Studies on Galvanized Carbon Steel in Ca(OH)2 Solutions

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The behavior of galvanized carbon steel samples was studied in Ca(OH)2 solutions, simulating the alkaline environment in reinforced concrete. Under shorter periods, it was seen that a passive layer was formed on the surface of the zinc coating. The film, however, was not stable for large periods of time. This was revealed by the long duration tests where the passive layer was disrupted and the carbon substrate was protected sacrificially by zinc dissolution. The presence of chlorides accelerated the passive layer breakdown. The role of calcium nitrite in inhibiting the corrosion process of zinc was also studied. It was found that zinc was not protected by nitrite in the presence of chloride ions. The inhibitor, however, significantly reduced the corrosion rate of the underlying steel.


© American Concrete Institute, 2000.

Haran, B. S., Popv, B. N., Petrou, M. F., & White, R. E. (2000). Studies on Galvanized Carbon Steel in Ca(OH)2 Solutions. Materials Journal, 97 (4), 425 – 431.

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