Faculty Publications | Chemistry and Biochemistry, Department of | University of South Carolina


Submissions from 2024


Unimer Suppression Enables Supersaturated Homopolymer Swollen Micelles With Long-Term Stability After Glassy Entrapment, Eric R. Williams, Christian X. Ruff, and Morgan Stefik

Submissions from 2023


Traffic Lights for Catalysis: Stimuli-Responsive Molecular and Extended Catalytic Systems, Grace C. Thaggard, Johanna Haimeri, Roland A. Fischer Prof. Dr., Kyoung Chul Park, and Natalia B. Shustova Prof. Dr.

Submissions from 2022


One Planet: One Health. A Call to Support the Initiative on a Global Science-Policy Body on Chemicals and Waste, Werner Brack, Damia Barcelo Culleres, Alistair B.A. Boxall, Helene Budzinski, Sara Castiglioni, Adrian Covaci, Valeria Dulio, Beate I. Escher, Peter Fantke, Faith Kandie, Despo Fatta-Kassinos, Felix J. Hernandez, Klara Hilscherova, Juliane Hollender, Henner Hollert, Annika Jahnke, Barbara Kasprzyk-Hordern, Stuart J. Khan, Andreas Kortenkamp, Klaus Kuemmerer, Brice Lalonde, Marja H. Lamoree, Yves Levi, Pablo Antonio Lara Martin, Cassiana C. Montagner, Christian Mougin, Titus Msagati, Joerg Oehlmann, Leo Posthuma, Malcolm Reid, Martin Reinhard, Susan D. Richardson, and Et. Al.


Luminescence and Scintillation in the Niobium Doped Oxyfluoride Rb4Ge5O9F6:Nb, Darren Carone, Vladislav V. Klepov, Scott T. Misture, Joseph C. Schaeperkoetter, Luiz G. Jacobsohn, Mina Aziziha, Juliano Schorne-Pinto, Stuart A. J. Thomson, Adrian T. Hines, Theodore M. Besmann, and Hans Conrad zur Loye


Structure-Property Investigations in Urea Tethered Iodinated Triphenylamines, Muhammad Saddam Hossain; Fiaz Ahmed; Stavros G. Karakalos; Mark D. Smith; Namrata Pant; Sophya V. Garashchuk; Andrew B, Greytak; Pablo Docampo; and Linda S. Shimizu


Highly Swellable Hydrogels Prepared from Extensively Oxidized Lignin, JiHyeon Hwang, Daniella V. Martinez, Estevan J. Martinez, Gift Metavarayuth, Dustin Goodlett, Qi Wang, Mitra Ganewatta, Michael S. Kent, and Chuanbing Tang


Enhanced Structural Control of Soft-Templated Mesoporous Inorganic Thin Films by Inert Processing Conditions, Maximilliano Jesus Jara Fornerod, Alberto Alvarez-Fernandez, Eric R. Williams, Miximillian W.A. Skoda, Beatriz Prieto-Simon, Nicolas H. Voelcker, Morgan Stefik, Marc-Oliver Coppens, and Stefan Guldin


Unusual High-Frequency Mechanical Properties of Polymer-Grafted Nanoparticle Melts, Mayank Jhalaria, Yu Chang, Yucheng Huang, Brian C. Benicewicz, Sanat K. Kumar, and George Fytas


Investigation of Metastable Low Dimensional Halometallates, Navindra Keerthisinghe, Matthew S. Christian, Anna A. Berseneva, Gregory Morrison, Vladislav V. Klepov, Mark D. Smith, and Hans Conrad zur Loye


In Situ Recording of Mars Soundscape, S. Maurice, B. Chide, N. Murdoch, R. D. Lorenz, D. Mimoun, R. C. Wiens, A. Stott, X. Jacob, T. Bertrand, F. Montmessin, N. L. Lanza, C. Alvarez-Llamas, Stanley M. Angel, M. Aung, J. Balaram, O. Beyssac, A. Cousin, G. Delory, O. Forni, T. Fouchet, and Et. Al.


Invited Perspective: Existing Rules for Disinfection By-Products Are Good, but They Are Not Enough, Susan D. Richardson


Direct Measurement of Stokes–Einstein Diffusion of Cowpea Mosaic Virus With 19 µS-Resolved Xpcs, Kacper Switalski, Jingyu Fang, Luxi Li, Miaoqi Chu, Erik Sarnello, Pete Jemian, Tao Li, Qian Wang, and Qingteng Zhang


Faster Intercalation Pseudocapacitance Enabled by Adjustable Amorphous Titania Where Tunable Isomorphic Architectures Reveal Accelerated Lithium Diffusivity, Wessel van den Bergh, Taylor Larison, Maximilliano Jesus Jara Fornerod, Prof. Stefan Guldin, and Morgan Stefik


Understanding Rapid Intercalation Materials One Parameter at a Time, Wessel van den Bergh and Morgan Stefik


Amorphization of Pseudocapacitive T−nb2o5 Accelerates Lithium Diffusivity as Revealed Using Tunable Isomorphic Architectures, Wessel van den Bergh, Sean Wechsler, Hasala Nadeesini Lokupitiya, Lauren Jarocha, Kwangnam Kim, James Chapman, Kyoung E. Kweon, Brandon C. Wood, Steve Heald, and Morgan Stefik PhD


Compositionally and Density Stratified Igneous Terrain in Jezero Crater, Mars, Roger C. Wiens, Arya Udry, Olivier Beyssac, Cathy Quantin-Nataf, Nicolas Mangold, Agnès Cousin, Lucia Mandon, Tanja Bosak, Olivier Forni, Scott M. McLennan, Violaine Sautter, Adrian Cousin, Karim Benzerara, Jeffrey R. Johnson, Lisa Mayhew, Sylvestre Maurice, Ryan B. Maurice, Ryan B. Anderson, Samuel M. Clegg, Larry Crumpler, and Stanley M. Angel


Correlational Networking Guides the Discovery of Unclustered Lanthipeptide Protease-Encoding Genes, Dan Xue, Ethan Older, Zheng Zhong, Zhou Shang, Nanzhu Chen, Nolan Dittenhauser, Lukuan Hou, Peiyan Cai, Michael D. Walla, Shi-Hui Dong, Xiaoyu Tang, Hexin Chen, Prakash Nagarkatti, Mitzi Nagarkatti, Yong-Xin Li, and Jie Li

Submissions from 2021


Free Three-Dimensional Carborane Carbanions, H.D.A. zzzchathumal Jayaweera, Md. Mamdudur Rahman, Perry J. Pellechia, Mark D. Smith, and Dmitry V. Peryshkov


Broken-Hearted” Carbon Bowl via Electron Shuttle Reaction: Energetics and Electron Coupling, Gabrielle A. Leith, Allison M. Rice, Brandon J. Yarbrough, Preecha Kittikhunnatham, Abijai Mathur, Nicholas A. Morris, Megan J. Francis, Anna A. Berseneva, Poonam Dhull, Richard D. Adams, M. Victoria Bobo, Aaron A. Vannucci, Mark D. Smith, Sophya Garashchuk, and Natalia B. Shustova


Self-Assembled Thermoresponsive Nanogel From Grafted Hyaluronic Acid as a Biocompatible Delivery Platform for Curcumin With Enhanced Drug Loading and Biological Activities, Jittima Amie Luckanagul, Pahweenvaj Ratnatilaka Na Bhuket, Chawanphat Muangnoi, Pranee Rojsitthisak, Qian Wang, and Pornchai Rojsitthisak


Kinetics Study of the Hydrodeoxygenation of Xylitol over a ReOx-Pd/CeO2 Catalyst, Blake Macqueen, Michael Royko, Bradie S. Crandall, Andreas Heyden, Yomaira J. Pagán-Torres, and Jochen A. Lauterbach


Spectroscopic Studies of the Interaction Between Phosphorus Heterocycles and Cytochrome P450, Dumei Ma, Libo Zhang, Yingwu Yin, Yuxing Gao, and Qian Wang


Beyond Structural Motifs: The Frontier of Actinide-Containing Metal–Organic Frameworks, Corey R. Martin, Gabrielle A. Leith, and Natalia B. Shustova


Beyond Structural Motifs: The Frontier of Actinide-Containing Metal–Organic Frameworks, Corey R. Martin, Gabrielle A. Leith, and Natalia B. Shustova Prof. Dr.


The Supercam Instrument Suite on the Mars 2020 Rover: Science Objectives and Mast-Unit Description, S. Maurice, R. C. Wiens, P. Bernardi, P. Caïs, S. Robinson, T. Nelson, O. Gasnault, J. -M. Reess, M. Deleuze, F. Rull, J. -A. Manrique, S. Abbaki, R. B. Anderson, Y. André, Stanley M. Angel, G. Arana, T. Battault, P. Beck, K. Benzerara, S. Bernard, and Et. Al.


Hydrothermal Synthesis and Structural Investigation of a Crystalline Uranyl Borosilicate, Kristen A. Pace, Vladislav V. Klepov, Mark D. Smith, Travis Williams, Gregory Morrison, Jochen A. Lauterbach, Scott T. Misture, and Hans Conrad Zur Loye


Fe-Catalyzed Sulfide Oxidation in Hydrothermal Plumes Is a Source of Reactive Oxygen Species to the Ocean, Timothy J. Shaw, George W. Luther III, Richard Rosas, Véronique E. Oldham, Nicole R. Coffey, John L. Ferry, Dewamunnage M. C. Dias, Mustafa Yücel, and Aubin Thibault de Chanvalon


Host–Guest Interactions in a Metal–Organic Framework Isoreticular Series for Molecular Photocatalytic CO2 Reduction, Philip M. Stanley, Johanna Haimerl, Christopher Thomas, Alexander Urstoeger, Michael Schuster Prof. Dr., Natalia B. Shustova Prof. Dr., Angela Casini Prof. Dr., Bernhard Rieger Prof. Dr., Julien Warnan Dr., and Roland A. Fischer Prof. Dr.


Single-Variable Porous Nanomaterial Series From Polymer Structure-Directing Agents, Morgan Stefik


The Effects of Ceria Loading on Three-Way Catalysts for Passive SCR Operation, Calvin R. Thomas, Josh A. Pihl, Vitaly Y. Prikhodko, Michelle K. Kidder, Jochen A. Lauterbach, and Todd J. Toops


Tailored Porous Carbons Enabled by Persistent Micelles With Glassy Cores, Eric R. Williams, Paige L. McMahon, Joseph E. Reynolds III, Jonathan L. Snider, Vitalie Stavila, Mark Allendorf, and Morgan Stefik

Submissions from 2020


Chloramination of Iopamidol- And Bromide-Spiked Waters Containing Natural Organic Matter, Nana Osei B Ackerson, Hannah K. Liberatore, Susan D. Richardson, Micheal J. Plewa, Thomas A. Ternes, and Stephen E. Duirk


Heterometallic Multinuclear Nodes Directing MOF Electronic Behavior, Otega A. Ejegbavwo, Anna A. Berseneva, Corey R. Martin, Gabrielle A. Leith, Shubham Pandey, Amy J. Brandt, Kyoung Chul Park, Abhijai Mathur, Sharfa Farzandh, Vladislav V. Klepov, Brittany J. Heiser, Mvs Chandrashekhar, Stavros G. Karakalos, Mark D. Smith, Simon R. Phillpot, Sophya Garashchuk, Donna A. Chen, and Natalia B. Shustova Prof. Dr.


Bio-Oils From Vacuum Ablative Pyrolysis of Torrefied Tobacco Residues, Nattawut Khuenkaeo, Blake MacQueen, Thossaporn Onsree, Sangu Daiya, Nakorn Tippayawong, and Jochen A. Lauterbach


A Highly Elastic and Fatigue-Resistant Natural Protein-Reinforced Hydrogel Electrolyte for Reversible-Compressible Quasi-Solid-State Supercapacitors, Jingya Nan, Gaitong Zhang, Tianyu Zhu, Zhongkai Wang, Lijun Wang, Hongsheng Wang, Fuxiang Chu, Chunpeng Wang, and Chuanbing Tang


Natalia Shustova Answers Questions About 15 Years of Research on Covalent Organic Frameworks, Natalia B. Shustova Prof. Dr.


The Supercam Instrument Suite on the NASA Mars 2020 Rover: Body Unit and Combined System Tests, Roger C. Wiens, Sylvestre Maurice, Scott H. Robinson, Anthony E. Nelson, Philippe Cais, Pernelle Bernardi, Raymond T. Newell, Sam Clegg, Shiv K. Sharma, Steven Storms, Jonathan Deming, Darrel Beckman, Ann M. Ollila, Olivier Gasnault, Ryan B. Anderson, Yves André, Stanley M. Angel, Gorka Arana, Elizabeth Auden, Pierre Beck, and Et. Al.

Submissions from 2019


Preface to Special Issue “International Year of the Periodic Table: From Mendeleev to Cluster Chemistry”, Richard D. Adams, Boon Teo, and Vladimir P. Fedin


A New Interpretation of the √7×√7 r19.1° Structure for P Adsorbed on a NI(111) Surface, Elizabeth Barrow, Grant S. Seuser, Hiroko Ariga-Miwa, Donna A. Chen, Jochen A. Lauterbach, and Kiyotaka Asakura


Lignin Biopolymers in the Age of Controlled Polymerization, Mitra S. Ganewatta, Hasala N. Lokupitiya, and Chuanbing Tang


Extra-Mitochondrial CU/Zn Superoxide Dismutase (SOD1) Is Dispensable for Protection Against Oxidative Stress but Mediates Peroxide Signaling in Saccharomyces Cerevisiae, Claudia Montllor-Albalate, Alyson E. Colin, Bindu Chandrasekharan, Naimah Bolaji, Joshua L. Andersen, Franklin W. Outten, and Amit R. Reddi


Exposure Characterization of Haloacetic Acids in Humans for Exposure and Risk Assessment Applications: An Exploratory Study, Shahid Parvez, Jeffrey L. Ashby, Susana Y. Kimura, and Susan D. Richardson


ROMPI-CDSA: Ring-Opening Metathesis Polymerization-Induced Crystallization-Driven Self-Assembly of Metallo-Block Copolymers, Ye Sha, Md Anisur Rahman, Tianyu Zhu, Yujin Cha, C Wayne McAlister, and Chuanbing Tang


Generalizing Metallocene Mechanochemistry to Ruthenocene Mechanophores, Ye Sha, Yudi Zhang, Enhua Xu, C Wayne McAlister, Tianyu Zhu, Stephen L. Craig, and Chuanbing Tang


Ultra-Strong Long-Chain Polyamide Elastomers With Programmable Supramolecular Interactions and Oriented Crystalline Microstructures, Lingzhi Song, Tianyu Zhu, Liang Yuan, Jiangjun Zhou, Yaqiong Zhang, Zhongkai Wang, and Chuanbing Tang

Submissions from 2018


Expansion of the (BB)>Ru Metallacycle with Coinage Metal Cations: Formation of B-M-Ru-B (M= Cu, Ag, Au) Dimetalacyclodiboryls†, Bennett J. Eleazer, Mark D. Smith, Alexey A. Popov, and Dmitry V. Peryshkov


Facially Amphiphilic Polyionene Biocidal Polymers Derived From Lithocholic Acid, Mitra S. Ganewatta, Md Anisur Rahman, Louis Mercado, Tinom Shokfai, Alan W. Decho, Theresa M. Reineke, and Chuanbing Tang


Nickel Exposure Reduces Enterobactin Production in Escherichia Coli, Clorissa L. Washington – Hughes, Geoffrey T. Ford, Alsten D. Jones, Kimberly McRae, and Franklin W. Outten


Nickel Exposure Reduces Enterobactin Production in Escherichia coli, Clorissa L. Washington-Hughes, Geoffrey T. Ford, Alsten D. Jones, Kimberly McRae, and Franklin Wayne Outten


Evidence That a Respiratory Shield in Escherichia coli Protects a Low-Molecular-Mass Fe-II Pool from O2-Dependent Oxidation, Joshua D. Wofford, Naimah Bolaji, Nathaniel Dziuba, Franklin Wayne Outten, and Paul A. Lindahl


Metallo-Polyelectrolytes as a Class of Ionic Macromolecules for Functional Materials, Tianyu Zhu, Ye Sha, Jing Yan, Parasmani Pageni, Md Anisur Rahman, Yi Yan, and Chuanbing Tang

Submissions from 2017


Hydrogen-Bonding-Directed Ordered Assembly of Carboxylated Poly(3-Alkylthiophene)s, David W. Bilger, Jose A. Figueroa, Neil D. Redeker, Amrita Sarkar, Morgan Stefik, and Shanjuu Zhang


Rapid Reversible Borane to Boryl Hydride Exchange by Metal Shuttling on the Carborane Cluster Surface, Bennett J. Eleazer, Mark D. Smith, Alexey A. Popov, and Dmitry V. Peryshkov


Hierarchical Corannulene-Based Materials: Energy Transfer and Solid-State Photophysics, Allison M. Rice, W. Brett Fellows, Ekaterina A. Dolgopolova, Andrew B. Greytak, Aaron K. Vannucci, Mark D. Smith, Stavros G. Karakalos, Jeanette A. Krause, Stanislav M. Avdoshenko, Alexey A. Popov, and Natalia B. Shustova Prof. Dr.

Submissions from 2016


Fulleretic Well-Defined Scaffolds: Donor–Fullerene Alignment Through Metal Coordination and Its Effect on Photophysics, Derek E. Williams; Ekaterina A. Dolgopolova; Danielle C. Godfrey; Evgeniya D. Ermolaeva; Perry J. Pellechia Dr.; Andrew B. Greytak Prof. Dr.; Mark Smith Dr.; Stanislav M. Avdoshenko, Dr.; Alexey A. Popov Dr.; and Natalia B. Shustova Prof. Dr.

Submissions from 2015


Hydroflux Synthesis and Crystal Structure of New Lanthanide Tungstate Oxyhydroxides, Allison M. Latshaw, Mark D. Smith, W. Michael Chance, and Hans-Conrad zur Loye


Flux Crystal Growth and Structural Analysis of Two Cesium Uranium Oxides, Cs2.2U5O16 and Cs2U4O13, Containing Multiple Cation–Cation Interactions, Gregory Morrison, Cory M. Read, Mark D. Smith, and Hans-Conrad zur Loye


Effects of Neutron and Gamma Radiation on Lithium-Ion Batteries, Jie Qiu, Dandan He, Mingzhai Sun, Shimeng Li, Cun Wen, Jason Hattrick-Simpers, Yuan F. Zheng, and Lei Cao


Effect of Interfacial Pretreatment on the Properties of Montmorillonite/Poly(Vinyl Alcohol) Nanocomposites, Shailesh Shori, Xiaoming Chen, Michael Peralta, Hongsheng Gao, Hans-Conrad zur Loye, and Harry J. Ploehn


Pd Supported SnO2-MnOx-CeO2 Catalysts for Low Temperature CO Oxidation, Chao Wang, Erdem Sasmaz, Cun Wen, and Jochen Lauterbach


Trivalent Cation-Controlled Phase Space of New U(IV) Fluorides, Na3MU6F30 (M = Al3+, Ga3+, Ti3+, V3+, Cr3+, Fe3+): Mild Hydrothermal Synthesis Including an in Situ Reduction Step, Structures, Optical, and Magnetic Properties, Jeongho Yeon, Mark D. Smith, Gregory Morrison, and Hans-Conrad zur Loye

Submissions from 2014


Observation of Multiple Crystal-to-Crystal Transitions in a New Reduced Vanadium Oxalate Hybrid Material, Ba3[(VO)2(C2O4)5(H2O)6]·(H2O)3, Prepared via a Mild, Two-Step Hydrothermal Method, Dileka Abeysinghe, Mark D. Smith, Jeongho Yeon, Gregory Morrison, and Hans-Conrad zur Loye


Exotic Magnetism on the Quasi-FCC Lattices of the d3 Double Perovskites La2NaB′O6 (B′ = Ru, Os), A. A. Aczel, P. J. Baker, Daniel E. Bugaris, Jeongho Yeon, Hans-Conrad zur Loye, T. Guidi, and D. T. Adroja


Investigation of the High-Temperature Redox Chemistry of Sr2Fe1.5Mo0.5O6−δ via in situ Neutron Diffraction, Daniel E. Bugaris, Jason P. Hodges, Ashfia Huq, W. Michael Chance, Andreas Heyden, Fanglin Chen, and Hans-Conrad zur Loye


Applications of a Bis-Urea Phenylethynylene Self-Assembled Nanoreactor for [2 + 2] Photodimerizations, Sandipan Dawn, Sahan R. Salpage, Brent A. Koscher, Andreas Bick, Arief C. Wibowo, Perry J. Pellechia, and Linda S. Shimizu


The Materials Super Highway: Integrating High-Throughput Experimentation into the Catalysis MGI, Jason Hattrick-Simpers, Cun Wen, and Jochen Lauterbach


Crystal Growth and Structure Determination of the New Neodymium Germanate, Na2NdGeO4(OH), Kendall Hughey, Jeongho Yeon, and Hans-Conrad zur Loye


Dielectric Properties and Energy Storage Performance of CCTO/Polycarbonate Composites: Influence of CCTO Synthesis Route, Sayful Islam, W. Michael Chance, Hans Conrad zur Loye, and Harry J. Ploehn


Photoluminescent and Magnetic Properties of Lanthanide Containing Apatites: NaxLn10–x(SiO4)6O2–yFy, CaxLn10–x(SiO4)6O2–yFy (Ln = Eu, Gd, and Sm), Gd9.34(SiO4)6O2, and K1.32Pr8.68(SiO4)6O1.36F0.64, Allison M. Latshaw, Kendall D. Hughey, Mark D. Smith, Jeongho Yeon, and Hans-Conrad zur Loye


Crystal Growth and Structure of Three New Neodymium Containing Silicates: Na0.50Nd4.50(SiO4)3O, Na0.63Nd4.37(SiO4)3O0.74F0.26 and Na4.74Nd4.26(O0.52F0.48)[SiO4]4, Allison M. Latshaw, Mark D. Smith, and Hans-Conrad zur Loye


Plant Virus Incorporated Hydrogels as Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering Possess Low Immunogenicity in Vivo, Jittima Amie Luckanagul, L. Andrew Lee, Shaojin You, Xioming Yang, and Qian Wang


Simple Correction for the Sample Shape and Radial Offset Effects on SQUID Magnetometers: Magnetic Measurements on Ln2O3 (Ln=Gd, Dy, Er) Standards, Gregory Morrison and Hans-Conrad zur Loye


Crystal Growth, Structural Characterization, Cation–Cation Interaction Classification, and Optical Properties of Uranium(VI) Containing Oxychlorides, A4U5O16Cl2 (A = K, Rb), Cs5U7O22Cl3, and AUO3Cl (A = Rb, Cs), Cory Michael Read, Jeongho Yeon, Mark D. Smith, and Hans-Conrad zur Loye


Single Crystal Growth and Structural Characterization of a Novel Mixed-Valent Ternary Uranium Oxide, K8U7O24, Cory M. Read, Mark D. Smith, and Hans-Conrad zur Loye


Single Crystal Growth and Structural Characterization of Ternary Transition-Metal Uranium Oxides: MnUO4, FeUO4, and NiU2O6, Cory M. Read, Mark D. Smith, and Hans-Conrad zur Loye


Functional Materials from Self-Assembled Bis-urea Macrocycles, Linda S. Shimizu, Sahan R. Salpage, and Arthur A. Korous


Covalent Grafting of Phenylphosphonate on Calcium Niobate Platelets, Shailesh Shori, Perry J. Pellechia, Hans-Conrad zur Loye, and Harry J. Ploehn


Theoretical Investigation of H2 Oxidation on the Sr2Fe1.5Mo0.5O6 (001) Perovskite Surface under Anodic Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Conditions, Suwit Suthirakun, Salai Cheettu Ammal, Ana B. Muñoz-García, Guoliang Xiao, Fanglin Chen, Hans-Conrad zur Loye, Emily A. Carter, and Andreas Heyden


Facile Co-Assembly Process to Generate Core-Shell Nanoparticles with Functional Protein Corona, Nisaraporn Suthiwangcharoen, Tao Li, Laying Wu, Heidi B. Reno, Preston Thompson, and Qian Wang


One-Step Production of Long-Chain Hydrocarbons from Waste-Biomass-Derived Chemicals Using Bi-Functional Heterogeneous Catalysts, Cun Wen, Elizabeth Barrow, Jason Hattrick-Simpers, and Jochen Lauterbach


Self-Healing Catalysts: Co3O4 Nanorods for Fischer–Tropsch Synthesis, Cun Wen, Darrius Dunbar, Xin Zhang, Jochen Lauterbach, and Jason Hattrick-Simpers


Single Crystal to Single Crystal Polymerization of a Self-Assembled Diacetylene Macrocycle Affords Columnar Polydiacetylenes, Weiwei L. Xu, Mark D. Smith, Jeanette A. Krause, Andrew B. Greytak, Shugo Ma, Cory M. Read, and Linda S. Shimizu


Self-Assembly and Ring-Opening Metathesis Polymerization of a Bifunctional Carbonate–Stilbene Macrocycle, Yuewen Xu, Weiwei L. Xu, Mark D. Smith, and Linda S. Shimizu


Crystal Growth, Structures, Magnetic and Photoluminescent Properties of NaLnGeO4 (Ln = Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb), Jeongho Yeon, John B. Hardaway, Athena S. Sefat, Allison M. Latshaw, and Hans-Conrad zur Loye


Application of a Mild Hydrothermal Approach Containing an in Situ Reduction Step to the Growth of Single Crystals of the Quaternary U(IV)-Containing Fluorides Na4MU6F30 (M = Mn2+, Co2+, Ni2+, Cu2+, and Zn2+) Crystal Growth, Structures, and Magnetic Properties, Jeongho Yeon, Mark D. Smith, Joshua Tapp, Angela Möller, and Hans-Conrad zur Loye


Mild Hydrothermal Crystal Growth, Structure, and Magnetic Properties of Ternary U(IV) Containing Fluorides: LiUF5, KU2F9, K7U6F31, RbUF5, RbU2F9, and RbU3F13, Jeongho Yeon, Mark D. Smith, Joshua Tapp, Angela Möller, and Hans-Conrad zur Loye


Robust Nonenzymatic Hybrid Nanoelectrocatalysts for Signal Amplification toward Ultrasensitive Electrochemical Cytosensing, Tingting Zheng, Qingfeng Zhang, Sheng Feng, Jun-Jie Zhu, Qian Wang, and Hui Wang


Synthesis, Crystal Structure, and Magnetic Properties of the Oxometallates KBaMnO4 and KBaAsO4, Karl D. zur Loye, W. Michael Chance, Jeongho Yeon, and Hans-Conrad zur Loye


Synthesis and Crystal Structure of Sodium Arsenate Oxyhydroxide: Na4(AsO4)OH, Karl D. zur Loye, Allison M. Latshaw, Mark D. Smith, W. Michael Chance, and Hans-Conrad zur Loye

Submissions from 2013


Hydroflux Crystal Growth of Platinum Group Metal Hydroxides: Sr6NaPd2(OH)17, Li2Pt(OH)6, Na2Pt(OH)6, Sr2Pt(OH)8, and Ba2Pt(OH)8, Daniel E. Bugaris, Mark D. Smith, and Hans-Conrad zur Loye


A Chiroptical Probe for Sensing Metal Ions in Water, Marco Caricato, Nerea Jordana Leza, Kinkini Roy, Daniele Dondi, Giuseppe Gattuso, Linda S. Shimizu, Douglas A. Vander Griend, and Dario Pasini


Crystal Growth of New Hexahydroxometallates Using a Hydroflux, W. Michael Chance, Daniel E. Bugaris, Athena S. Sefat, and Hans-Conrad zur Loye


Synthesis and Crystal Structure of Dibarium Tungstate Hydrate, Ba2WO5·H2O, W. Michael Chance, Mark D. Smith, and Hans-Conrad zur Loye


Synthesis, Structure, and Optical Properties of a Series of Quaternary Oxides, K2Ba(MO4)2 (M = Cr, Mo, W), W. Michael Chance and Hans-Conrad zur Loye


A Supramolecular Strategy to Assemble Multifunctional Viral Nanoparticles, Limin Chen, Xia Zhao, Yuan Lin, Yubin Huang, and Qian Wang


Expansion of Breast Cancer Stem Cells with Fibrous Scaffolds, Sheng Feng, Pang-Kuo Lo, Shou Liu, Xinfeng Liu, Hexin Chen, and Qian Wang


The Schrödinger Equation with Friction from the Quantum Trajectory Perspective, Sophya V. Garashchuk, Vaibhav Dixit, Bing Gu, and James Mazzuca


Short, Strong Halogen Bonding in Co-Crystals of Pyridyl Bis-Urea Macrocycles and Iodoperfluorocarbons, Michael F. Geer, James Mazzuca, Mark D. Smith, and Linda S. Shimizu


Self-Assembled Benzophenone Bis-urea Macrocycles Facilitate Selective Oxidations by Singlet Oxygen, Michael F. Geer, Michael D. Walla, Kyril M. Solntsev, Cristian A. Strassert, and Linda S. Shimizu


Biomolecular Assembly of Thermoresponsive Superlattices of the Tobacco Mosaic Virus with Large Tunable Interparticle Distances, Tao Li, Xingjie Zan, Randall E. Winans, Qian Wang, and Byeongdu Lee