About This Journal | Studies in Scottish Literature | Scottish Literature Collections | University of South Carolina

About This Journal

Studies in Scottish Literature (or SSL) was founded in 1963 by G. Ross Roy (1924-2013), and he was its only editor for nearly fifty years (vols. 1-36). In 2012, Professor Roy donated rights to the journal to the University of South Carolina Libraries, so that it could continue under new editorship.

In its new series, Studies in Scottish Literature is open to contributions on all periods and genres of Scottish literature. It continues, too, to welcome articles that explore the interrelations between Scottish literature and other literatures, and between traditionally literary approaches and research undertaken from other disciplinary perspectives. After many years as an annual volume, the journal now published two issues a year, allowing more articles and usually a shorter time-to-publication.

Editorial Contact Information through vol 50, issue 2:

Patrick Scott, Editor, Studies in Scottish Literature, Irvin Department, University of South Carolina Libraries, Columbia, SC 29208, USA


Tony Jarrells, Editor, Studies in Scottish Literature, Department of English, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC 29208, USA


NOTE: for contact about future submissions, and issues after January 2025, contact Professor Jarrells.

NOTE: publication arrangements will change beginning in 2025, with vol. 51.1.

Studies in Scottish Literature is currently produced in two formats:

1. In a digital version, available at http://scholarcommons.sc.edu/ssl (digital version ISSN 2690-375X)

2. As a print-on-demand paperback (beginning with volume 37) (print version ISSN 0039-3770, and with separate ISBNs for each issue). This can be purchased by individuals or libraries through such on-line channels as Amazon, Amazon UK, or Amazon Europe. Library serial vendors and booksellers etc, may consult KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing) about eligibility for special purchase arrangements under KDP's expanded distribution option. Please note that no print subscriptions are handled through the editorial office or the University library.

Some copies of earlier volumes (1-2, 13-39) remain available in hardback; inquiries should be sent by email to Patrick Scott.

Scottish Poetry Reprints

Scottish Poetry Reprints, started by Ross Roy in 1970, issued seven titles in limited fine press editions, now out of print. The series was restarted in 2015, and titles since then are printed by KDP and available through Amazon, Amazon UK, etc.

8. The Prayer of Holy Willie, by Robert Burns; the Kilmarnock chapbook of 1789, edited by Patrick Scott (2015).

9. Tollerators and Con-Tollerators, a comedy, attributed to Archibald Pitcairne, edited by John MacQueen (2015).

10. A Bard Unkend: Selected Poems in the Scottish Dialect, by Gavin Turnbull, edited by Patrick Scott (2015).

11. Musick for Allan Ramsay’s Collection of 71 Scots Songs, set by Alexander Stuart, with an introduction by Kirsteen McCue (2017).

South Carolina Scottish Literature Series

This series supplements Studies in Scottish Literature by making available monograph-length research based on or closely related to the Roy Collection. Further titles are in preparation. These titles are printed by KDP and available through Amazon, Amazon UK, etc.

1. Robert Burns & Friends: Essays by W. Ormiston Roy Fellows presented to G. Ross Roy, edited by Patrick Scott & Kenneth Simpson, with the assistance of Justin Mellette (2012).

2. Selected Essays on Robert Burns, by G. Ross Roy, edited by Patrick Scott, Elizabeth A. Sudduth, and Jo DuRant (2018).

3. The Kilmarnock Burns: A Census, by Allan Young and Patrick Scott (2017).

5. The Ghost at the Feast: Religion and Scottish Literary Criticism, edited by Patrick Scott, with an essay and afterword by Crawford Gribben (2021).

6. Inventing Scotland's Bard: The British Reception of Robert Burns, 1786-1836, by Corey E. Andrews (2022).

7. Robert Burns's Life on the Stage, with a bibliography of dramatic works, 1842-2022, by Thomas Keith (2022).

Occasional Publications Series

This series makes separately available for libraries and collectors selected lectures and essays by prominent Scottish literary scholars that have been or will also be included in Studies in Scottish Literature. Items in the series are printed by KDP and available through Amazon, Amazon UK, etc.

1. Who Wrote the Scots Musical Museum? Challenging Editorial Practice in the Presence of Authorial Absence. The W. Ormiston Roy Memorial Lecture, University of South Carolina, 2015, by Murray Pittock (2016)

2. Philosophical Vagabonds: Pedestrianism, Politics, and Improvement on the Scottish Tour. The Marilyn Butler Lecture, British Association for Romantic Studies, University of York, 2017, by Nigel Leask (2019)

3. W.S. Graham: “Born in a diamond screeched from a mountain pap.” The Hugh MacDiarmid Lecture, Scottish Poetry Library, Edinburgh, 2018, by Gerard Carruthers (2019)