Faculty Publications | History, Department of | University of South Carolina


Submissions from 2022


Constructing the Spanish Empire in Havana: State Slavery in Defense and Development, 1762-1835, Matt D. Childs

Submissions from 2019


No God But Gain: The Untold Story of Cuban Slavery, The Monroe Doctrine, and the Making of the United States, by Stephen Chambers, Matthew David Childs

Submissions from 2018


National Register of Historic Places Nominations by Students in Preservation Courses 1993 - 2018, Robert R. Weyeneth

Submissions from 2013


Omeka in the classroom: The challenges of teaching material culture in a digital world, Allison Marsh


Revolution: The First 2,000 Years of Computing : The Computer History Museum, Mountain View, California, Allison C. Marsh


Sharing Credit: Public Historians and Scientists Reflecting on Collaboration, Allison C. Marsh


The Computer History Museum, Mountain View, California, Allison C. Marsh

Submissions from 2011


Book Review: Seeds of Insurrection: Domination and Resistance on Western Cuban Plantations, 1808-1848, by Manuel Barcia, Matt D. Childs


Book Review: Do Museums Still Need Objects?, by Steven Conn, Allison C. Marsh


Museum Review: The Hershey's Story; Hershey's Chocolate World, Allison C. Marsh

Submissions from 2010


Book Review: O significado da ilha de Barbados para o Império Britânico no Século XVII, Matt D. Childs

Democracy, Despotism, and Disunion: A Review Essay, Lacy K. Ford, Jr.

Submissions from 2009

Book Review: Havana: Autobiography of a City, by José Alfredo Estrada, Matt D. Childs


La révolte contre les Français : race et patrie dans le soulèvement de 1809 à La Havane, Matt D. Childs

Deliver Us from Evil: The Slavery Question in the Old South, Lacy K. Ford, Jr.


Historians and the Many Lyndon Johnsons: A Review Essay, Kent B. Germany

Japan's Motorcycle Wars: An Industry History, by Jeffrey W. Alexander, William Dean Kinzley


Book Review: The Internet and American Business, eds. William Aspray and Paul E. Ceruzzi, Joseph A. November

Submissions from 2008


Book Review: Forest of Time: A Century of Science at Wind River Experimental Forest, by Margaret Herring and Sarah Greene, Emily K. Brock


Book Review: To Die in Cuba: Suicide and Society, Matt D. Childs

Democracy and its Consequences in Antebellum America: A Review Essay, Lacy K. Ford, Jr.


The Missouri Compromise and Its Aftermath: Slavery and the Meaning of America, by Robert Pierce Forbes, Lacy K. Ford, Jr.

Reconfiguring the Old South: "Solving" the Problem of Slavery, 1787-1838, Lacy K. Ford, Jr.

Encyclopedia of the Modern World, Editor, William Dean Kinzley


Greetings from the Factory Floor: Industrial Tourism and the Picture Post Card, Allison Marsh

Las audiencias y las administración de justicia en las Indias, by Eduardo Martiré, Michael C. Scardaville


Family Capitalism: Wendels, Haniels, Falcks, and the Continental European Model, by Harold James, Michael S. Smith


The Path Not Taken: French Industrialization in the Age of Revolution, 1750-1830, by Jeff Horn, Michael S. Smith

Submissions from 2007

A Paternalist's Progress: Insurgency, Orthodoxy and Reversal in the Old South: A Review of Erskine Clark's Dwelling Place: A Plantation Epic, Lacy K. Ford, Jr.

Becoming Bourgeois: Merchant Culture in the South, 1820-1865, by Frank J. Byrne, Lacy K. Ford, Jr.

Economic Development and Globalization in South Carolina, Lacy K. Ford, Jr. and R. Phillip Stone


Zouave Stories: Gender, Catholic Spirituality, and French Responses to the Roman Question, Carol E. Harrison

Submissions from 2006

Making the "Deep South" Southern: A Review of Adam Rothman's Slave Country: American Expansion and the Origins of the Deep South, Lacy K. Ford, Jr.

New Times in Modern Japan, by Stephan Tanaka, William Dean Kinzley

Japan in the World of Welfare Capitalism: Imperial Railroad Experiments with Welfare Work, William Dean Kinzley

Merging Lines: Organising Japan's National Railway, 1906-1914, William Dean Kinzley

Latin America and Its People, by Cheryl Martin and Mark Wasserman, Michael C. Scardaville

Submissions from 2005

Blackwell Companion to the Civil War and Reconstruction, Editor, Lacy K. Ford, Jr.

Conjectures of Order: Intellectual Life and the American South, 1810-1860, by Michael O'Brien, Lacy K. Ford, Jr.

House and Home in Modern Japan: Architecture, Domestic Space, and Bourgeois Culture, 1880-1930, by Jordan San, William Dean Kinzley


The Architecture of Racial Segregation: The Challenges of Preserving the Problematical Past, Robert R. Weyeneth

Submissions from 2004


Book Review: Whose America? The War of 1898 and the Battles to Define the Nation, by Virginia M. Bouvier, Matt D. Childs


Captors to Captives to Christians to Calabar: Navigating the Boundaries of Slavery and Freedom in the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade, Matt D. Childs

Emperor of Japan: Meiji and His World, 1852-1912, by Donald Keene, William Dean Kinzley

Machiavelli's Children: Leaders and Their Legacies in Italy and Japan, by Richard J. Samuels, William Dean Kinzley

The Manchurian Crisis and Japanese Society, 1931-1933, by Sandra Wilson, William Dean Kinzley


Tracking the PUMA, Allison C. Marsh

Submissions from 2003


Becoming a Subject: Political Prisoners During the Greek Civil War, by Polymeris Voglis, Gerasimos Augustinos


Rituais de Poder: Escravos e Senhores em uma Mina de Ouro do Brasil no Século XIX, Matt D. Childs

The Counterrevolution of Slavery: Politics and Ideology in Antebellum South Carolina, by Manisha Sinha, Lacy K. Ford, Jr.

Japanese Political History Since the Meiji Renovation, 1868-2000, by Richard Sims, William Dean Kinzley


Justice by Paperwork: A Day in the Life of a Court Scribe in Bourbon Mexico City, Michael C. Scardaville


A Workforce Divided: Community, Labor, and the State in Saint-Nazaire's Shipbuilding Industry, 1880-1910, by Leslie A. Schuster, Michael S. Smith


The Risks of Professionalizing Local History: The Campaign to Suppress My Book, Robert R. Weyeneth

Submissions from 2002


Master-Slave Rituals of Power at a Gold Mine in Nineteenth Century Brazil, Matt D. Childs


"I'm Not Lying About That One": Manhood, LBJ, and the Politics of Speaking Southern, Kent B. Germany

Submissions from 2001


Ambiguous Commitments and Uncertain Policies: The Truman Doctrine in Greece, 1947-1952, by Judith S. Jeffrey, Gerasimos Augustinos


Book Review: Changing History: Afro-Cuban Cabildos and the Societies of Color in the Nineteenth Century, by Philip A. Howard, Matt D. Childs

Japan's Emergence as a Global Power, by James I. Matray, William Dean Kinzley

Japan's Proto-Industrial Elite: The Economic Foundations of the Gono, by Edward E. Pratt, William Dean Kinzley


The Wages of Affluence: Labor and Management in Postwar Japan, by Andrew Gordon, William Dean Kinzley


The Power of Apology and the Process of Historical Reconciliation, Robert R. Weyeneth

Submissions from 2000


The Confessions of Edward Isham: A Poor White Life of the Old South, by Edward Isham, edited by Charles C. Bolton and Scott P. Culclasure, Lacy K. Ford, Jr.

The Ashio Riot of 1907: A Social History of Mining in Japan, by Nimura Kazuo, William Dean Kinzley

The Business of Railroads, William Dean Kinzley

Submissions from 1999


Making the "White Man's Country" White: Race, Slavery, and State-Building in the Jacksonian South, Lacy K. Ford, Jr.


Manufacturing Ideology: Scientific Management in Twentieth-Century Japan, by William M. Tsutsui, William Dean Kinzley

Mirror of Modernity: Invented Traditions of Modern Japan, by Stephen Vlastos, William Dean Kinzley

New Directions in the Study of Meiji Japan, ed. Helen Hardacre with Adam L. Kern, William Dean Kinzley

Revolution and Subjectivity in Postwar Japan, by J. Victor Koschmann, William Dean Kinzley

Tetsudo sangyo ni okeru kisei kanwa no kanren ni tsuite (The Implications of Deregulation for the Railroad Industry), William Dean Kinzley


La France et l'Égypte de 1882 à 1914: Intérêts économiques et implications politiques, by Samir Saul, Michael S. Smith

Perspectives on a Pardon: Centralia Confronts its Past, Robert R. Weyeneth

Submissions from 1998


New Voices in the Nation: Women and the Greek Resistance, 1941-1964, by Janet Hart, Gerasimos Augustinos


A Case of 'Great Unstableness': A British Slaveholder and Brazilian Abolition, Matt D. Childs

Democratizing the Old Dominion: Virginia and the Second Party System, 1824-1861, by William G. Shade, Lacy K. Ford, Jr.


Political Culture in the Nineteenth Century South: Mississippi, 1830-1900, by Bradley G. Bond, Lacy K. Ford, Jr.

The Market Revolution in America: Social, Political and Religious Expressions, ed. Melvyn Stokes and Stephen Conway, Lacy K. Ford, Jr.

Origins of the Edgefield Tradition: The Late Antebellum Experience and the Roots of Political Insurgency, Lacy K. Ford, Jr.


Cooperation and Harmony Society, William Dean Kinzley

Portraits of the Japanese Workplace: Labor movements, Workers, and Managers, by Kumazawa Makoto, Andrew Gordon, Mikiso Hane, and Mark Selden, William Dean Kinzley


The Legal Culture of Northern New Spain, 1700-1810, by Charles R. Cutter, Michael C. Scardaville


Against the Tide: An Intellectual History of Free Trade, by Douglas A. Irwin, Michael S. Smith

Submissions from 1997


Who Are the Macedonians?, by Hugh Poulton, Gerasimos Augustinos

Leaders and Leadership in Japan, ed. Ian Neary, William Dean Kinzley


Learning to be Modern: Japanese Political Discourse on Education, by B.K. Marshall, William Dean Kinzley

Splendid Monarchy: Power and Pageantry in Modern Japan, by Takashi Fujitani, William Dean Kinzley

The Sound of the Whistle: Railroads and the State in Meiji Japan, by Steven J. Ericson, William Dean Kinzley

Innovations in Labor Management Relations: Japan's National Railroad, William Dean Kinzley


Sintesis e indice de los mandamientos virreinales, 1548-1553, by Peter Gerhard, Michael C. Scardaville

Submissions from 1996

The Confederate Rebublic: A Revolution Against Politics, by George C. Rable, Lacy K. Ford, Jr.

The Personable Journalist as Social Critic: Ben Robertson and the Early Twentieth Century South, Lacy K. Ford, Jr.

Rich Nation, Strong Army: National Security and the Technological Transformation of Japan, by Richard J. Samuels, William Dean Kinzley

The State, Identity, and the National Question in China and Japan, by Germaine A. Hoston, William Dean Kinzley

Nihon ni okeru tetsudo kokuyuka no keieiteki sokumen: Hikakuronteki kara no kosatsu (The Economics of Japan's Railroad Nationalization: Thoughts from a Comparative Perspective), William Dean Kinzley

When East Met West, William Dean Kinzley


The Limits of Racial Domination: Plebeian Society in Colonial Mexico City, 1660-1720 , by R. Douglas Cope, Michael C. Scardaville

Submissions from 1995


An Historical Critique of the Emergence and Evolution of Ernesto Che Guevara's Foco Theory, Matt D. Childs

John C. Calhoun: A Biography, by Irving H. Bartlett, Lacy K. Ford, Jr.

Poor Whites of the Antebellum South: Tenants and Laborers in Central North Carolina and Northeast Mississippi, by Charles C. Bolton, Lacy K. Ford, Jr.