Theses/Dissertations from 2016
HIV-1 Transgenic Rat: Selective Alterations In Motivation And Histological Examination Of Medium Spiny Neurons Of The Nucleus Accumbens, Michael N. Cranston
Framing The Spaces Unseen In Mason & Dixon, Gregory W. Deinert
In the Wake of the End of the World: Stories, Cayla M. Fralick
Behavior of Rare Earth Elements and High-Field Strength Elements during Peridotite - Seawater Interaction, Carl Pasquale Frisby
Platinum Decoupling from PGE in Peridotitic Sulfides from the St. Elena Ophiolite in Costa Rica, Jessica A. Holm
Ecohydrology And Groundwater Dynamics In A Salt Marsh Island, Andrea L. H. Hughes
A Comparison of Framing in Two Environmental Conflicts, Alexander M. Iannone
Defining And Displaying Gallo: Language And Ideology In Upper Brittany, France, Sandra Keller
Cultural Perceptions Of Chikungunya In The Dominican Republic, James Preston Kerns
The Cutman, Christopher S. Koslowski
Dirt, Rebecca Landau
Changing The Conversation: Diversity At Living History Museums, Sarah M. Lerch
Sensitivity Of The CUORE Detector To Solar Axions, Dawei Li
Strike-Slip, Amanda Mitchell
The Artificial Creation Of Life And What It Means To Be Human, Caroline Mosser
Like I Said, Matthew Mossman
Divine Ideas for Metaphysical Realism, Michelle Lynn Panchuk
Ashley's Sister, Christina Phillips
From Near and Far: Utilization of In-Situ and Remotely Sensed Satellite Data From NASA and NOAA, Jessica Rochelle Price Sutton
Efficacious Uncertainty in Two Animal Texts: The Lives of Animals by J. M. Coetzee and "The Animal That Therefore I Am (More to Follow)" By Jacques Derrida, Kristofer Jon Reed
Metafiction In Mourning: The Intersections Of Gender Performance And Postdictatorial Memory In Novels By Luisa Valenzuela, Clarice Lispector, And Diamela Eltit, Jennifer L. Slobodian
Small Mud and Sand Filled Paleochannels Offshore Charleston, SC, Erin Smoak
Base Rates Of Cognitive And Academic Weaknesses, Allison L. Stafford
Decorative Turkey Callmakers: Artists or Craftsmen, Lauren E. Virgo
Yiddish and Relation To The German Dialects, Bryan Witmore
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Figure and Flora, Caleigh Eveleth Goold
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Playing at History: Resurrection Man and Historiographic Game Design, Jessica Ethel Tompkins
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
[Threshold]: Understanding Noise Through Play, Cecil Decker
Deconstructing Books, Reconstructing Women, Summers Esther Morris
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Odd Nerdrum, Kitsch & Modernity, Sarah Bethea
St. Joseph Iconography In Fifteenth Century Florentine Painting, Janie Boyer
Charles Willson Peale'S Benjamin and Eleanor Ridgely Laming: An Iconographical Study, Amy Chapman
Beyond Racial Categorizing: The Influence of the Spanish Bodegón on Casta Painting, Margaret Lawrence Hughes
Hyper-Comics: Interactive Third and Fourth-Dimensional Sequential Art, Marlowe McCann Leverette
Theses/Dissertations from 2010
A White Slave in America: Hiram Powers's Greek Slave and the Cultural Construction of Race, Beth Fadeley
Salt Vessels: Unearthing the Wonder of Salt, Suzette H. Hollins
Magritte and the Muse, Kara Lybarger
A Lasting Legacy: Hale Woodruff's The Art of the Negro, Pamela Saulsbury Wall
Theses/Dissertations from 2009
Theoretical Concerns In the Geometric Abstractions of Peter Halley, Virginia Millner Kemp
The Life and Work of Chuck Close: 1940-1988, Elizabeth Germain Pongratz