
About the South Carolina Environmental Law Journal/Southeastern Environmental Law Journal

From 1988 to 1991, the Environmental Law Society of the University of South Carolina School of Law printed a newsletter under the titles ENVIROLAW: the Nesletter of the Environmental Law Society and the South Carolina Environmental Law Reporter. In September 1990, the law student editors set the ambitious goal of gathering enough material by the late Spring 1991 to establish a regular, full-fledged, serious review of environmental legal issues modeled on the American Bar Association journal, Natural Resources & Environment. With the support of South Carolina Governor Carroll A. Campbell, Jr., and the patronage of the South Carolina legal community, the Environmental Law Society of the University of South Carolina School of Law realized this goal with the publication of Volume 1, issue number 1 of the South Carolina Environmental Law Journal in the Winter 1991. The Environmental Law Society published the Journal semi-annually to provide an educational forum for current environmental issues.

Starting with volume 4, issue number 1 in the Spring 1995, the Journal was published semi-annually by a student editorial board at the University of South Carolina School of Law and distributed to law schools, judges, and attorneys across the United States. It was unique in that it was one of the few environmental law journals in the Southeast. The goal of the Journal henceforth was to provide the legal community with a balanced presentation of environmental topics and an illustration of the pervasiveness of environmental law in all areas of practice, particularly business and real estate law.

Beginning with volume 11, issue number 1, the name was changed to the Southeastern Environmental Law Journal in an effort to expand its coverage to regional environmental law issues. The Journal ceased publication with publication of volume 20, issue number 1 in the Fall 2011.