Editorial Board | Journal of Ideology | USC Lancaster | University of South Carolina

Editorial Board

The goals of a growing viable Journal that provides a platform for the expression of various perspectives of ideology lies with a guiding Editorial Board. Simply stated, the Journal supports the broad nature of ideological thinking – "Ideas – Origin, Nature, and Alternatives."

Because the Journal of Ideology: A Critique of Conventional Theory is not centered in or focused on any single discipline, the editorial board reflects an interdisciplinary perspective with academics from varying fields of academia. Candidates interested in joining the Editorial Board are invited to view the informational guide, and should contact an editor at the email address provided below.


The Journal of Ideology is published by the University of South Carolina Lancaster. Articles which appear in JOI reflect the opinions of the authors and not necessarily those of the editors.

Dr. Susan Cruise
Associate Professor of Sociology, University of South Carolina Lancaster

Dr. Stuart Mendel
Executive Director, National Center of Nonprofit Enterprise

Editorial Board Members

Dr. Jennifer Alexander
Associate Professor and Graduate Advisor of Record, University of Texas at San Antonio

Dr. Maggie Bohm-Jordan
Assistant Professor Sociology, University of Wisconsin—Stevens Point

Dr. Lucas Espinoza
Associate Professor of Criminal Justice, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Dr. Luis Espinoza
Assistant Professor of Epidemiology, College of Nursing and Health Sciences, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi

Dr. Andrew Hogue
Lecturer and Director of the Philanthropy and Public Service Program, Baylor University

Dr. Bradley Koch
Associate Professor of Sociology and Sociology Program Coordinator, Georgia College & State University

Dr. Jennifer Madden
Assistant Professor of Management and Marketing and Director of the Master of Business Design & Innovation Program, Carthage College

Dr. Roseanne Mirabella
Professor of Political Science and Public Affairs, Seton Hall University

Dr. Buster Smith
Assistant Professor Sociology, Catawba College

Dr. William E. Thompson
Professor of Sociology and Criminal Justice, Texas A&M University – Commerce

Dr. Anthony Walsh
Professor of Criminal Justice, Boise State University

Dr. Mark N. Wexler
Professor of Business Ethics and Management, Simon Fraser University

Contact Us

Questions or comments should be directed to:
journalofideology@sc.edu OR usclji@mailbox.sc.edu