstaging in Hormone Receptor-Positive Invasive Ductal Breast Carcinoma, Natalie Hills, Macall Leslie, Rachel Davis, Marielle Crowell, Hiroyasu Kameyama, Hallgeir Rui, Inna Chervoneva, William Dooley, and Takemi Tanaka


Differences by School Location in Summer and School Monthly Weight Change: Findings from a Nationally Representative Sample, Ethan T. Hunt; Bridget Armstrong Ph.D.; Gabrielle Turner-McGrievy Ph.D., RD; Michael Beets MEd, MPH, PhD; and Robert Weaver MEd, PhD


Differences in ​the Proportion of Children Meeting Behavior Guidelines ​Between Summer ​and School by Socioeconomic Status and Race, Ethan T. Hunt; Lauren von Klinggraeff; Alexis Jones; Sarah Burkart; Roddrick Dugger; Bridget Armstrong Ph.D.; Michael Beets Ph.D.; Gabrielle Turner-McGrievy Ph.D., RD; Marco Geraci; and Robert Glenn Weaver MEd, PhD


Fostering Distance Education: Lessons From a United States-England Partnered Collaborative Online International Learning Approach, Lucy A. Ingram, Courtney M. Monroe, Haley Wright, Amy Burrell, Rebecca Jenks, Simon Cheung, and Daniela B. Friedman Ph.D.


Responding to the Call: Building a Training Program to Diversify the Academy in Alzheimer’s Disease Research, Lucy Annang Ingram PhD, Marvella E. Ford, Christiana L. Johnson, Brianna Ashford-Carroll, Quentin McCollum, Daniela B. Friedman, and Sue E. Levkoff


Impact of Front-Of-Pack Labels on the Perceived Healthfulness of a Sweetened Fruit Drink: A Randomised Experiment in Five Countries, Alejandra Jauregui; Christine M. White; Lana Vanderlee; Marissa G. Hall; Alejandra Contreras-Manzano; Claudia Nieto; Gary Sacks; Jim Thrasher Ph.D., MA, MS; David Hammond; and Simón Barquera


Deep Brain Stimulation for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Real World Experience Post-FDA-Humanitarian Use Device Approval, Lora Kahn, Brianne Sutton, Helena R. Winston, Aviva Abosch, John A. Thompson, and Rachel E. Davis


A Structural Study of the Cytoplasmic Chaperone Effect of 14-3-3 Proteins on Ataxin-1, Seppe Leysen, Rebecca Jane Burnley, Elizabeth Rodriguez, Lech-Gustav Milroy, Lorenzo Soini, Carolyn J. Adamski, Larissa Nitschke, Rachel Davis, Tomas Obsil, Lucas Brunsveld, Tom Crabbe, Huda Yahya Zoghbi, Christian Ottmann, and Jeremy Martin Davis


Megf10 Deficiency Impairs Skeletal Muscle Stem Cell Migration and Muscle Regeneration, Chengcheng Li, Dorianmarie Vargas-Franco, Madhurima Saha, Rachel M. Davis, Kelsey A. Manko, Isabelle Draper, Christina A. Pacak, and Peter B. Kang


Telepsychiatry Adoption Across Hospitals in the United States: A Cross-Sectional Study, Zhong Li, Sayward Elizabeth Harrison Ph.D., Xiamoing Li Ph.D., and Peiyin Hung


Blood Donation Fear, Perceived Rewards, Self-Efficacy, and Intention to Return Among Whole Blood Donors in China: A Social Cognitive Perspective, Zhong Li, Shuge Lei, Xiamoing Li Ph.D., Yilun Zhao, Yudong Dai, Shengxuan Jin, Qiang Fu, Xubing Cai, Zhenping Lin, and Xiaoming Tu


Smoking Behaviors, Mental Health, and Risk Perceptions during the Beginning of the COVID-19 Pandemic among Mexican Adult Smokers, Emily E. Loud; Katia Gallegos-Carrillo; Inti Barrientos-Gutiérrez; Edna Arillo-Santillán; Victoria C. Lambert; Luis Zavala-Arciniega; and Jim F. Thrasher Ph.D., MA, MS


Temporal Geospatial Analysis of COVID-19 Pre-Infection Determinants of Risk in South Carolina, Tianchu Lyu, Nicole Hair, Nicholas Yell, Zhenlong Li, Shan Qiao Ph.D., and Xiaoming Li Ph.D.


Australian Smokers' Sensory Experiences and Beliefs Associated with Menthol and Non-Menthol Cigarettes, Serafino Mancuso; Emily Brennan; Kimberley Dunstone; Amanda Vittiglia; Sarah Durkin; Jim F. Thrasher Ph.D., MA, MS; Janet Hoek; and Melanie Wakefield


Structural Insights Into the Disruption of Tnf-tnfr1 Signalling by Small Molecules Stabilising a Distorted Tnf, David McMillan, Carlos Martinez-Fleites, John Porter, David Fox, Rachel E. Davis, Prashant Mori, Tom Ceska, Bruce Carrington, Alastair Lawson, Tim Bourne, and James O'Connell


Water Insecurity Is Associated With Lack of Viral Suppression and Greater Odds of Aids-Defining Illnesses Among Adults With HIV in Western Kenya, Jason M. Nagata, Joshua D. Miller, Craig R. Cohen, Edward A. Frongillo Jr., Elly Weke, Rachel Burger, Pauline Wekesa, Lila A. Sheira, A Rain Mocello, Phelgona Otieno, Lisa M. Butler, Elizabeth A. Bukusi, Sheri D. Weiser, and Sera L. Young


Household Food Insecurity and Children’s Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour in the United States: The Healthy Communities Study, Sophia M. Navarro, Marisa M. Tsai, Lorrene D. Ritchie, Edward A. Frongillo Jr., Barbara A. Laraia, Russell R. Pate, and Lauren E. Au


COVID-19 Disrupted Provision and Utilization of Health and Nutrition Services in Uttar Pradesh, India: Insights From Service Providers, Household Phone Surveys, and Administrative Data, Phuong H. Nguyen, Shivani Kachwaha, Anjali Pant, Lan M. Tran, Monika Walia, Sebanti Ghosh, Praveen K. Sharma, Jessica Escobar-Alegria, Edward A. Frongillo Jr., Purnima Menon, and Rasmi Avula