"Information Literacy in a Global Context: Incorporating the ACRL Frame" by Melissa Gross, Don Latham et al.

Information Literacy in a Global Context: Incorporating the ACRL Framework Into Preservice Education for Information Professionals

Document Type



This panel presentation will provide a brief overview of the Framework, followed by four presentations that explore theoretical and practical concerns that will be of interest to LIS educators. These presentations will serve as a foundation for a large group discussion of the implications of the Framework for LIS programs and the pedagogical challenges it represents. Heidi Julien will convene the session and lead the large group discussion. The panel presentations include the following: • An Introduction to the Framework. Melissa Gross and Don Latham • Teaching Librarians to Teach with the Framework, Yvonne Mery, Nicole Pagowsky, and Carla Stoffle • Reference Course Redesign Using the Integrated Threshold Concept Knowledge Framework, Susan Rathbun-Grubb • Framing Information Literacy Instruction: Preparing Pre-service Librarians PK-20, Elizabeth Burns • Integrating the Framework into a Diversity Course For the Benefit of Praxis, Bharat Mehra and Keren Dali.

APA Citation

Gross, M., Latham, D., Julien, H., Mehra, B., Dali, K., Mery, Y., Pagowsky, N., Stoffle, C., Rathbun-Grubb, S., Burns, E. (2019). Information Literacy in a Global Context: Incorporating the ACRL Framework into Preservice Education for Information Professionals. Presentation at the 2019 Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE) Annual Conference: Exploring Learning in a Global Information Context, Knoxville, TN, September 24-26, 2019.
