Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access Dissertation


Educational Studies

First Advisor

James Kirylo


In this action research study, the researcher sought to explore the influence of Professional Learning Community (PLC) participation on the recognition and awareness of general education teachers on neurodiversity in their classrooms. Additionally, the study aimed to investigate the effects of the teachers’ awareness on their instructional approaches. The participants of this study hail from a variety of cultures and languages from around the world. Conducted over a six-week period in an international school in southern Germany, the participants demonstrated an enhanced understandings of neurodiversity through their engagement in the PLC sessions. The data collection tools used in the study were field notes, pre- and post- Likert scales, pre- and post- interviews, and weekly reflections by the participants. The study revealed that the increased awareness led to a positive impact on the support provided to students and showcased the beneficial outcomes of the PLC experience for teachers. Additionally, the research shed light on the significance of providing teachers with autonomy and the ability to choose their professional development opportunities.


© 2024, Taylor Diane Williams

Included in

Education Commons
