Faculty Publications | Geography, Department of | University of South Carolina


Submissions from 2006


Postmodern Conceptualizations, Modernist Applications: Rethinking the Role of Society in Food Security, Edward R. Carr


Coherent Structures and Aeolian Saltation, Jean Taylor Ellis

A Coastal Environment Field and Laboratory Activity for an Undergraduate Geomorphology Course, Jean Taylor Ellis and Paul R. Rindfleisch


Depth Compensation for Pressure Transducer Measurements of Boat Wakes, Jean Taylor Ellis, Douglas J. Sherman, and Bernard O. Bauer

Downstream Hydrologic and Geomorphic Effects of Large Dams on American Rivers, William L. Graf


The Co-Production of Livelihoods and Land Use Change: Case Studies from South Africa and Ghana, B. McCusker and Edward R. Carr


Topographies of Home and Citizenship: Arab American Activists, Lynn A. Staeheli and Caroline R. Nagel

Submissions from 2005


Development and the Household: Missing the Point?, Edward R. Carr


Placing the Environment in Migration: Environment, Economy, and Power in Ghana's Central Region, Edward R. Carr

Effects of Sampling Frequency on Wave Characterization, Jean Taylor Ellis and Douglas J. Sherman

Geographies of Muslim Women: Gender, Religion, and Space, Ghazi-Walid Falah and Caroline R. Nagel

Geomorphology and American Dams: The Scientific, Social, and Economic Context, William L. Graf

Physical Integrity of Rivers, William L. Graf


Platte River: Water for People and Wildlife, William L. Graf

Science for Water Development and Wildlife Preservation, William L. Graf

A Multiobjective Optimization Model for Dam Removal: An Example Trading Off Salmon Passage with Hydropower and Water Storage in the Willamette Basin, Michael J. Kuby, William F. Fagan, Charles S. ReVelle, and William L. Graf

Introduction to Geographies of Muslim Women: Gender, Religion, and Space, Caroline R. Nagel

Skilled Migration in Global Cities from ‘Other’ Perspectives: British Arabs, Identity Politics, and Local Embeddedness, Caroline R. Nagel


‘We’re Just Like the Irish’: Narratives of Assimilation, Belonging, and Citizenship Among Arab American Activists, Caroline R. Nagel and Lynn A. Staeheli

Submissions from 2004

Fakery in the Publication Game, William L. Graf

Geographers' Too Small World, William L. Graf

How Geographers Can Connect with Policy Makers, William L. Graf

In the Critical Zone: Geography at the U.S. Geological Survey, William L. Graf

Not Clueless, Just Skill-Less, William L. Graf

Why Physical Geographers Whine So Much, William L. Graf

Questioning Citizenship in an Age of Migration, Caroline R. Nagel


Citizenship, Identity, and Transnational Migration: Arab Immigrants to the US, Caroline R. Nagel and Lynn A. Staeheli

The Hydrodynamic Efficiency of Non-Traditional Levee Protection Methods in the Sacramento River Delta, Douglas J. Sherman, Jeffrey Hart, David Hansen, and Jean Taylor Ellis

Submissions from 2003

Planet Earth: An Introduction to Earth Systems Science Laboratory Manual, 3rd Ed., David M. Cairns, A. Chin, Jean Taylor Ellis, and Charles W. Lafon


Apotential Lessons for the CESI Program from the Grand Canyon, William L. Graf


Ch 4: Financial Resources, William L. Graf


Dam Removal Research, William L. Graf


Downstream Geomorphic Impacts of Large American Dams, William L. Graf


Geography and the Restoration of Rivers for Wildlife, William L. Graf


Inside the Beltway: Geography at the National Research Council, William L. Graf


Testimony in Support of the Congaree National Park Act of 2003, William L. Graf


The Changing Role of Dams in Water Resources Management, William L. Graf

Submissions from 2002

The Complex Decision-Making Process for Removing Dams, Sheilah D. David, William L. Graf, and Sarah K. Baish


Assessing the Impact of an Organic Restoration Structure on Boat Wake Energy, Jean Taylor Ellis, Douglas J. Sherman, Bernard O. Bauer, and Jeffrey Hart

The Big Unanswered Questions in Geography, Reginald Golledge, William L. Graf, and Susan L. Cutter

Rivers, Dams, and Willow Flycatchers: A Summary of Their Science and Policy Connections, William L. Graf, Julie Stromberg, and Brad Valentine

The Fluvial Hydrologic and Geomorphic Context for the Recovery of the Endangered Southwestern Willow Flycatcher, William L. Graf, Julie Stromberg, and Brad Valentine

The Fluvial Hydrologic and Geomorphic Context for the Recovery of the Endangered Southwestern Willow Flycatcher, William L. Graf, Julie Stromberg, and Brad Valentine

Constructing Difference and Sameness: The Politics of Assimilation in London’s Arab Communities, Caroline R. Nagel

Geopolitics by Another Name: Immigration and the Politics of Assimilation, Caroline R. Nagel

Reconstructing Space, Re-creating Memory: Sectarian Politics and Urban Redevelopment in Post-war Beirut, Caroline R. Nagel


Retention of Beach Sands by Dams and Debris Basins in Southern California, Douglas J. Sherman, Kamron M. Barron, and Jean Taylor Ellis

Submissions from 2001


Barchan Dunes on the Kuiseb River Delta, Namibia, Jessica Barnes

Assessing the Impacts of an Organic Restoration Structure on Boat Wakes, Jean Taylor Ellis

Damage Control: Dams and the Physical Integrity of America's Rivers, William L. Graf


La Integraidad Física de Rios Bajo Manejo, William L. Graf

In Memoriam, Melvin G. Marcus, 1929-1997, William L. Graf, Patricia Gober, and Anthony J. Brazel

Contemporary Scholarship and the Demystification—and Re-mystification—of ‘Muslim Women’ , Caroline R. Nagel

Hidden Minorities and the Politics of ‘Race’: The Case of British Arab activists in London, Caroline R. Nagel

Nations Unbound? Migration, Culture, and the Limits of the Transnationalism-Diaspora Narrative, Caroline R. Nagel

Submissions from 2000

Locational Probability for a Dammed, Urban Stream: Salt River, Arizona, William L. Graf

Physical Integrity of Managed Rivers, William L. Graf

Ethnic Conflict and Urban Redevelopment in Downtown Beirut, Caroline R. Nagel

Submissions from 1999


Dam Nation: A Geographic Census of American Dams and Their Large-Scale Hydrologic Impacts, William L. Graf

Submissions from 1998

Social Justice, Self-Interest, and Salman Rushdie: Re-assessing Identity Politics in Multicultural Britain, Caroline R. Nagel

Submissions from 1997

Changing Rivers, William L. Graf


Geomorphology for Western Water Policy, William L. Graf

Farm Labourers and the ‘New Urban Politics’: Bridging the Urban-Rural Divide, Lynn A. Staeheli and Caroline R. Nagel

Submissions from 1996

CH 10: The Institutional Context for Science, William L. Graf

CH 6: Geography's Contributions to Policy, William L. Graf

Fluvial Geomorphic Analysis of Plutonium-Contaminated Sediment Transport and Deposition in Los Alamos Canyon, New Mexico, William L. Graf

Geomorphology and Policy for Restoration of Impounded American Rivers: What is "Natural"?, William L. Graf

Transport and Deposition of Plutonium-Contaminated Sediments by Fluvial Processes, Los Alamos Canyon, New Mexico, William L. Graf

Submissions from 1995

Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology, P. Caulkins and William L. Graf


Criteria for Watershed Sustainability: Proceedings of a Workshop--Report to the President's Council on Sustainable Development, William L. Graf

Ecology and Management of Invasive Riverside Plants, William L. Graf

Submissions from 1994


Plutonium in River Sediments of the Northern Rio Grande: The Los Alamos Contribution in Context, William L. Graf

Submissions from 1993

Death in the Marsh, William L. Graf

Landscapes, Commodities, and Ecosystems: The Relationship Between Policy and Science of American Rivers, William L. Graf

Submissions from 1992

Floods: Hydrological, Sedimentological, and Geomorphological, William L. Graf

Science, Public-Policy, and Western American Rivers, William L. Graf

The Grand Canyon Geographical Suite, William L. Graf

Systems, Patterns, Movements, and Cycles, William L. Graf and P. Gober

Submissions from 1991

Geomorphology of Heavy Metals in the Sediments of Queen Creek, Arizona, USA, William L. Graf, S. L. Clark, M. T. Kammerer, T. Lehman, K. Randall, and R. Schroeder

Submissions from 1990

Fluvial Dynamics of Th-230 in the Church Rock Event, Puerco River, New-Mexico, William L. Graf

Submissions from 1989

Holocene Lacustrine Deposits and Sediment Yield in Lake Canyon, Southeastern Utah, William L. Graf

Lake Powell: Virgin Flow to Dynamo, by L.D. Potter and C.L. Drake, William L. Graf

Submissions from 1988

Catastrophe Theory in Fluvial Geomorphology, William L. Graf

Definition of Flood Plains Along Arid-Region Rivers, William L. Graf

Science, Engineering, and the Law on Western Sunbelt Rivers, William L. Graf

The State of the Rio Grande/Rio Bravo, William L. Graf

Submissions from 1987

Geomorphological Research in the Colorado Plateau, William L. Graf

Late Holocene Sediment Storage in Canyons of the Colorado Plateau, William L. Graf

Regional Geomorphology of North America, William L. Graf

Use of Scientific Methods in River Research Section, William L. Graf

Use of Scientific Methods in River Research Section, William L. Graf

Submissions from 1986

Fluvial Erosion and Federal Public Policy in the Navajo Nation, William L. Graf

Geomorphology Begins a Global Era, William L. Graf

Submissions from 1985

15th Annual Geomorphology Symposium, William L. Graf

Applied Geomorphology: Geomorphological Survey for Environmental Development, William L. Graf

Geomorphologic Measurements from Ground-Based Photographs, William L. Graf

Mercury Transport in Stream Sediments of the Colorado Plateau, William L. Graf

Morphotectonics, William L. Graf

Saving Water in a Desert City, by W.E. Martin, H.M. Ingram, N.K. Laney, and A.H. Griffin, William L. Graf

Twenty-Two Entries for Geomorphology and Hydrology, William L. Graf