
Submissions from 2010

Systemic inflammatory load in humans is suppressed by consumption of two formulations of dried, encapsulated juice concentrate, Yu Jin, Xiangli Cui, Udai P. Singh, Alexander A. Chumanevich, Brook E. Harmon, Philip Cavicchia, Anne B. Hofseth, Venkata Kotakadi, Brandy Stroud, Suresh R. Volate, Thomas G. Hurley, James R. Hébert, and Lorne J. Hofseth


Advancing the future of physical activity guidelines in Canada: an independent expert panel interpretation of the evidence, Antero Kesäniemi, Chris J. Riddoch, Bruce Reeder, Steven N. Blair, and Thorkild I. A. Sørensen

The Effect of Perceived and Structural Neighborhood Conditions on Adolescents' Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviors, Jinseok Kim, Jihong Liu, Natalie Colabianchi, and Russell R. Pate


Lessons From A Life Well-Lived, Harold W. Kohl III and Steven N. Blair


Measurement Site and the AssociationBetween Visceral and Abdominal Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue with Metabolic Risk in Women, J K. Kuk, T S. Church, S N. Blair, and R Ross


Mortality trends in the general population: the importance of cardiorespiratory fitness, Duck-chul Lee, Enrique G. Artero, Xuemei Sui, and Steven N. Blair


Physical activity during pregnancy is associated with reduced fasting insulin - the Pilot Pregnancy and Active Living Study, Jihong Liu, Elizabeth J. Mayer-Davis, Russell R. Pate, Alexa E. Gallagher, and Janice L. Bacon

Maternal Obesity and Breast-feeding Practices Among White and Black Women, Jihong Liu, Michael G. Smith, Mirela A. Dobre, and James E. Ferguson

Physical Activity and Electronic Media Use in the SEARCH for Diabetes in Youth Case-Control Study, Felipe Lobelo; Angela D. Liese; Jihong Liu; Elizabeth J. Mayer-Davis; Ralph B. D'Agostino, Jr.; Russell R. Pate; Richard F. Hamman; and Dana Dabelea


Maximal Exercise Electrocardiographic Responses and Coronary Heart Disease Mortality Among Men With Metabolic Syndrome, G. William Lyerly, Xuemei Sui, Tiimothy S. Church, Carl J. Lavie, Gregory A. Hand, and Steven N. Blair


Prolonged Injustice in Urban America, Jametta Magwood, Edith M. Williams, and Saundra H. Glover


Effects of exercise on mobility in obese and nonobese older adults, T M. Manini, A B. Newman, R Fielding, S N. Blair, M G. Perri, S D. Anton, B C. Goodpaster, J A. Katula, W J. Rejeski, S B. Kritchvesky, F C. Hsu, and M Pahor


Metabolic syndrome and risk of death from cancers of the digestive system, Charles E. Matthews, Xuemei Sui, Michael J. LaMonte, Swann A. Adams, James R. Hebert, and Steven N. Blair


Metabolic syndrome and risk of death from cancers of the digestive system, Charles E. Matthews, Xuemei Sui, Michael J. LaMonte, Swann A. Adams, James R. Hébert, and Steven N. Blair


Associations between sex-typed behaviour at age 3½ and levels and patterns of physical activity at age 12: the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children, Calum Mattocks, Melissa Hines, Andy Ness, Sam Leary, Alex Griffiths, Kate Tilling, Steven N. Blair, and Chris Riddoch


Falls among Adults: The Association of Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Physical Activity with Walking-Related Falls, Kristen J. Mertz, Duck-chul Lee, Xuemei Sui, Kenneth E. Powell, and Steven N. Blair


FTO Genotype and the Weight Loss Benefits of Moderate Intensity Exercise, J A. Mitchell, T S. Church, T Rankinen, C P. Earnest, X Sui, and S N. Blair


The impact of combined health factors on cardiovascular disease mortality, Johnathan A. Mitchell, Daniel B. Bornstein, Xuemei Sui, Steven P. Hooker, Timothy S. Church, Chong D. Lee, Duck-chul Lee, and Steven N. Blair


Associations between Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon-Related Exposures and p53 Mutations in Breast Tumors, Irina Mordukhovich, Pavel Rossner Jr., Mary Beth Terry, Regina M. Santella, Yu-Jing Zhang, Hanina Hibshoosh, Lorenzo Memeo, Mahesh Mansukhani, Chang-Min Long, Gail Garbowski, Meenakshi Agrawal, Mia M. Gaudet, Susan E. Steck, Sharon K. Sagiv, Sybil M. Eng, Susan L. Teitelbaum, Alfred I. Neugut, Kathleen Conway-Dorsey, and Marilie D. Gammon


Birth order modifies the effect of IL13 gene polymorphisms on serum IgE at age 10 and skin prick test at ages 4, 10 and 18: a prospective birth cohort study, Ikechukwu U. Ogbuanu, Wilfried J. Karmaus, Hongmei Zhang, Tara Sabo-Attwood, Susan L. Ewart, Graham Roberts, and Syed Hasan Arshad


Cardiorespiratory fitness, adiposity, and incident asthma in adults., Francisco B. Oretga, Duck-chul Lee, Xuemei Sui, Johnathan R. Ruiz, Yiling J. Cheng, Timothy J. Church, Charles C. Miller, and Steven N. Blair


Psychological Well-Being, Cardiorespiratory Fitness, and Long-Term Survival, Francisco B. Ortega, Duck-chul Lee, Xuemei Sui, Laura D. Kubsanzky, Johnathan R. Ruiz, Meghan Baruth, Manuel J. Castillo, and Steven N. Blair


Cardiorespiratory fitness, adiposity, and incident asthma in adults., Francisco B. Ortega, Duck-chul Lee, Xuemei Sui, Johnathan R. Ruiz, Yiling J. Cheng, Timothy J. Church, Charles C. Miller, and Steven N. Blair


The relative influence of demographic, individual, social, and environmental factors on physical activity among boys and girls, Carrie D. Patnode, Leslie A. Lytle, Darin J. Erickson, John R. Sirard, Daheia J. Barr-Anderson, and Mary Story

Power evaluation of focused cluster tests, Robin C. Puett, Andrew B. Lawson, Allan B. Clark, James R. Hébert, and Martin Kulldorff


Muscular and Performance Fitness and the Incidence of Type 2 Diabetes: Prospective Study of Japanese Men, Susumu S. Sawada, I-Min Lee, Hisashi Naito, Koji Tsukamoto, Takashi Muto, and Steven N. Blair

Vitamin D status and breast cancer aggressiveness among African American and European American women in South Carolina, Susan E. Steck, Rebecca Rosling, E. Angela Murphy, J. Mark Davis, and James R. Hébert


The Influence of Cardiorespiratory Fitness on Lung Cancer Mortality, Xuemei Sui, Duck-chul Lee, Charles E. Matthews, Swann Arp Adams, James R. Hébert, Timothy S. Church, Chong-Do Lee, and Steven N. Blair

Using Molecular Classification to Predict Gains in Maximal Aerobic Capacity Following Endurance Exercise Training in Humans, Barry Vaughn, Timothy Church, and Steven N. Blair


More Collaboration - More Power in Combating Ill Health, Ilkka Vuori, Steven N. Blair, Fiona C. Bull, and Peter T. Katzmarzyk

Hypertension and hematologic parameters in a community near a uranium processing facility, Sara Wagner, James B. Burch, Matteo Bottai, Susan M. Pinney, Robin C. Puett, Dwayne E. Porter, John E. Vena, and James R. Hébert


Cardiorespiratory Fitness Levels among US Adults 20-49 Years of Age: Findings from the 1999-2004 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey., Chia-Yih Wang, William L. Haskell, Stephen W. Farrell, Michael J. LaMonte, Steven N. Blair, Lester R. Curtin, Jeffery P. Hughes, and Vicki L. Burt


Should health policy focus on physical activity rather than obesity?, Richard Weller, Emmanuel Stamatakis, Steven N. Blair, Timothy P. Gill, Louise A. Baur, and Lesley A. King


Climate Change, Environmental Justice, and Vulnerability: An Exploratory Spatial Analysis, Sacoby M. Wilson, Roland Richard, Lesley Joseph, and Edith M. Williams

Letter to the Editor in response to "Screening colonoscopy vs flexible sigmoidoscopy", Sudha Xirasagar, Charles L. Bennett, and James R. Hébert

Quality and safety of screening colonoscopies performed by primary care physicians with standby specialist support, Sudha Xirasagar, Thomas G. Hurley, Lekhena Sros, and James R. Hébert

Trends in eczema in the first 18 years of life: results from the Isle of Wight 1989 birth cohort study, A. H. Ziyab, A. Raza, Wilfried J. Karmaus, N. Tongue, Hongmei Zhang, S. Matthews, S. H. Arshad, and Graham Roberts

Submissions from 2009

Racial differences in follow-up of abnormal mammography findings among economically disadvantaged women, Swann Arp Adams, Emily Rose Smith, James W. Hardin, Irene Prabhu-Das, Jeanette Fulton, and James R. Hébert

Cigarette Smoking and Bladder Cancer: A New Twist in an Old Saga?, J. J. Alberg and James R. Hébert

Rhythmic Oscillations in Quantitative EEG Measured During a Continuous Performance Task, James E. Arruda, Hongmei Zhang, R. Toby Amoss, Kerry L. Coburn, and William R. Aue


Effect of exercise training on cardiometaboic risk markers among sedentary, but metabolically health overweight or obese post-menopausal women with elevated blood pressure, Benoit J. Arsenault, Melanie Cote, Amelie Cartier, Isabelle Lemieux, Jean-Pierre Despres, Robert Ross, Conrad P. Earnest, Steven N. Blair, and Timothy S. Church


Obesity, coffee consumption and CRF levels in postmenopausal overweight/obese women: importance of hormone replacement therapy use., B. J. Arsenault, C. P. Earnest, J. P. Després, Steven N. Blair, and T. S. Church


Physical activity, weight control, and breast cancer risk and survival: Clinical trial rationale and design considerations., Rachel Ballard-Barbash, Sally Hunsberger, Marianne H. Alciati, Steven N. Blair, Pamela J. Goodwind, Anne McTiernan, Rena Wing, and Arthur Schatzkin


Does television viewing predict dietary intake five years later in high school students and young adults?, Daheia J. Barr-Anderson, Nicole I. Larson, Melissa C. Nelson, Dianne R. Neumark-Sztainer, and Mary Story


Physical inactivity: the biggest public health problem of the 21st century., Steven N. Blair


Healthy Hearts—and the Universal Benefits of Being Physically Active: Physical Activity and Health, Steven N. Blair and Jeremy N. Morris

A New Dietary Inflammatory Index Predicts Interval Changes in Serum High-Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein, Philip P. Cavicchia, Susan E. Steck, Thomas G. Hurley, James R. Hussey, Yunsheng Ma, Ira S. Ockene, and James R. Hébert


The Association of Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Physical Activity With Incidence of Hypertension in Men, Nancy L. Chase, Xuemei Sui, Duck-chul Lee, and Steven N. Blair


Changes in Weight, Waist Circumference and Compensatory Responses with Different Doses of Exercise among Sedentary, Overweight Postmenopausal Women, Timothy S. Church, Corby K. Martin, Angela M. Thompson, Conrad P. Earnest, Catherine R. Mikus, and Steven N. Blair


Association between Plasma 25-Hydroxyvitamin D and Breast Cancer Risk, Katherine D. Crew, Marilie D. Gammon, Susan E. Steck, Dawn L. Hershman, Serge Cremers, Elzbieta Dworakowski, Elizabeth Shane, Mary Beth Terry, Manisha Desai, Susan L. Teitelbaum, Alfred I. Neugut, and Regina M. Santella

Components of variation in serum carotenoid concentrations: the Polyp Prevention Trial, Michele R. Forman, Craig B. Borkowf, M. M. Cantwell, Susan E. Steck, Arthur Schatzkin, Paul S. Albert, and Elaine Lanza

Genetic polymorphisms in the cyclooxygenase-1 and cyclooxygenase-2 genes and risk of colorectal adenoma, Zhihong Gong, Roberd M. Bostick, Dawen Xie, Thomas G. Hurley, Zonglin Deng, Dan A. Dixon, Jinhui Zhang, and James R. Hébert


A Cost Analysis of a Physical Activity Intervention for Older Adults, Erik J. Groessl, Robert M. Kaplan, Steven N. Blair, W. Jack Rejeski, Jeffrey A. Katula, Abby C. King, Roger A. Fielding, Nancy W. Glynn, and Marco Pahor


Circadian Disruption, Per3, and Human Cytokine Secretion, Jaclyn Guess, James B. Burch, Kisito Ogoussan, Cheryl A. Armstead, Hongmei Zhang, Sara Wagner, James R. Hébert, Patricia Wood, Shawn D. Youngstedt, Lorne J. Hofseth, Udai P. Singh, Dawen Xie, and William J. M. Hrushesky


Physical activity: Health outcomes and importance for public health policy., William L. Haskell, Steven N. Blair, and James O. Hill


Interdisciplinary, Translational, and Community-Based Participatory Research: Finding a Common Language to Improve Cancer Research, James R. Hébert, Heather M. Brandt, Cheryl A. Armstead, Swann Arp Adams, and Susan E. Steck


Mapping Cancer Mortality-to-Incidence Ratios to Illustrate Racial and Sex Disparities in a High-risk Population, James R. Hébert, Virginie Daguise, Deborah M. Hurley, Rebecca C. Wilkerson, Catishia M. Mosley, Swann Arp Adams, Robin C. Puett, James B. Burch, Susan E. Steck, and Susan Bolick-Aldrich


Role of lifestyle and aging on the longitudinal change in cardiorespiratory fitness, Andrew S. Jackson, Xuemei Sui, James R. Hébert, Timothy S. Church, and Steven N. Blair


Metabolic syndrome and risk of cancer mortality in men., Jason R. Jaggers, Xuemei Sui, Steven P. Hooker, Michael J. LaMonte, Charles E. Matthews, Gregory A. Hand, and Steven N. Blair


Ideal Weight and Weight Satisfaction: Association with Health Practices, Jennifer L. Kuk, Chris I. Arden, Timothy S. Church, James R. Herbert, Xuemei Sui, and Steven N. Blair

Ideal Weight and Weight Satisfaction: Association With Health Practices, Jennifer L. Kuk, Chris I. Ardern, Timothy S. Church, James R. Hébert, Xuemei Sui, and Steven N. Blair


Does physical activity ameliorate the health hazards of obesity?, D C. Lee, X Sui, and Steven N. Blair


Acculturation, physical activity, and obesity among Hispanic adolescents, Jihong Liu, Janice C. Probst, Nusrat Harun, Kevin J. Bennett, and Myriam E. Torres


The Association between Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Risk of All-Cause Mortality among Women With Impaired Fasting Glucose or Undiagnosed Diabetes Mellitus., G. W. Lyerly, Xuemei Sui, Carl J. Lavie, Timothy S. Church, Gregory A. Hand, and Steven N. Blair

Number of 24-Hour Diet Recalls Needed to Estimate Energy Intake, Yunsheng Ma, Barbara C. Olendzki, Sherry L. Pagoto, Thomas G. Hurley, Robert P. Magner, Ira S. Ockene, Kristin L. Schneider, Philip A. Merriam, and James R. Hébert


The Joint Effects of Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Adiposity on Mortality Risk in Men with Hypertension, Paul A. McAuley, Xuemei Sui, Timothy S. Church, James W. Hardin, Johnathan W. Hardin, and Steven N. Blair


PAH-DNA Adducts, Cigarette Smoking, GST Polymorphisms, and Breast Cancer Risk, Kathleen M. McCarty, Regina M. Santella, Susan E. Steck, Rebecca J. Cleveland, Jiyoung Ahn, Christine B. Ambrosone, Kari North, Sharon K. Sagiv, Sybil M. Eng, Susan L. Teitelbaum, Alfred I. Neugut, and Marilie D. Gammon


Carbohydrate Intake and Overweight and Obesity among Healthy Adults, Anwar T. Merchant, Hassanali Vatanparast, Shahzaib Barlas, Mahshid Dehghan, Syed Mahboob Ali Shah, Lawrence De Koning, and Susan E. Steck


Accumulated versus Continuous Exercise for Health Benefit, Marie H. Murphy, Steven N. Blair, and Elaine M. Murtagh


Disparities in Dietary Intake, Meal Patterning, and Home Food Environments Among Young Adult Nonstudents and 2- and 4-Year College Students, Melissa C. Nelson, Nicole I. Larson, Daheia J. Barr-Anderson, Dianne R. Neumark-Sztainer, and Mary Story


Reasons Why Women Do Not Initiate Breastfeeding: A Southeastern State Study, Chinelo A. Ogbuanu, Janice C. Probst, Sarah B. Laditka, Jihong Liu, JongDeuk Baek, and Saundra Glover


Can we apply the Mendelian randomization methodology without considering epigenetic effects?, Ikechkwu U. Ogbuanu, Hongmei Zhang, and Wilfried J. Karmaus

Tobacco use, body mass and cancer mortality in Mumbai Cohort Study, Mangesh S. Pednekar, James R. Hébert, and Prakash C. Gupta

A prospective study of cardiorespiratory fitness and breast cancer mortality, J. Brent Peel, Xuemei Sui, Swann Arp Adams, James R. Hébert, James W. Hardin, and Steven N. Blair


Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Digestive Cancer Mortality: Findings from the Aerobics Center Longitudinal Study, J. Brent Peel, Xuemei Sui, Charles E. Matthews, Swann A. Adams, James R. Hebert, James W. Hardin, Timothy S. Church, and Steven N. Blair


Cardiorespiratory fitness and digestive cancer mortality: findings from the Aerobics Center Longitudinal Study (ACLS), J. Brent Peel, Xuemei Sui, Charles E. Matthews, Swann Arp Adams, James R. Hébert, James W. Hardin, Timothy S. Church, and Steven N. Blair


Prospective associations between objective measures of physical activity and fat mass in 12-14 year old children: the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC), Chris J. Riddoch, Sam D. Leary, Andy R. Ness, Steven N. Blair, Kevin Deere, Calum Mattocks, Alex Griffiths, George Davey Smith, and Kate Tilling


Prevention and Reduction of Obesity through Active Living (PROACTIVE): rationale, design and methods., R. Ross, Steven N. Blair, M. Goodwin, S. Hotz, P T. Katzmarzyk, M Lam, L. Levesque, and S MacDonald

Muscular strength and adiposity as predictors of adulthood cancer mortality in men, Jonatan R. Ruiz, Xuemei Sui, Felipe Lobelo, Duck-chul Lee, James R. Morrow Jr., Allen W. Jackson, James R. Hébert, Charles E. Matthews, Michael Sjöström, and Steven N. Blair


Muscular Strength and Adiposity as Predictors of Adulthood Cancer Mortality in Men, Jonatha R. Ruiz, Xuemei Sui, Felipe Lobelo, Duck-Chul Lee, James R. Morrow, Allen W. Jackson, James R. Herbert, Charles E. Matthews, Michael Sjöström, and Steven N. Blair


Associations between Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Health-Related Quality of Life, Robert A. Sloan, Susumu S. Sawada, Corby K. Martin, Timothy S. Church, and Steven N. Blair


GST Polymorphism and Excretion of Heterocyclic Aromatic Amine and Isothiocyanate Metabolites after Brassica Consumption, Susan E. Steck and James R. Hébert


Prospective study of cardiorespiratory fitness and depressive symptoms in women and men., Xuemei Sui, James N. Laditka, Timiothy S. Church, James W. Hardin, Nancy Chase, Keith Davis, and Steven N. Blair

Effects of exercise modality on insulin resistance and functional limitation in older adults, Barry Vaughn, Timothy Church, and Steven N. Blair


Soil zinc content, groundwater usage, and prostate cancer incidence in South Carolina, Sara E. Wagner, James B. Burch, Jim Hussey, Tom Temples, Susan Bolick-Aldrich, Catishia Mosley-Broughton, Yuan Liu, and James R. Hébert


Does Participation in Organized Sports Predict Future Physical Activity for Adolescents from Diverse Economic Backgrounds?, Stephanie Walters, Daheia J. Barr-Anderson, Melanie Wall, and Dianne R. Neumark-Sztainer

Reflections on Lupus and the Environment in an Urban African American Community, Edith M. Williams, Luis E. Zayas, Judith Anderson, Adrianne Ransom, and Laurene Tumiel-Berhalter

Designing sample plans to capture rare objects, Hongmei Zhang

Inferences for Genotyping Error Rate in Ancestry Identification From Simple Sequence Repeat Marker Profiles, Hongmei Zhang and Hal Stern


Sample Size Calculation for Finding Unseen Species, Hongmei Zhang and Hal Stern

A simple method for phylogenomic inference using the information of gene content of genomes, Hongmei Zhang, Yang Zhong, Bailin Hao, and Xun Gu

Submissions from 2008


But I Like PE: Factors Associated With Enjoyment of Physical Education Class in Middle School Girls, Daheia J. Barr-Anderson, Dianne R. Neumark-Sztainer, Kathryn H. Schmitz, Dianne S. Ward, Terry L. Conway, Charlotte Pratt, Chris D. Baggett, Leslie A. Lytle, and Russell R. Pate


Characteristics Associated With Older Adolescents Who Have a Television in Their Bedrooms, Daheia J. Barr-Anderson, Patricia van den Berg, Dianne R. Neumark-Sztainer, and Mary Story

Gender Differences in Predictors of Body Weight and Body Weight Change in Healthy Adults, David E. Chiriboga, Yunsheng Ma, Wenjun Li, Barbara C. Olendzki, Sherry L. Pagoto, Philip A. Merriam, Charles E. Matthews, James R. Hébert, and Ira S. Ockene


Heart Rate Variability Characteristics in Sedentary Postmenopausal Women Following Six Months of Exercise Training: The DREW Study, Conrad P. Earnest, Carl J. Lavie, Steven N. Blair, and Timothy S. Church

Soy intake and breast cancer: elucidation of an unanswered question, Marilie D. Gammon, Brian N. Fink, Susan E. Steck, and Mary S. Wolff


Cardiorespiratory Fitness as a Predictor of Fatal and Nonfatal Stroke in Asymptomatic Women and Men, Steven P. Hooker, Xuemei Sui, Natalie Colabianchi, John E. Vena, James N. Laditka, Michael J. LaMonte, and Steven N. Blair


International conference on physical activity and obesity in children: summary statement and recommendations, Peter T. Katzmarzyk, Louise A. Baur, Steven N. Blair, Estelle V. Lambert, Jean-Michel Opper, and Chris Riddoch


Physical Activity and Blood Pressure in Childhood: Findings From a Population-Based Study, Sam D. Leary, Andy R. Ness, George Davey Smith, Calum Mattocks, Kevin Deere, Steven N. Blair, and Chris J. Riddoch

Effects of Cardiorespiratory Fitness on Serum Ferritin Concentration and Incidence of Type 2 Diabetes: Evidence from the Aerobics Center Longitudinal Study (ACLS), Tuan D. Le, Sejong Bae, Chiehwen Ed Hsu, Karan P. Singh, Steven N. Blair, and Ning Shang