Scholar Commons - SC Upstate Research Symposium: BE-02 What can make plants grow? Or not grow?

BE-02 What can make plants grow? Or not grow?

Nolan B. Evatt att, Nolan Bradley Evatt
Jennifer Hyder Hyd, Professor


During this experiment our group will compose data of plant growth. We will add different substances to the plants other than just the normal planter and water. We will check the growth of these plants over a four week period. Our group will be giving the plants the same conditions such as water, sunlight, and downtime inside. Our goal is to figure out what types of substances can make plants grow the best compared to the normal store bought plant feeder.

The experiment will be conducted over a period of 4 weeks. The plants will be placed in the same container, with the same fertilizer, and in the exact same location. We will water each plant with a different substance to test which substance best affects the plant's growth. Data will be collected at the beginning and end of each week.

There will be 4 containers with the same plant. Plant one will be hydrated every day with purified water from a water bottle. Plant two will be hydrated every day with whole milk. Plant three will be hydrated with coke. Lastly, plant four will be hydrated with water and pre-workout.

After conducting this experiment, our results showed us that the plant that was hydrated with the regular purified water grew the most. The plant that was hydrated with whole milk grew a little bit. Lastly the plants that were hydrated with coke and water/pre-workout did not grow at all.

Mar 31st, 10:30 AM Mar 31st, 12:30 PM

BE-02 What can make plants grow? Or not grow?

During this experiment our group will compose data of plant growth. We will add different substances to the plants other than just the normal planter and water. We will check the growth of these plants over a four week period. Our group will be giving the plants the same conditions such as water, sunlight, and downtime inside. Our goal is to figure out what types of substances can make plants grow the best compared to the normal store bought plant feeder.

The experiment will be conducted over a period of 4 weeks. The plants will be placed in the same container, with the same fertilizer, and in the exact same location. We will water each plant with a different substance to test which substance best affects the plant's growth. Data will be collected at the beginning and end of each week.

There will be 4 containers with the same plant. Plant one will be hydrated every day with purified water from a water bottle. Plant two will be hydrated every day with whole milk. Plant three will be hydrated with coke. Lastly, plant four will be hydrated with water and pre-workout.

After conducting this experiment, our results showed us that the plant that was hydrated with the regular purified water grew the most. The plant that was hydrated with whole milk grew a little bit. Lastly the plants that were hydrated with coke and water/pre-workout did not grow at all.