South Carolina Association for Middle Level Education Journal
The traditional learning environment for pre-service teachers most commonly reflects the banking concept, coined by Paulo Freire. The instructor teaches in the classroom and students are expected to learn, applying concepts during lesson planning and certification exams as proof of their learning (Freire, 1996). If authentic learning is occurring and skills are transferable, students should be able to identify educational concepts in other industries as validation that these practices are relevant. In this article, we propose a fresh, engaging approach to teaching pre-service teachers: inter-industrial learning experiences. Learn about our experience with Clayton Construction Company and how middle level pre-service teachers at University of South Carolina Upstate deepened their understanding of instruction, learning standards, assessment, and instructional plans.
Recommended Citation
Lee, W., Bobo, O., Heard, S., Patton, N., & Thrasher, L. (2025). Beyond the four walls: Understanding the impact of inter-industrial learning experiences. South Carolina Association for Middle Level Education Journal, 4, 126-132.