Front Matter
Preface to SSL 46.1
Patrick Scott and Tony Jarrells
Alasdair Gray (1934-2019)
Patrick Scott
Debating Insurrection in Galt's Ringan Gilhaize
Padma Rangarajan
The King and THE PEOPLE in Burns and Lady Nairne, with a Coda on Jane Austen’s Favorite Burns Song
Carol McGuirk
Joe Corrie’s In Time o’ Strife, the General Strike of 1926, and the Impasse of Insurgent Masculinity
Paul Malgrati
Afterword: 'A Wrong-Resenting People': Writing Insurrectionary Scotland
Christopher A. Whatley
Paper Monuments: the Latin Elegies of Thomas Chambers, Almoner to Cardinal Richelieu
Kelsey Jackson Williams
Performing Authenticity in the 19th-Century Short Story: Walter Benjamin, James Hogg, and The Spy
Duncan Hotchkiss
Eadar Canaan is Garrabost (Between Canaan and Garrabost): Religion in Derick Thomson’s Lewis Poetry
Petra Johana Poncarová
The Reputation of David Gray
David McVey
Book Reviews
Books Noted and Received
Patrick Scott