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Few studies have examined the impact of ecological health promotion interventions on organizational practices over time, especially in faith-based settings. This statewide dissemination and implementation study examined change in organizational practices and their predictors across a 24-month period, as well as maintenance of change.


Using a pre-post quasi-experimental design, church coordinators from 92 United Methodist Churches in South Carolina (42% predominantly African American congregations) completed surveys at baseline, and immediate, 12-, and 24-months post-training regarding physical activity (PA) and healthy eating (HE) organizational practices consistent with the Faith, Activity, and Nutrition (FAN) program (opportunities, policies, pastor support, messages) and possible predictors. The study was guided by the RE-AIM framework and the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR). Mixed model repeated measures analyses examined change in organizational practices over time. Regression models examined CFIR predictors of 24-month PA and HE organizational practices, controlling for baseline practices. Churches were also classified as maintainers (implemented at 12 and 24 months), non-sustained implementers (implemented at 12 but not 24 months), delayed implementers (implemented at 24 but not 12 months), and low implementers (implemented at neither 12 nor 24 months) for each FAN component.


PA and HE organizational practices increased over time (p < .0001). CFIR domains (and constructs within) of intervention characteristics (adaptability, relative advantage, cost/time), inner setting (relative priority, organizational rewards, readiness, congregant needs), characteristics of the implementer (self-efficacy, perceived benefits), and implementation process (engaging opinion leaders, engaging champions) were important predictors of 24-month PA and HE organizational practices. Over half of churches implementing PA policies, PA messages, HE policies, and HE opportunities at 12 months were maintainers at 24 months, and one-third were maintainers for PA opportunities, HE messages, and PA and HE pastor support. Furthermore, 16% of 12-month non-implementers were delayed implementers at 24 months for PA policies and 31% were delayed implementers for HE policies.


This study makes important contributions to the faith-based health promotion literature by including a large sample of churches, testing an ecological intervention approach, and assessing organizational practices over a 24-month period. Study findings can guide technical assistance and program adaptations over time.

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APA Citation

Wilcox, S., Day, K. R., Saunders, R. P., Jake-Schoffman, D. E., Kaczynski, A. T., Stucker, J., Dunn, C., & Bernhart, J. A. (2022). The Faith, Activity, and Nutrition (FAN) dissemination and implementation study: changes in and maintenance of organizational practices over 24 months in a statewide initiative. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 19(1).
