Document Type


Publication Date

Fall 2002



Message from the Dean..... p.1
Another Successful Annual Meeting..... p.1
The Mary Boykin Chesnut Papers..... p.4
Library Awarded Grant Money from Private Foundation..... p.6
Gift for Melton Endowment..... p.6
Thomas L. Johnson Retires from South Caroliniana Library..... p.7
WPA Portrait: A South Carolina Textile Worker..... p.8
Adding to the Record: Oral History at the South Caroliniana Library..... p.10
Bostick Trust Presents Gift for Laurens Biography..... p.10
Modern Political Collections Receives Major Grant..... p.11
67th Annual Meeting (ad.)..... p.11
Summer Scholars..... p.11
Students Raise Old Glory on the Horseshoe during World War II (photo)..... p.12
Memorials..... p.12


Caroliniana Columns is published biannually for members and friends of the University South Caroliniana Society.

Executive Committee

Mr. John McLeod, president
Dr. Selden Smith, vice-president
Mr. Steve Griffith, vice-president
Dr. Allen Stokes, secretary/treasurer


Kate Moore
