"Shrinking Core Model for the Discharge of a Metal Hydride Electrode" by Venkat R. Subramanian, Harry J. Ploehn et al.

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Subject Area(s)

Chemical Engineering


A shrinking core model is presented for the galvanostatic discharge of a metal hydride particle. A quantitative criterion for when the shrinking core can be completely neglected or approximated by a pseudosteady-state solution is presented. The effect of shrinking of the core on the discharge behavior of a metal hydride particle is also studied.


© The Electrochemical Society, Inc. 2000. All rights reserved. Except as provided under U.S. copyright law, this work may not be reproduced, resold, distributed, or modified without the express permission of The Electrochemical Society (ECS). The archival version of this work was published in the Journal of the Electrochemical Society.


Publisher's link: http://dx.doi.org/10.1149/1.1393618

DOI: 10.1149/1.1393618
