Front Matter
Some Early Vision Poems by Edwin Morgan
Rodney Stenning Edgecombe
Roseneath: Scotland or "Scott-land"? A Reappraisal of The Heart of Midlothian
Julian Meldon D 'Arcy
Center, Margin, and Myth in Fergus Lamont and Lanark
Cristie L. March
Having Fun with the Moralities: Henryson's Fables and Late-Medieval Fable Innovation
Arnold Clayton Henderson
Cleansing the Hawker's Basket: Popular Literature and the Cheap Periodical Press in Scotland
Scott A. McLean
Travelers and Tourists: Rules of Engagement in William McIlvanney's Detective Fiction
Robert P. Winston
Ossian and Cesarotti: Poems and Translations
Giuliana Bertipaglia
"Happy to Worship in a Romish Church": Boswell and Roman Catholicism
Sharon L. Priestley