Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access Thesis


Theatre and Dance

First Advisor

Kristy Hall


The costume design and technology program at the University of South Carolina requires that students extensively learn each area of the profession. The largest growth-inducing experiences and some of the highlights for me were the opportunities to adapt when challenging changes or unexpected twists and turns arose with each production or project. Through my time at the university, I have gained a better understanding of balance between time and stress management, a system for understanding and completing costume-based research, digital rendering, I have improved the communication of my ideas with a director, working out a cohesive look with a production team, communication within a costume shop, and I have gained valuable skills needed for teaching students at the collegiate level. I have also nurtured my relationship with writing as I worked to improve my writing skills and create job application documents. I also refined my costume construction skills and learned additional flat patterning and tailoring skills. With opportunities to work professionally, I sharpened my design, time management, communication, and interpersonal skills. My thesis provides a closer look at the processes behind each of my fully realized designs, my plans and adaptations within those designs, and my development as a designer, technician, instructor, and theatre professional.


© 2024, Lindsay Kay Wilkinson
