Document Type
Key Takeaways
• Dynamics of the board chair—CEO relationship differ when the newly appointed CEO is female as opposed to male • Board chairs are more likely to develop a collaborative relationship with female CEOs than with male CEOs • As female representation on the board increases, board chairs are less likely to develop a collaborative relationship with newly appointed female CEOs
Publication Date
Oliver, A. G., Krause, R., Busenbark, J. R., Kalm, M. (2018). BS in the boardroom: Benevolent sexism and board chair orientations. Strategic Management Journal. 39: 113-130.
© 2018, University of South Carolina
Publication Info
Oliver, A. G., Krause, R., Busenbark, J. R., Kalm, M. (2018). BS in the boardroom: Benevolent sexism and board chair orientations. Strategic Management Journal. 39: 113-130., 2018.