About This Journal | Journal of Ideology | USC Lancaster | University of South Carolina

About This Journal

The Journal of Ideology (JOI) is a juried interdisciplinary publication intended to serve as a forum of critical high quality scholarly research and theory development. The JOI will encourage publication of essays that promote innovations of ideology that run counter to conventional theory and premises across the social sciences. An acceptable perspective of authors would be that the minority view in a debate of a particular field, discipline, or issue offers a reasonable starting point for discourse.

The JOI editors envision serious submissions derived through grounded inductive theory research methods, scholarly discourse, lessons learned from practice, research, and in the form of case study illustrations of countervailing evidence to conventional theory. The editors suggest authors prepare their work for rigorous review wherein the standards of persuasive argument are the measure for successful publication outcomes.

Thought leaders are encouraged to co-author and involve new scholars and high performing students in their essays submitted for peer review.