"<em>Thomas Cooper Society Newsletter</em> - Spring 2008" by University Libraries--University of South Carolina

Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 2008



Thomas Cooper Medal Presented to Widow of Norman Mailer..... p.1
Medieval Manuscripts from Across the State Exhibited at Thomas Cooper Library..... p.1
Special Collectctions Addition to Thomas Cooper Library..... p.3
Rare Robert Burns Manuscripts Added to the Roy Collectction at the University Libraries..... p.3
Beowulf Story Inspires Exhibit at Thomas Cooper Library..... p.4
British Author Presents Lectcture on Giuseppe Garibaldi..... p.4
Michael and Carol Smith Endow European History Library Fund..... p.5
In Memoriam: John Newman Olsgaard, Robert D. Thornton, and Kenneth Eldridge Toombs..... p.5
Exhibit Highlights Four Hundred Years of Scientific Publishing..... p.6
Two Fitzgerald Exhibits Mounted at Thomas Cooper Library..... p.6
Carolina Guardian Society Members Honored at Luncheon..... p.7
Exhibits at TCL..... p.7
Hospital Receives Thomas Cooper Medal..... p.8
Natural History Exhibit..... p.8
Thomas Cooper Society Officers, 2007–2008..... p.8
Thomas Cooper Society Board Members, 2007–2008..... p.8



Nancy H. Washington

Editorial Board:

Jeffrey Makala
Patrick Scott
Elizabeth Sudduth
