"Information seeking and use by low-level students" by Jin Soo Chung and Jinmook Kim

Document Type

Conference Proceeding


This paper reports on an exploratory study of information seeking and use in high school students with a low level of information skills and academic competency. Seven students in the 11th grade Remedial Education Program class in American Literature and Composition completed a class project that involved somewhat comprehensive information seeking and use. Data were collected through observation and interview (with students, the teacher, and two library media specialists). All documents each student produced in completing the class project were gathered for data analysis. The preliminary findings of the study indicated that students experienced a great deal of difficulty in the cognitive and affective demands that their tasks required and suggested that technological and instructional mediation would motivate the students’ interest in their information seeking and use. The paper concludes with some important implications that can provide a basis for de! signing information literacy instructions for low-level students.
