"Developing a Rubric for the Evaluation of 5th-12th Grade Science Mobil" by Lucy Santos Green, Karen Chassereau et al.

Developing a Rubric for the Evaluation of 5th-12th Grade Science Mobile Applications: The Design of MASS

Document Type



This paper details the process of creating, developing and testing a mobile science application rubric so as to aid secondary science classroom teachers in selecting and rating science applications for a K-12 student target population and its curricular needs. Quantitative and qualitative data collected during four design cycles resulted in the Mobile App Selection for Science (MASS) Rubric, comprising six items on a four-point response scale. Further comparison of the science content-specific MASS rubric with a general mobile app selection rubric (Evaluation Rubric for Mobile Applications; ERMA) revealed expected results with three item pairs (Pair A, Pair C, and Pair D) demonstrating concurrent validity through significant correlations and one pair (Pair B) displaying the expected divergent validity. Additionally, paired t-tests among each pair indicated a significant difference in participants’ ratings of the apps using the two rubrics.

APA Citation

Santos Green, L., Chassereau, K. & Hechter, R. (2014). Developing a Rubric for the Evaluation of 5th-12th Grade Science Mobile Applications: The Design of MASS. In M. Searson & M. Ochoa (Eds.), Proceedings of SITE 2014--Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (pp. 2332-2340). Jacksonville, Florida, United States: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Retrieved April 13, 2022 from https://www.learntechlib.org/primary/p/131129/
