Moms and Media: Exploring the Effects of Online Communication on Infant Feeding Practices
Robert McKeever:
Brooke W. McKeever:
Document Type
Subject Area(s)
Health Communication
Using a survey of mothers with young children (N = 455), this study applies Fishbein and Ajzen’s reasoned action approach (RAA) to examine the relationship between online communication and infant feeding practices. Contrary to expectations, attitudes, perceived normative pressure, and perceived behavioral control (PBC) did not fully mediate the relationship between time spent online and behavioral intentions. Our findings indicate a significant, direct, negative association between time spent online and breastfeeding intentions In this article, theoretical and practical implications for health communication are discussed.
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Publication Info
Published in Health Communication, Volume 32, Issue 9, 2017, pages 1059-1054.
APA Citation
McKeever, R., & McKeever, B. W. (2017). Moms and Media: Exploring the Effects of Online Communication on Infant Feeding Practices. Health Communication, 32(9), 1059–1065.