

Editor-in-Chief: Michele Harmon, University of South Carolina Aiken

Journal of the South Carolina Academy of Science is an on-line peer-reviewed publication of the South Carolina Academy of Science. The Journal electronically publishes up to three volumes per calendar year (Winter, Spring, and Fall). We typically publish peer-reviewed articles from SCAS members and invited articles from SCAS annual meeting winners. Contact the editor, Dr. Michele Harmon (micheleh@usca.edu), for information on manuscript submission.

Current Issue: Volume 22, Issue 1 (2024)

Front Matter



Technology Development and Materials Research to Enable a Sustainable D-T Fusion Energy Fuel Cycle
Brenda L. Garcia-Diaz, David Babineau, James Klein, Robert Allgood, George Larsen, Holly B. Flynn, Dale Hitchcock, Tim Krentz, Chris Dandeneau, Lucas Angelette, and Robert Sindelar


Wild Pigs (Sus scrofa) at Croft State Park in Spartanburg County, South Carolina
Jonathan J. Storm, Amelia R. Scollon, Melissa A. Storm, and Briget C. Doyle


Determining Drug Dosage Using Calculus
Rajendra Dahal and Keith Bullard


Length-Weight and Length-Length Relationships for Common Fish and Invertebrate Species in The North Inlet-Winyah Bay Estuarine System, South Carolina, USA
Catherine A. Friedline, Matthew E. Kimball, Bruce W. Pfirrmann, In Cha, Kayleigh B. Wolstenholme, and Ryan J. Rezek


Examination of Oncogenic Effects of Environmental Pollutants
Andrew Ackerman, Matthew Behling, Brock Earley, and Janay Vacharasin


HPV Prevalence in a College-aged Sample Group and its Link to Sexual Behaviors and Attitudes
Emily E. Bishop, Rahjai Thomas, Katelyn Ambrose, Gabriela Lewczyk, and Paul E. Richardson


A triumph of conservation: The University of South Carolina Aiken’s Bluebird Trail
Alyssa Godfrey, Emory Owens, Quinn Schreiber, and Michelle L. Vieyra