
Submissions from 2005

Emergency Contraception in Emergency Departments in Oregon, 2003, Kenneth D. Rosenberg, Jodi K. DeMunter, and Jihong Liu

Lifetime versus Recent Dietary Intake of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon and Heterocyclic Amine Sources and Breast Cancer Risk, Susan E. Steck, Mia M. Gaudet, Sybil M. Eng, Julie A. Britton, Susan L. Teitelbaum, Alfred I. Neugut, Regina M. Santella, and Marilie D. Gammon

Urinary estrogen metabolites, prostate specific antigen, and body mass index among African–American men in South Carolina, Jane Teas, Joan E. Cunningham, Jay H. Fowke, Daniela Nitcheva, C. P. Kanwat, R. J. Boulware, Daniel W. Sepkovic, Thomas G. Hurley, and James R. Hébert

Investigation of a generalized multinomial model for species data, Hongmei Zhang and Hal Stern

Submissions from 2004


The Fitness, Obesity, and Health Equation Is Physical Activity the Common Denominator?, Steven N. Blair and Timothy S. Church

The evolution of physical activity recommendations: how much is enough?, Steven N. Blair, Michael J. LaMonte, and Milton Z. Nichaman


. Construct Validity of Self-reported Historical Physical Activity., Heather R, Bowles; Shannon J. Fitzgerald; Jaems R. Morrow Jr.; Allen W. Jackson; and Steven N. Blair

Folate intake, MTHFR C677T polymorphism, alcohol consumption, and risk for sporadic colorectal adenoma (United States), Sonia M. Boyapati, Roberd M. Bostick, Katherine A. McGlynn, Michael F. Fina, Walter M. Roufail, Kim R. Geisinger, James R. Hébert, Ann Coker, and Michael Wargovich

Variation in nutrient intakes among women in Shanghai, China, Hui Cai, Xiao-Ou Shu, James R. Hébert, Fan Jin, G. Yang, Da-Ke Liu, Yu-Tang Gao, and Wei Zheng


Estimated change in physical activity level (PAL) and prediction of 5-year weight change in men: the Aerobics Center Longitudinal Study, L. Di Pietro, J. Dziura, and Steven N. Blair


Prevention Conference VII - Obesity, a Worldwide Epidemic Related to Heart Disease and Stroke: Executive Summary, Robert H. Eckel, David A. York, Stephan Rössner, Van Hubbard, Ian Caterson, Sachiko T. St. Jeor, Laura L. Hayman, Rebecca M. Mullis, and Steven N. Blair


Stability of variables associated with the metabolic syndrome from adolescence to adulthood: The Aerobics Center Longitudinal Study, J C. Eiesenmann, G J. Welk, E E. Wickel, and S N. Blair


Muscular Fitness and All-Cause Mortality: Prospective Observations, Shannon J. FitzGerald, Carolyn E. Barlow, James B. Kampert, James R. Morrow Jr., Allen W. Jackson, and Steven N. Blair

Fruits, Vegetables, and Micronutrients in Relation to Breast Cancer Modified by Menopause and Hormone Recptor Status, Mia M. Gaudet, Julie A. Britton, Geoffrey C. Kabat, Susan E. Steck, Sybil M. Eng, Susan L. Teitelbaum, Mary Beth Terry, Alfred I. Neugut, and Marilie D. Gammon

Genome Phylogenetic Analysis Based on Extended Gene Contents, Xun Gu and Hongmei Zhang

Methodologic considerations in the study of diet as part of complementary and alternative medicine modalities, James R. Hébert, Michael Wargovich, and Mary E.S. Zander


Lower Extremity Muscle Strength and Risk of Self-Reported Hip or Knee Osteoarthritis, Jennifer M. Hootman, Shannon J. FitzGerald, Carol A. Macera, and Steven N. Blair


Clinical Implications of Obesity With Specific Focus on Cardiovascular Disease: A Statement for Professionals From the American Heart Association Council on Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Metabolism, Samuel Klein, Lora E. Burke, George A. Bray, Steven N. Blair, David B. Allison, Xavier Pi-Sunyer, Yuling Hong, and Robert H. Eckel


Liver fat is not a marker of metabolic risk in lean premenopausal women, Jennifer L. Kuk, Milton Z. Nichaman, Timothy S. Church, Steven N. Blair, and Robert Ross

Veterans with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia/Small Lymphocytic Lymphoma (CLL/SLL) have a Markedly Increased Rate of Second Malignancy, which is the Most Common Cause of Death, Mouhammed J. Kyasa, Linda J. Hazlett, Rudolph S. Parrish, Steven A. Schichman, and Clive S. Zent


Public Health Nursing Acceptance of the 5 A’s Protocol for Prenatal Smoking Cessation, Jihong Liu

Factors affecting adoption in China, 1950-87, Jihong Liu, Ulla Larsen, and Grace Wyshak

Physical well-being and school enrollment: a comparison of adopted and biological children in one-child families in China, Jihong Liu, Grace Wyshak, and Ulla Larsen

Physical activity, body size, and estrogen metabolism in women, Charles E. Matthews, Jay H. Fowke, Qi Dai, H. Leon Bradlow, Fan Jin, Xiao-Ou Shu, Yu-Tang Gao, Christopher Longcope, James R. Hébert, and Wei Zheng

Seasonal variation in serum cholesterol levels: treatment implications and possible mechanisms, Ira S. Ockene, David E. Chiriboga, Edward J. Stanek III, Morton G. Harmatz, Robert J. Nicolosi, Gordon Saperia, Arnold D. Well, Patty S. Freedson, Philip A. Merriam, George W. Reed, Yunsheng Ma, Charles E. Matthews, and James R. Hébert

The Pediatric Alliance for Coordinated Care: Evaluation of a Medical Home Model, Judith S. Palfrey, Lisa S. Sofis, Emily J. Davidson, Jihong Liu, Linda Freeman, and Michael L. Ganz

MTHFR polymorphisms, dietary folate intake, and breast cancer risk: results from the Shanghai Breast Cancer Study, Martha J. Shrubsole, Yu-Tang Gao, Qiuyin Cai, Xiao-Ou Shu, Qi Dai, James R. Hébert, Fan Jin, and Wei Zheng

Plasma and lung macrophage responsiveness to carotenoid supplementation and ozone exposure in humans, Susan E. Steck, Lenore Arab, N. E. Craft, and James M. Samet

Cooked Meat and Breast Cancer in the Carolina Breast Cancer Study, Susan E. Steck, Lenore Arab, M. Tseng, C. K. Tse, and Robert C. Millikan

Carotenoids, Vitamin A and Risk of Adenomatous Polyp Recurrence in the Polyp Prevention Trial, Susan E. Steck, Michele R. Forman, Anne Sowell, Craig B. Borkow, Paul S. Albert, Martha Slattery, Brenda Brewer, Bette Caan, Electra Paskett, Frank Iber, Walt Kikendall, James Marshall, Moshe Shike, Joel Weissfeld, Kirk Snyder, Arthur Schatzkin, and Elaine Lanza

Algae – a poor man's HAART?, Jane Teas, James R. Hébert, J. Helen Fitton, and Paul V. Zimba

Maximum Likelihood for Genome Phylogeny on Gene Content, Hongmei Zhang and Xun Gu

Submissions from 2003

Ethnic differences in the nutrient intake adequacy of premenopausal US women: Results from the Third National Health Examination Survey, Lenore Arab, Alicia Carriquiry, Susan E. Steck, and Mia M. Gaudet


The Importance of Physical Activity and Cardiorespiratory Fitness for Patients With Type 2 Diabetes, Steven N. Blair and Timothy S. Church

New vision for health promotion within sports medicine, Steven N. Blair, Barry A. Franklin, John M. Jakicic, and W. Ben Kibler

Calcium, vitamin D, and risk for colorectal adenoma: dependency on vitamin D receptor Bsml polymorphism and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug use?, Sonia M. Boyapati, Roberd M. Bostick, Katherine A. McGlynn, Michael F. Fina, Walter M. Roufail, Kim R. Geisinger, Michael Wargovich, Ann Coker, and James R. Hébert


Comparison of coronary artery calcium detected by electron beam tomography in patients with to those without symptomatic coronary heart disease., Yiling J. Cheng, Timothy S. Church, Thomas E. Kimball, Milton Z. Nichaman, Benjamin D. Levine, Darren K. McGuire, and Steven N. Blair


Effects of physical activity on exercise tests and respiratory function, Y J. Cheng, C A. Macera, C L. Addy, F S. Sy, D Wieland, and Steven N. Blair

Urinary phytoestrogen excretion and breast cancer risk: evaluating potential effect modifiers endogenous estrogens and anthropometrics, Qi Dai, Adrian A. Franke, Herbert Yu, Xiao-Ou Shu, Fan Jin, James R. Hébert, Laurie J. Custer, Yu-Tang Gao, and Wei Zheng

Differences between estimated caloric requirements and self-reported caloric intake in the women's health initiative, James R. Hébert, Ruth E. Patterson, Malka Gorfine, Cara B. Ebbeling, Sachiko T. St. Jeor, and Rowan T. Chlebowski


Physical Activity and Stroke Risk: A Meta-Analysis, Chong Do Lee, Aaron R. Folsom, and Steven N. Blair


Health Status, Health Insurance, and Health Care Utilization Patterns of Immigrant Black Men, Jacqueline W. Lucas, Daheia J. Barr-Anderson, and Raynard S. Kington

Association between Eating Patterns and Obesity in a Free-living US Adult Population, Yunsheng Ma, Elizabeth R. Bertone, Edward J. Stanek III, George W. Reed, James R. Hébert, Nancy L. Cohen, Philip A. Me, and Ira S. Ockene

. Visceral fat and liver fat are independent predictors of metabolic risk factors in men, Thanh-Binh Nguyen-Duy, Milton Z. Nichaman, Timothy S. Church, Steven N. Blair, and Robert Ross

Personality characteristics as predictors of underreporting of energy intake on 24-hour dietary recall interviews, Janet A. Novotny, William V. Rumpler, Howard Riddick, James R. Hébert, Donna Rhodes, Joseph T. Judd, David J. Baer, Margaret McDowell, and Ronette Briefel


How much physical activity is enough to prevent unhealthy weight gain? Outcome of the IASO 1st Stock Conference and consensus statement, W H. Saris, S N. Blair, M A. van Baak, S B. Eaton, P D. Davies, L DiPietro, M Fogelholm, A Rissanen, D Schoeller, B Swinburn, A Tremblay, K R. Westerterp, and H Wyatt

Submissions from 2002


Lycopene and the Lung, Lenore Arab, Susan E. Steck, and Aaron T. Fleishauer


Physical Activity across the Cancer Continuum: Report of a Workshop, Rachel Ballard-Barbash, Aaron Blair, Steven N. Blair, Timothy Byers, Laurie Hoffman-Goetz, I-Min Lee, Richard Troiano, and Kim Westerlind


The Public Health Problem of Increasing Prevalence Rates of Obesity and What Should Be Done About It, Steven N. Blair and Milton Z. Nichaman

Heart rate reserve as a predictor of cardiovascular and all-cause mortality in men, Yiling J. Cheng, Caroline A. Macera, Timothy S. Church, and Steven N. Blair


Associations Between Cardiorespiratory Fitness and C-Reactive Protein in Men, Timothy S. Church, Carolyn E. Barlow, Conrad P. Earnest, James B. Kampert, Elisa L. Priest, and Steven N. Blair


Relative associations of fitness and fatness to fibrinogen, white blood cell count, uric acid and metabolic syndrome, Timothy S. Church, C. E. Finely, Conrad P. Earnest, James B. Kampert, Larry W. Gibbons, and Steven N. Blair

Urinary Excretion of Phytoestrogens and Risk of Breast Cancer among Chinese Women in Shanghai, Qi Dai, Adrian A. Franke, Fan Jin, Xiao-Ou Shu, James R. Hébert, Lauri J. Custer, Jiarong Cheng, Yu-Tang Gao, and Wei Zheng


Translating Evidence-Based Physical Activity Interventions into Practice: The 2010 Challenge, Andrea L. Dunn and Steven N. Blair


The Relation of Body Mass Index, Cardiorespiratory Fitness, and All-Cause Mortality in Women, Stephen W. Farrell, LeeAnn Braun, Carolyn E. Barlow, Yiling J. Cheng, and Steven N. Blair


Urinary excretion of dithiocarbamates and selfreported Cruciferous vegetable intake: application of the ‘method of triads’ to a foodspecific biomarker, Jay H. Fowke, James R. Hébert, and Jed W. Fahey

Systematic errors in middle-aged women's estimates of energy intake: comparing three self-report measures to total energy expenditure from doubly labeled water, James R. Hébert, Cara B. Ebbeling, Charles E. Matthews, Thomas G. Hurley, Yunsheng Ma, Susan Druker, and Lynn Clemow


Dietary exposures and oral precancerous lesions in Srikakulam District, Andhra Pradesh, India, James R. Hébert, Prakash C. Gupta, Ramesh B. Bhonsle, Hemali Mehta, Wei Zheng, Maureen Sanderson, and Jane Teas

Epidemiology of musculoskeletal injuries among sedentary and physically active adults, Jennifer M. Hootman, Caroline A. Macera, Barbara E. Ainsworth, Cheryl L. Addy, Malissa Martin, and Steven N. Blair

Cardiorespiratory fitness and smoking-related and total cancer morality in men, Chong Do Lee and Steven N. Blair

Cardiorespiratory fitness and stroke mortality in men, Chong Do Lee and Steven N. Blair

Moderate to vigorous physical activity and risk of upper-respiratory tract infection, Charles E. Matthews, Ira S. Ockene, Patty S. Freedson, Milagros C. Rosal, Philip A. Merriam, and James R. Hébert


AHA Guidelines for Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke: 2002 Update - Consensus Panel Guide to Comprehensive Risk Reduction for Adult Patients Without Coronary or Other Atherosclerotic Vascular Diseases, Thomas A. Pearson, Steven N. Blair, Stephen R. Daniels, Robert H. Eckel, Joan M. Fair, Stephen F. Fortmann, Barry A. Franklin, Larry B. Goldstein, Philip Greenland, Scott M. Grundy, Yuling Hong, Nancy Houston-Miller, Ronald M. Lauer, Ira S. Ockene, Ralph L. Sacco, James F. Sallis, Sidney C. Smith Jr., Neil J. Stone, and Kathryn A. Taubert

Design of an intervention addressing multiple levels of influence on dietary and activity patterns of low-income, postpartum women, K. E. Peterson, G. Sorensen, M. Pearson, James R. Hébert, B. R. Gottlieb, and M. C. McCormick


Prevention Conference VI: Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease - Writing Group III: Risk Assessment in Persons With Diabetes, Rita F. Redberg, Philip Greenland, Valentin Fuster, Kalevi Pyörälä, Steven N. Blair, Aaron R. Folsom, Anne B. Newman, Daniel H. O'Leary, Trever J. Orchard, Bruce Psaty, J. Sanford Schwartz, Rodman D. Starke, and Peter W. F. Wilson


The association between joint stress from physical activity and self-reported osteoarthritis: an analysis of the Cooper Clinic data, Laura Q. Rogers, Caroline A. Macera, Jennifer M. Hootman, Barbara E. Ainsworth, and Steven N. Blair


Descriptive epidemiology of body mass index of an urban adult population in western India, H. C. Shukla, P. C. Gupta, H. C. Mehta, and James R. Hébert

Submissions from 2001

Participation of Lycopene and Beta-Carotene in Carcinogenesis: Defenders, Aggressors, or Passive Bystanders?, Lenore Arab, Susan E. Steck, and Phyllis Bowen

Is physical activity or physical fitness more important in defining health benefits?, Steven N. Blair, Yiling Cheng, and J. Scott Holder

Physical fitness and activity as separate heart disease risk factors: a meta-analysis, Steven N. Blair and Andrew S. Jackson

Nutrient intake of physically fit and unfit men and women, Suzanne Brodney, R. Sue McPherson, Ruth A. Carpenter, Desiree C. Welten, and Steven N. Blair

Epstein-Barr virus-associated B cell lymphoproliferative disorder following mismatched related T cell-depleted bone marrow transplantation, K. Y. Chiang, Linda J. Hazlett, K. T. Godder, S. H. Abhyankar, N. P. Christiansen, F. van Rhee, C. G. Lee, Kerry D. Bridges, Rudolph S. Parrish, and P. Jean Henslee-Downey


Usefulness of Cardiorespiratory Fitness as a Predictor of All-Cause and Cardiovascular Disease Mortality in Men With Systemic Hypertension, Timothy S. Church, James B. Kampert, Larry W. Gibbons, Carolyn E. Barlow, and Steven N. Blair

Evaluating the reproducibility and validity of the Aerobic Adaptation Test, Timothy S. Church, James B. Kampert, William J. Wilkinson, Andrea L. Dunn, and Steven N. Blair

Macronutrient intake and estrogen metabolism in healthy postmenopausal women, Jay H. Fowke, Christopher Longcope, and James R. Hébert

Field evaluation of energy expenditure from continuous and intermittent walking in women, Janet E. Fulton, Louise C. Mâsse, Susan R. Tortolero, Kathleen B. Watson, Kritiann C. Heesch, Harold W. Kohl III, Steven N. Blair, and Carl J. Caspersen

Change in women's diet and body mass following intensive intervention for early-stage breast cancer, James R. Hébert, Cara B. Ebbeling, Barbara C. Olendzki, Thomas G. Hurley, Yunsheng Ma, Nancy Saal, Judith K. Ockene, and Lynn Clemow

The effect of social desirability trait on self-reported dietary measures among multi-ethnic female health center employees, James R. Hébert, Karen E. Peterson, Thomas G. Hurley, Anne M. Stoddard, Nancy L. Cohen, Alison E. Field, and Glorian Sorensen


Association among Physical Activity Level, Cardiorespiratory Fitness, and Risk of Musculoskeletal Injury, Jennifer M. Hootman, Caroline A. Macera, Barbara E. Ainsworth, Malissa Martin, Cheryl L. Addy, and Steven N. Blair


Osteoporosis Prevention, Diagnosis, and Therapy, Anne Kilbanski, Lucile Adams-Campbell, Tamsen Bassford, Steven N. Blair, Scott D. Boden, Kay Dickersin, David R. Gifford, Lou Glasse, Steven R. Goldring, Keith Hruska, Laura K. McCauley, and William E. Russell


Epidemiologic Data on the Relationships of Caloric Intake, Energy Balance, and Weight Gain Over the Life Span With Longevity and Morbidity, I-Min Lee, Steven N. Blair, David B. Allison, Aaron R. Folsom, Tamara B. Harris, JoAnn E. Manson, and Rena R. Wing

Seasonal variation in household, occupational, and leisure time physical activity: longitudinal analyses from the seasonal variation of blood cholesterol study, Charles E. Matthews, Patty S. Freedson, James R. Hébert, Edward J. Stanek III, Philip A. Merriam, Milagros C. Rosal, Cara B. Ebbeling, and Ira S. Ockene

Sources of Variance in Daily Physical Activity Levels in the Seasonal Variation of Blood Cholesterol Study, Charles E. Matthews, James R. Hébert, Patty S. Freedson, Edward J. Stanek III, Philip A. Merriam, Cara B. Ebbeling, and Ira S. Ockene

Lifetime physical activity and breast cancer risk in the Shanghai Breast Cancer Study, Charles E. Matthews, Xiao-Ou Shu, Fan Jin, Qi Dai, James R. Hébert, Z-X. Ruan, Yu-Tang Gao, and Wei Zheng


Enhancing Adherence to Clinical Exercise Trials, Heather A. O'Neal and Steven N. Blair


A history of physical activity, cardiovascular health and longevity: the scientific contributions of Jeremy N Morris, DSc, DPH, FRCP, Ralph S. Paffenbarger Jr., Steven N. Blair, and I-Min Lee

Facilitating dietary change: the patient-centered counseling model, Milagros C. Rosal, Cara B. Ebbeling, Ingrid Lofgren, Judith K. Ockene, Ira S. Ockene, and James R. Hébert

Behavioral risk factors among members of a health maintenance organization, Milagros C. Rosal, Judith K. Ockene, Yunsheng Ma, James R. Hébert, Philip A. Merriam, Charles E. Matthews, and Ira S. Ockene

Effect of Antioxidant Supplementation on Ozone-Induced Lung Injury in Human Subjects, James M. Samet, Gary E. Hatch, Donald Horstman, Susan E. Steck, Lenore Arab, Philip A. Bromberg, Mark Levine, William F. McDonnell, and Robert B. Devlin

Can diet in conjunction with stress reduction affect the rate of increase in prostate specific antigen after biochemical recurrence of prostate cancer?, Gordon A. Saxe, James R. Hébert, James F. Carmody, J. Kabat-Zinn, Penny H. Rosenzweig, David Jarzobski, George W. Reed, and Robert D. Blute

Dietary folate intake and breast cancer risk: results from the Shanghai Breast Cancer Study, Martha J. Shrubsole, Fan Jin, Qi Dai, Xiao-Ou Shu, John D. Potter, James R. Hébert, Yu-Tang Gao, and Wei Zheng

Association of body size and fat distribution with risk of breast cancer among Chinese women, Xiao-Ou Shu, Fan Jin, Qi Dai, Jian Shi, John D. Potter, Louise A. Brinton, James R. Hébert, Z-X. Ruan, Yu-Tang Gao, and Wei Zheng


Effects of Physical Activity Counseling in Primary Care: The Activity Counseling Trial: A Randomized Controlled Trial, Denise G. Simons-Morton, Steven N. Blair, Abby C. King, Timothy M. Morgan, William B. Applegate, Mary O'Toole, William L. Haskell, Cheryl A. Albright, Stuart J. Cohen, Paul M. Ribisi, and Joanna H. Shih


AHA/ACC Guidelines for Preventing Heart Attack and Death in Patients With Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease: 2001 Update - A Statement for Healthcare Professionals From the American Heart Association and the American College of Cardiology, Sidney C. Smith Jr., Steven N. Blair, Robert O. Bonow, Lawrence M. Brass, Manuel D. Cerqueira, Kathleen Dracup, Valentin Fuster, Antonio M. Gotto, Scott M. Grundy, Nancy Houston-Miller, Alice Jacobs, Daniel Jones, Ronald M. Krauss, Lori Mosca, Ira S. Ockene, Richard C. Pasternak, Thomas A. Pearson, Marc A. Pfeffer, Rodman K. Starke, and Kathryn A. Taubert

Differences in dietary patterns of Vietnamese, white, African-American, and Hispanic adolescents in Worcester, Mass., John M. Wiecha, Aliza K. Fink, Jean Wiecha, and James R. Hébert

Submissions from 2000


Cardiovascular disease prevention by sports: myth or reality?, Maria João C. A. Almeida and Steven N. Blair

Lycopene and cardiovascular disease, Lenore Arab and Susan E. Steck


Incremental Reduction of Serum Total Cholesterol and Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol With the Addition of Plant Stanol Ester-Containing Spread to Statin Therapy, Steven N. Blair, David M. Capuzzi, Sidney O. Gottlieb, Tu Nguyen, John M. Morgan, and Nilo B. Cater


Sedentary Habits, Health, and Function in Older Men and Women, Steven N. Blair and Ming Wei

Muscular strength and physical function, Patricia A. Brill, Caroline A. Macera, Dorothy R. Davis, Steven N. Blair, and Neil F. Gordon