Faculty Publications | Geography, Department of | University of South Carolina


Submissions from 1985

Geomorphology, William L. Graf and J. A. Lee

Submissions from 1984

The Geography of Geomorphologists in the United States, J. E. Costa and William L. Graf


A Probabilistic Approach to the Spatial Assessment of River Channel Instability, William L. Graf

Landscape Change in the Canyons of the Green River, Utah and Colorado, William L. Graf

Mega-Geomorphology, William L. Graf

The Geography of American Field Geomorphology, William L. Graf

Thinking Like a River: Reflections on the Gila, William L. Graf


Issues Concerning Phreatophyte Clearing, Revegetation, and Water Savings Along the Gila River, Arizona, William L. Graf, Duncan T. Patten, and Bonnie Turner

Submissions from 1983

Quaternary and Geomorphology, J. T. Andrews and William L. Graf

Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology, J. T. Andrews and William L. Graf

Relationship Between Morphology of Small Streams and Sediment Yield, H. H. Chang, William L. Graf, E. H. Grissinger, H. P. Guy, W. R. Osterkamp, G. Parker, S. W. Trimble, and L. J. Lane

Downstream Changes in Stream Power in the Henry Mountains, Utah, William L. Graf

Flood-Related Channel Change in an Arid-Region River, William L. Graf

The Arroyo Problem: Paleohydrology and Paleohydraulics in the Short Term, William L. Graf


Variability of Sediment Removal in a Semi-Arid Watershed, William L. Graf

Submissions from 1982

Distance Decay and Arroyo Development in the Henry Mountains Region, Utah, William L. Graf

Geomorphological Techniques, William L. Graf

Geomorphological Techniques, William L. Graf

Soil Erosion, William L. Graf

Spatial Variation of Fluvial Processes in Semi-Arid Lands, William L. Graf

Tamarisk and River-Channel Management, William L. Graf

The Work of Floods on Arizona Rivers, William L. Graf

Submissions from 1981


Channel Instability in a Braided Sand Bed River, William L. Graf

Process in Geomorphology, by C. Embleton and J. Thornes, William L. Graf

Submissions from 1980

Arid Zone Settlement Planning: The Israeli Experience, by G. Golany, William L. Graf

Dry Lands: Man and Plants, by R. Adams, M. Adams, A. Willens, and A. Willens, William L. Graf

Fluvial Processes in the Lower Fremont River Basin, William L. Graf

On the Rivers of Canyonlands, William L. Graf

Riparian Management: A Flood-Control Perspective, William L. Graf


The Effect of Dam Closure on Downstream Rapids, William L. Graf

Geographic Geomorphology in the 80's, William L. Graf, Stanley W. Trimble, Terrence J. Toy, and John E. Costa

Submissions from 1979

Applied Geomorphology, William L. Graf

Catastrophe Theory as a Model for Change in Fluvial Systems, William L. Graf

Development of Montane Arroyos and Gullies, William L. Graf

Fluvial Adjustments to Spread of Tamarisk in Colorado Plateau Region - Reply, William L. Graf

Mining and Channel Response, William L. Graf

Rapids in Canyon Rivers, William L. Graf

Submissions from 1978

A lei de razao em geomorfologia fluvial, William L. Graf

Fluvial Adjustments to Spread of Tamarisk in Colorado Plateau Region, William L. Graf

The Wild Canyon of Ladore, William L. Graf

Submissions from 1977

Measuring Stream Order, A Reply, William L. Graf


Network Characteristics in Suburbanizing Streams, William L. Graf

Remote Sensing: Techniques for Environmental Analysis, by J.E. Estes and L.W. Senger, William L. Graf


The Distribution of Glaciers in the American Rocky Mountains, William L. Graf

The Rate Law in Fluvial Geomorphology, William L. Graf

Submissions from 1976


Cirques as Glacier Locations, William L. Graf

Resources, the Environment, and the American Experience, William L. Graf

Streams, Slopes, and Suburban Development, William L. Graf

Submissions from 1975

A Cumulative Stream-Ordering System, William L. Graf

Geomorphology: Davisian Evolution to Dynamic Equilibrium, William L. Graf


The Impact of Suburbanization on Fluvial Geomorphology, William L. Graf

Submissions from 1974

Consensus and Conflict in Quaternary Research, William L. Graf

Submissions from 1971


Quantitative Analysis of Pinedale Landforms, Beartooth Mountains, Montana and Wyoming, William L. Graf

Submissions from 1970


The Geomorphology of the Glacial Valley Cross Section, William L. Graf