Submissions | The Oswald Review: An International Journal of Undergraduate Research and Criticism in the Discipline of English | College of Humanities and Social Sciences | University of South Carolina



The Oswald Review (TOR) is an international, refereed journal of undergraduate criticism and research in the discipline of English. Published annually, The Oswald Review accepts submissions from undergraduates in this country and abroad (with a professor’s endorsement).

  • Submit each manuscript as a separate email attachment in Microsoft Word. TOR discourages simultaneous submission to other journals
  • All text should be provided in current MLA format, justified left only and without headers and footers. Endnotes, if absolutely necessary, should be minimal.
  • Title page: title of work; author’s name; postal address (both local and permanent); phone number (both school and home, if applicable); email address (both school and home, if applicable); name and address of college or university; name and department of endorsing professor.
  • Professor’s note (this can be sent as a separate email message) that work is original with the student for a specific course.
  • Length: 10-25 pages
  • Typeface: Times New Roman 12 pt.
  • Deadline for submissions: March 1 (or nearest business day)
  • Notification of acceptance by email: July 30
  • Email to
  • Douglas Higbee
  • Department of English
  • University of South Carolina Aiken
  • 471 University Parkway
  • Aiken, SC 29801