Submissions from 2022
State Estimation—The Role of Reduced Models, Albert Cohen, Wolfgang Dahmen, and Ron DeVore
On a Prior Based on the Wasserstein Information Matrix, Wuchen Li and F. J. Rubio
Submissions from 2021
Quantum Statistical Learning via Quantum Wasserstein Natural Gradient, Simon Becker and Wuchen Li
Quantum Statistical Learning via Quantum Wasserstein Natural Gradient, Simon Becker and Wuchen Li
CA Special Issue on Neural Network Approximation, Wolfgang Dahmen, Ronald A. DeVore, and Philipp Grohs
Submissions from 2020
Understanding Fluid Dynamics from Langevin and Fokker–Planck Equations, Andrei Medved, Riley Davis, and Paula A. Vasquez
Submissions from 2019
Machine Learning to Quantitate Neutrophil NETosis, Laila Elsherif, Noah Sciaky, Carrington A. Metts, Md. Modasshir, Ioannis Rekleitis, Christine A. Burris, Joshua A. Walker, Nadeem Ramadan, Tina M. Leisner, Stephen P. Holly, Martis W. Cowles, Kenneth I. Ataga, Joshua N. Cooper, and Leslie V. Parise
Submissions from 2018
Numerical Methods for a Two-Species Competition-Diffusion Model With Free Boundaries, Shuang Liu and Xinfeng Liu
Submissions from 2016
Hydrodynamic Theories for Flows of Active Liquid Crystals and the Generalized Onsager Principle, Xiaogang Yang, Jun Li, M. Gregory Forest, and Qi Wang
Submissions from 2011
Explicit Constructions of RIP Matrices and Related Problems, Jean Bourgain, S J. Dilworth, Kevin Ford, Sergei Konyagin, and Denka Kutzarova
Submissions from 2010
On the Convergence of Greedy Algorithms for Initial Segments of the Haar Basis, S J. Dilworth, E Odell, TH Schlumprecht, and Andras Zsak
Partition Values and Central Critical Values of Certain Modular L-Functions, John J. Webb
Submissions from 2009
Cyclic Shifts of the Van Der Corput Set, Dmitriy Bilyk
Partial Unconditionality, S J. Dilworth, E Odell, TH Schlumprecht, and Andras Zsak
Products of Cesaro Convergent Sequences with Applications to Convex Solid Sets and Integral Operators, Anton R. Schep
Submissions from 2008
An Optimal-Order Error Estimate for a Family of ELLAM-MFEM Approximations to Porous Medium Flow, Hong Wang
Submissions from 2007
On strongly asymptotic l(p) spaces and minimality, S J. Dilworth, V Ferenczi, Denka Kutzarova, and E Odell
Sieving by Large Integers and Covering Systems of Congruences, Michael Filaseta, Kevin Ford, Sergei Konyagin, Carl Pomerance, and Gang Yu
Uniform Estimates for Eulerian-Lagrangian Methods for Singularly Perturbed Time-Dependent Problems, Hong Wang and Kaixin Wang
Submissions from 2006
Nonvanishing of the Partition Function Modulo Small Primes, Matthew Boylan
A general theory of almost convex functions, S J. Dilworth, Ralph Howard, and James W. Roberts
Adaptive Finite Element Methods for Elliptic PDEs Based on Conforming Centroidal Voronoi-Delaunay Triangulations, Lili Ju, Max Gunzburger, and Weidong Zhao
Submissions from 2004
Outerplanar crossing numbers, the circular arrangement problem and isoperimetric functions, Eva Czabarka, Ondrej Sykora, Laszlo A. Szekely, and Imrich Vrt'o
Every polynomial-time 1-degree collapses if and only if P=PSPACE, Stephen A. Fenner, Stuart A. Kurtz, and James S. Royer
Submissions from 2003
On Testing the Divisibility of Lacunary Polynomials by Cyclotomic Polynomials, Michael Filaseta and Andrzej Schinzel
Tightly Closed Ideals of Small Type, Adela Vraciu
Submissions from 2002
An extension of Elton's l(1)(n) theorem to complex Banach spaces, S J. Dilworth and Joseph P. Patterson
Submissions from 2001
Development of CFL-Free, Explicit Schemes for Multidimensional Advection-Reaction Equations, Hong Wang and Jiangguo Liu
An Ellam Scheme for Multidimensional Advection-Reaction Equations and Its Optimal-Order Error Estimate, Hong Wang, Xiquan Shi, and Richard E. Ewing
Submissions from 2000
The Averaging Lemma, Ronald A. Devore and Guergana Petrova
An Approximation to Miscible Fluid Flows in Porous Media With Point Sources and Sinks by an Eulerian-Lagrangian Localized Adjoint Method and Mixed Finite Element Methods, Hong Wang, Liang Dong, Richard E. Ewing, Stephen L. Lyons, and Guan Qin
Submissions from 1999
Splittings of Banach Spaces Induced by Clifford Algebras, N L. Carothers, S J. Dilworth, and David Sobecki
Intersecting Chains in Finite Vector Spaces, Eva Czabarka
An Ellam Scheme for Advection-Diffusion Equations in Two Dimensions, Hong Wang, Helge K. Dahle, Richard E. Ewing, Magne S. Espedal, Robert Sharpley, and Shushuang Man
Submissions from 1998
The sharp Sobolev inequality and the Banchoff-Pohl inequality on surfaces, Ralph Howard
Submissions from 1997
Boundary limits and non-integrability of M-subharmonic functions in the unit ball of C^n, Manfred Stoll
Submissions from 1996
A note on generators of least degree in Gorenstein ideals, Matthew Miller and Rafael H. VILLARREAL
Paracompact subspaces in the box product topology, Peter Nyikos and Leszek Piatkiwicz
Submissions from 1995
A Reverse Isoperimetric Inequality, Stability and Extremal Theorems For Plane-Curves With Bounded Curvature, Ralph Howard and ANDREJS TREIBERGS
On the Equivalence of Certain Consequences of the Proper Forcing Axiom, Peter Nyikos and Leszek Piatkiwicz
Submissions from 1993
Besov-Spaces on Domains in RD, Ronald A. DeVore and Robert C. Sharpley
The Distribution of Vector-Valued Rademacher Series, S J. Dilworth and S J. Montgomery-Smith
On the Distribution of Sums of Residues, Jerrold R. Griggs
The Lagrangian Gauss Image of a Surface in Euclidean 3-Space, Marek Kossowski
The Total Split Curvatures of Knotted Space-Like 2-Spheres in Minkowski 4-Space, Marek Kossowski
Classification of the Tor-Algebras of Codimension Four Almost Complete Intersections, Andrew R. Kustin
A Characterization of Hardy-Orlicz Spaces on Planar Domains, Manfred Stoll
Submissions from 1992
Labeling Graphs with a Condition at Distance 2, Jerrold R. Griggs and Roger K. Yeh
A Family of Complexes Associated to an Almost Alternating Map, with Applications to Residual Intersections, Andrew R. Kustin and Bernd Ulrich
Submissions from 1991
A Fixed Point Property for the Lorentz Space Lp,1(µ), N L. Carothers, S J. Dilworth, C J. Lennard, and D A. Trautman
Submissions from 1990
Degree of Adaptive Approximation, Ronald A. DeVore and Ming Yu XIANG
A Scale of Linear Spaces Related to the Lp Scale, S J. Dilworth
On Two Function-Spaces which are Similar to L0, S J. Dilworth and D A. Trautman
Norms of Positive Operators on LP-Spaces, Ralph Howard and Anton R. Schep
Lower Bounds for the Extrinsic Total Curvatures of Total Curvatures of a Space-Like Codemension 2-Surface In Minkowski Space, Marek Kossowski
Submissions from 1989
A Note on Roe's Characterization of the Sine Function, Ralph Howard
The Intrinsic Conformal Structure And Gauss Map of a Light-Like Hypersurface in Minkowski Space, Marek Kossowski
Submissions from 1988
Inequalities for Sums of Independent Random Variables, N L. Carothers and S J. Dilworth
Subspaces Of Lp,q, N L. Carothers and S J. Dilworth
Interpolation of Besov-Spaces, Ronald A. DeVore and Vasil A. Popova
Involutions on Banach Spaces and Reflexivity, S J. Dilworth
Submissions from 1987
Sequentially Compact, Franklin-Rajagopalan Spaces, Peter J. Nyikos and J. E. Vaughan
Submissions from 1986
K-Divisibility and a Theorem of Lorentz and Shimgaki, Colin Bennett and Robert Sharpley
Approximation by Rational Functions, Ronald A. DeVore
Multivariate Rational Approximation, Ronald A. DeVore and Xiang Ming Yu
Sequence Alignment with Matched Sections, Jerrold R. Griggs, Philip J. Hanlon, and Michael S. Waterman
Nonexistence of Stable Harmonic Maps to and from Certain Homogeneous Spaces and Submanifolds of Euclidean-Space, Ralph Howard and S Walter Wei
Alfred Tarski and Undecidable Theories, George F. McNulty
On the Atomic Decomposition of H^1 and Interpolation, Robert Sharpley
Submissions from 1985
Inequalities Relating Sectional Curvatures of a Submanifold to the Size of its 2nd Fndamental Form and Applications to Pinching Theorems for Submanifolds, Ralph Howard and S Walter Wei
Boundary Limits of Subharmonic Functions in the Disk, Manfred Stoll
Submissions from 1984
Error-bounds for Gaussian Quadrature and Weighted-L1 Polynomial Approximation, Ronald A. DeVore and L R. Scott
On the Differentiability of Functions in RN, Ronald A. DeVore and Robert C. Sharpley
Deformation and Linkage of Gorenstein Algebras, Andrew R. Kustin and Matthew Miller
Submissions from 1983
On First Countable, Countably Compact Spaces. I: (Omega-1,Omega-1-Star)-Gaps, Peter J. Nyikos and Jerry E. Vaughan
Submissions from 1981
Metrizability and the Frechet-Urysohn Property in Topological Groups, Peter J. Nyikos
Submissions from 1978
Bayes Estimation of Reliability for Mixtures of Life Distributions, William J. Padgett and Chris P. Tsokos
Submissions from 1977
Fragments of 1st-Order Logic, I: Universal Horn Logic, George F. McNulty
A Random Differential-Equation Approach to Probability Distribution of BOD and DO in Streams, William J. Padgett, G Schultz, and Chris P. Tsokos
Submissions from 1976
Application of Theorems of Schur and Albert, Thomas L. Markham
Undecidable Properties of Finite Sets of Equations, George F. McNulty
Characterization of F+ Intersections of 2 Sets N, Manfred Stoll
Submissions from 1975
Application of Separation Theorem for Hermitian Matrices, Thomas L. Markham
Component of the Origin in the Nevanlinna Class, James W. Roberts
Submissions from 1974
Graphs with 1-Factors, David Sumner
Submissions from 1973
Nonlinear Stochastic Integral-Equation of Hammerstein Type, William J. Padgett
Submissions from 1972
Nonnegative matrices whose inverses are M-matrices, Thomas L. Markham
Stochastic Integro-Differential Equations of Volterra Type, William J. Padgett and Chris P. Tsokos