What We Learned from The Memory Project: A Video Oral History Archive with Bilingual Content

Author Information

Luo Zhou, Duke UniversityFollow

Submission Type

Paper Abstract Submission

Symposium Selection

International influences

Contributor Statement for Creative Format Contributions

The Memory Project was launched by Chinese pioneer independent filmmaker Wu Wenguang (吴文光) to document oral histories from survivors of the Great Famine that devastated China as the “Three Years of Natural Disasters”, and caused the death of between 20 and 43 million people. The interviews collected widely across rural China add intimate detail and humanity to the story of the deaths and starvation of millions of Chinese, providing a unique perspective on the unofficial history of the Great Famine. Duke University Libraries is the exclusive home for the project archives making raw footage available to students, researchers and the general public. The paper will talk about the our role and our experiences in housing, processing, publishing and promoting this collection.


The Memory Project Digital Collection: https://repository.duke.edu/dc/memoryproject

The collection guide: https://library.duke.edu/rubenstein/findingaids/memoryprojectpilot/

Video to be shared during the symposium: https://repository.duke.edu/dc/memoryproject/yuxiantang

This document is currently not available here.



What We Learned from The Memory Project: A Video Oral History Archive with Bilingual Content