Original Research
The Ties That Bind: Examining Division I Athletics as a Social Anchor
Peyton J. Stensland, Olzhas Taniyev, Zach Scola, Farah J. Ishaq, Zach Wilkerson, and Brian S. Gordon
The Impact of Scandal on NCAA Division I Women’s Basketball Fan Consumption and Team Success
Sarah B. Williams and T. Christopher Greenwell
The Impact of Religion and Ally Identity on Individual Sexual and Gender Prejudice at an NCAA Division II institution
Austin R. Anderson, Chase M.L. Smith, and Sarah E. Stokowski
The Five-Stage Process of Legitimacy Building Within a Sport Interest Association
Dylan P. Williams, Chad Seifried, and Brian P. Soebbing
The Impact of Mentorship in Intercollegiate Athletics: Perspectives From Female Athletic Administrators at the Division II and Division III Levels
Jennifer L. O’Neill and Jimmy Smith
Risks Associated with Alcohol and Marijuana Use Among College Student Athletes: The Case for Involving Athletic Personnel in Prevention and Intervention
Christina E. Parisi, Brittany A. Bugbee, Kathryn B. Vincent, Andrea M. Soong, and Amelia M. Arria
Student Perceptions of Branding Benefits of a New Collegiate Stadium
Glynn M. McGehee, Beth A. Cianfrone, and Timothy Kellison
Quantifying the Impact of Adding a Proactive Outbound Ticket Sales Force on Revenues of NCAA Athletics Departments
Nels Popp, Jonathan A. Jensen, Chad McEvoy, and James Weiner
Predictors of Academic Motivation: The Role of Career Self-Efficacy Among NCAA Division II Student-Athletes
Mark Weatherly and Yu April Chen
Organizational Justice Perceptions among Coaches of Revenue and Non Revenue Intercollegiate Male Sports
Dustin F. Thorn, T. Christopher Greenwell, Mary A. Hums, and Daniel F. Mahony
NCAA Division I Senior Woman Administrators’ Perceptions of Barriers to Career Mobility
Allison B. Smith, Elizabeth A. Taylor, Jessica A. Siegele, and Robin Hardin
High Impact Educational Practices and the Student Athlete Experience: The Implementation and Barriers of HIPs in the Student Athlete Support Setting
Farah J. Ishaq and Jordan Bass
Managing an Identity: Social Identity Complexity and NCAA Faculty Athletics Representatives
Jay Martyn, Brian Fowler, Dominique C. Kropp, Brent D. Oja, and Jordan R. Bass
Get in the Game through a Sponsor: Initial Career Ambitions of Former Women Assistant Coaches
Lindsey Darvin, Elizabeth Taylor, and Janelle Wells
Former College Athlete’s Perceptions of Adapting to Transition
Sarah Stokowski, Amanda L. Paule-Koba, and Chelsea Kaunert
Exploring Success: Variations in Division I Student-Athlete Academic and Athletic Performance
Marissa K. Nichols, Nancy L. Lough, and Alice J. Corkill
Facilities Operations Professionals’ Staffing Perceptions in Division I Football Championship Subdivision and Non-Football Athletic Departments
Camille Patterson, Kelly P. Elliott, Timothy Kellison, and Beth A. Cianfrone
Contextualizing the Financial Disparity Discussion: Modeling Power Five and Group of Five Athletic Revenues
Liz Wanless, Nicholas M. Watanabe, Heather J. Lawrence-Benedict, and Andy Fodor
Concealed Carry Handguns at Intercollegiate Football Games: Perceptions of Division I Power 5 Intercollegiate Athletic Event Directors
John Miller, Todd Seidler, and Jeffrey Curto
Click Here to Donate: An Examination of Online Crowdfunding Campaigns by Division I Intercollegiate Athletic Departments
Liz Sattler, Craig Morehead, Nels Popp, and Chad McEvoy
Beyond Economic Impact: College Town Resident Perceptions of Psychic Income from Intercollegiate Athletics
Erianne A. Weight, Matt R. Huml, Lea Zagorin, Avinash Chandran, and Nels Popp
Choosing Between Work and Family: Analyzing the Influences of Work, Family, and Personal Life Among College Coaches
Jeffrey A. Graham, Allison B. Smith, and Marlene A. Dixon
Because It’s Worth It: Why Schools Violate NCAA Rules and the Impact of Getting Caught in Division I Basketball
Daniel A. Rascher, Andrey Tselikov, Mark S. Nagel, and Andrew D. Schwarz
Athletics and Academics: The Relationship Between Athletic Identity Sub Constructs and Educational Outcomes
Matt R. Huml, Meg G. Hancock, and Mary A. Hums
Advancing College Athlete Development via Social Support
Brennan K. Berg and Stacy Warner
An Examination of Sport Event Experience: A Market Segmentation Analysis of FCS Attendees
Eric Hungenberg and Kurt C. Mayer Jr.
“Don’t Be Open or Tell Anyone”: Inclusion of Sexual Minority College Athletes
Megan R. Turk, Sarah E. Stokowski, and Stephen W. Dittmore