Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 2002



D.W. Griffith's "Historical Facsimile": How the South Carolina State House Became a Movie Set..... p.1
The President's Corner..... p.1
New Floyd D. Spence Online Exhibit..... p.2
1868 City Directory..... p.4
USC's Library Annex Relieves Overcrowding at South Caroliniana Library..... p.5
New Archives Assistantship Honors Former University President..... p.6
Library Wish List..... p.6
Upcoming Exhibit: "From Beaver Hats to Bellbottoms: Student Fashion at the University of South Carolina" (ad./photo)..... p.6
George D. Terry: 1950-2001..... p.7
Something New..... p.7
The Mary Boykin Chesnut Papers..... p.8
Odyssey of the Williams-Chesnut-Manning Family Papers Ends at the South Caroliniana Library..... p.8
1868 Advertisements from the Columbia City Directory (photos)..... p.9
Documenting the Soldierly Tradition: Fitzhugh McMaster and "Military Uniforms in America"..... p.10
Donation of Gage Library Expands Caroliniana Collection..... p.10
66th Annual Meeting (ad.)..... p.11
Harvey Teal Reception (ad.)..... p.11
Memorials..... p.11
Oh, Those Wild Men of Edgefield!..... p.12
An Anonymous Bequest..... p.12


Caroliniana Columns is published biannually for members and friends of the University South Caroliniana Society.

Executive Committee:

Dr. Ronald Bridwell, president
Dr. Selden Smith, vice-president
Dr. Allen Stokes, secretary/treasurer


Nancy H. Washington

Layout & Design:

Kate Moore
