
Submissions from 1994

The physician-delivered smoking intervention project: Can short-term interventions produce long-term effects for a general outpatient population?, Judith K. Ockene, Jean Kristeller, Lori Pbert, James R. Hébert, Rose Luippold, Robert J. Goldberg, Joan Landon, and Kathryn Kalan

Submissions from 1993


Evidence for Success of Exercise in Weight Loss and Control, Steven N. Blair


Physical Inactivity. Workshop V. AHA Prevention Conference III. Behavior Change and Compliance: Keys to Improving Cardiovascular Health, Steven N. Blair, Kenneth E. Powell, Terry L. Bazzarre, James L. Early, Leonard H. Epstein, Lawrence W. Green, Sally S. Harris, William L. Haskell, Abby C. King, Jeffrey Koplan, Bess H. Marcus, Ralph S. Paffenbarger Jr., and Kimberly K. Yeager


Body Weight Change, All-Cause Mortality, and Cause-specific Mortality in the Multiple Risk Factor Intervention Trial, Steven N. Blair, Jessica Shaten, Kelly Brownell, Gary Collins, and Lauren Lissner

A work-site nutrition intervention: its effects on the consumption of cancer-related nutrients, James R. Hébert, Donald R. Harris, Glorian Sorensen, Anne M. Stoddard, Mary Kay Hunt, and Diane H. Morris

Submissions from 1992

Assessment of Physical Activity in Clinical and Epidemiological Research, Steven N. Blair


How Much Physical Activity is Good for Health?, Steven N. Blair, Harold W. Kohl III, Neil F. Gordon, and Ralph S. Paffenbarger Jr.


Statement on Exercise: Benefits and Recommendations for Physical Activity Programs for All Americans - A Statement for Health Professionals by the Committee on Exercise and Cardiac Rehabilitation of the Council on Clinical Cardiology, American Heart Association, Gerald F. Fletcher, Steven N. Blair, James Blumenthal, Carl Caspersen, Bernard Chaitman, Stephen Epstein, Harold Falls, Erika S. Sivarajan Froelicher, Victor F. Froelicher, and Ileana L. Piña

Task Force 3: Implications with Respect to Intervention and Prevention, Ellen R. Gritz, Sachiko T. St. Jeor, Glen Bennett, Lois Biener, Steven N. Blair, Deborah J. Bowen, Robert L. Brunner, Allan DeHorn, John P. Foreyt, Deborah Haire-Joshu, Sharon M. Hall, Dana Robin Hill, Joni Jensen, Jean Kristeller, Bess H. Marcus, Mitchell Nides, Phyllis L. Pirie, Laura J. Solomon, Frances Stillman, John Ernst, and Cynthia Z. Mealer


Cardiorespiratory Fitness, Glycemic Status, and Mortality Risk in Men, Harold W. Kohl III, Neil F. Gordon, Jesús A. Villegas, and Steven N. Blair

Work-site nutrition intervention and employees' dietary habits: the Treatwell program, Glorian Sorensen, Diane H. Morris, Mary Kay Hunt, James R. Hébert, Donald R. Harris, Anne M. Stoddard, and Judith K. Ockene

Submissions from 1991


The Relationship Between Sociodemographic Characteristics and Recruitment, Retention, and Health Improvements in a Worksite Health Promotion Program, Patricia A. Brill, Harold W. Kohl III, Todd Rogers, Thomas R. Collingwood, Charles L. Sterling, and Steven N. Blair

Differences in biological responses to cigarette smoking remain unexplained, James R. Hébert

Distribution of smoking and its association with lung cancer: implications for studies on the association of fat with cancer, James R. Hébert and Geoffrey C. Kabat

The inappropriateness of conventional use of the correlation coefficient in assessing validity and reliability of dietary assessment methods, James R. Hébert and Donald R. Miller

Use of Mentholated Cigarettes and Lung Cancer Risk, Geoffrey C. Kabat and James R. Hébert


A Comparison of Questionnaire and Physiological Data in Predicting Future Chronic Disease Risk Factor Status in an Employee Population, Linda Szymanski, Russell R. Pate, Marsha Dowda, Steven N. Blair, Henry G. Howe Jr., Gwynne Parker, and Aaron Blair

Submissions from 1990


Practical Advice on Fitness and Mortality: A New Approach to Exercise Prescription, Carolyn E. Barlow, Patricia A. Brill, Steven N. Blair, and Harold W. Kohl III


Exercise Tolerance and Alcohol Intake: Blood Pressure Relation, G. Harley Hartung, Harold W. Kohl III, Steven N. Blair, Steven J. Lawrence, and Ronald B. Harrist

Intra- and Inter-Person Sources of Variability in Fat Intake in a Feeding Trial of 14 Men, James R. Hébert, J.Y. Chen Backlund, A. Engle, Jeanine Barone, and K. Biener


Development of Questionnaire to Examine Relationship of Physical Activity and Diabetes in Pima Indians, Andrea M. Kriska, William C. Knowler, Ronald E. LaPorte, Allan L. Drash, Rena R. Wing, Steven N. Blair, Peter H. Bennett, and Lewis H. Kuller

Submissions from 1989

Dietary fat and natural-killer-cell activity, Jeanine Barone, James R. Hébert, and Mohan M. Reddy


Physical Fitness and All-Cause Mortality: A Prospective Study of Healthy Men and Women, Steven N. Blair, Harold W. Kohl III, Ralph S. Paffenbarger Jr., Debra G. Clark, Kenneth H. Cooper, and Larry W. Gibbons


Oxygen and Athletes, Kenneth H. Cooper, Steven N. Blair, and Neil F. Gordon


The Safety of Maximal Exercise Testing, Larry W. Gibbons, Steven N. Blair, Harold W. Kohl III, and Kenneth H. Cooper

Cancer risk in male veterans utilizing the Veterans Administration medical system, Randall E. Harris, James R. Hébert, and Ernst L. Wynder

Risk Factors for Oral Cancer in Women, Geoffrey C. Kabat, James R. Hébert, and Ernst L. Wynder

Submissions from 1988

Bladder Cancer in Relation to Cigarette Smoking, Annamma Augustine, James R. Hébert, Geoffrey C. Kabat, and Ernst L. Wynder

Menthol cigarettes and esophageal cancer, James R. Hébert and Geoffrey C. Kabat

Methodologic considerations for investigating the diet-cancer link, James R. Hébert and Donald R. Miller


Health-Related Physical Fitness in Childhood: Status and Recommendations, Bruce G. Simons-Morton, Guy S. Parcel, Nancy M. O'Hara, Steven N. Blair, and Russell R. Pate

Effect of the type of cigarette smoked on bladder cancer risk, Ernst L. Wynder, Annamma Augustine, Geoffrey C. Kabat, and James R. Hébert

Submissions from 1987


Determinants of Participation in Worksite Health Promotion Activities, Keith E. Davis, Kirby L. Jackson, Jennie J. Kronenfeld, and Steven N. Blair


Evaluating Health Promotion: A Longitudinal Quasi-Experimental Design, Jennie J. Kronenfeld, Kirby L. Jackson, Steven N. Blair, Keith E. Davis, Jerry Dell Gimarc, Zora Salisbury, Dorothy Maysey, and Joan G. McGee

Homogeneity in Nutritional Exposure: An Impediment in Cancer Epidemiology, Ernst L. Wynder and James R. Hébert

Association of dietary fat and lung cancer, Ernst L. Wynder, James R. Hébert, and Geoffrey C. Kabat

Submissions from 1986


A Public Health Intervention Model for Work-Site Health Promotion: Impact on Exercise and Physical Fitness in a Health Promotion Plan After 24 Months, Steven N. Blair, Philip V. Piserchia, Curtis S. Wilbur, and James H. Crowder

Submissions from 1985


Comparison of Haitian children in a nutrition intervention programme with children in the Haitian national nutrition survey, G. G. Berggren, James R. Hébert, and C. M. Waternaux

Relationships Between Exercise or Physical Activity and Other Health Behaviors, Steven N. Blair, David R. Jacobs Jr., and Kenneth E. Powell


The Effects of Aerobic Exercise on Plasma Catecholamines and Blood Pressure in Patients With Mild Essential Hypertension, John J. Duncan, James E. Farr, S. Jill Upton, R. Donald Hagan, M. E. Oglesby, and Steven N. Blair


Effects of water quality and water quantity on nutritional status: findings from a south Indian community, James R. Hébert

Relationship of vegetarianism to child growth in South India, James R. Hébert


Associations of resting heart rate with concentrations of lipoprotein subfractions in sedentary men, Paul T. Williams, William L. Haskell, Karen M. Vranizan, Steven N. Blair, Ronald M. Krauss, Robert Superko, John J. Albers, Barbara Frey-Hewitt, and Peter D. Wood

Submissions from 1984


Health Promotion for Educators: Impact on Health Behaviors, Satisfaction, and General Well-Being, Steven N. Blair, Thomas R. Collingwood, Roger Reynolds, Mike Smith, R. Donald Hagan, and Charles L. Sterling


Physical Fitness and Incidence of Hypertension in Healthy Normotensive Men and Women, Steven N. Blair, Nancy N. Goodyear, Larry W. Gibbons, and Kenneth H. Cooper


Intent to Participate in Worksite Health Promotion Activities: A Model of Risk Factors and Psychosocial Variables, Keith E. Davis, Kirby L. Jackson, Jennie J. Kronenfeld, and Steven N. Blair

Submissions from 1983


Association Between Coronary Heart Disease Risk Factors and Physical Fitness in Healthy Adult Women, Larry W. Gibbons, Steven N. Blair, Kenneth H. Cooper, and Mike Smith

Graphical displays of growth data, James R. Hébert and C. M. Waternaux


Does Weight Loss Cause the Exercise-induced Increase in Plasma High Density Lipoproteins?, Paul T. Williams, Peter D. Wood, Ronald M. Krauss, William L. Haskell, Karen M. Vranizan, Steven N. Blair, Richard Terry, and John W. Farquhar

Submissions from 1980

The Physical Activity Component of Health Promotion in Occupational Settings, William L. Haskell and Steven N. Blair


News of Risk for Early Heart Disease as a Stressful Event, Mardi Horowitz, Stephen Hulley, William Alvarez, James Billings, Robert Benfari, Steven N. Blair, Nemat Borhani, and Nathan Simon