"Foods and Beverages Provided in Out of School Hours Care Services: An " by Ruth K. Crowe, Yasmine C. Probst et al. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-022-12652-9


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Introduction: Out of school hours care (OSHC) is a fastgrowing childcare setting in Australia, however the types of foods and beverages ofered are relatively unknown. This study describes the food and beverages ofered and inves‑ tigates sectorlevel and settinglevel factors which may impact OSHC in meeting the Australian Dietary Guidelines (ADG). Methods: This crosssectional, observational study was conducted in 89 OSHC services (between 2018 and 2019). Food and beverages ofered, kitchen facilities and menus were captured via direct observation. Foods were cat‑ egorised into fve food groups or discretionary foods, based on the ADG, and frequencies determined. Short inter‑ views with OSHC directors ascertained healthy eating policies, staf training, food quality assessment methods and food budgets. Fisher’s exact test explored the infuence of sectorlevel and settinglevel factors on food provision behaviours. Results: Discretionary foods (1.5±0.68) were ofered more frequently than vegetables (0.82±0.80) (p < .001), dairy (0.97±0.81) (p = .013) and lean meats (0.22±0.54) (p < .001). OSHC associated with long day care and reported using valid food quality assessment methods ofered more lean meats (p= .002, and p= .004). Larger organisations ofered more vegetables (p = .015) and discretionary foods (p= .007). Menus with clearly worded instructions to provide fruits and vegetables daily ofered more fruit (p= .009), vegetables (p < .001) and whole grains (p= .003). No other sector or settinglevel factors were associated with services aligning with the ADG. Conclusion: Future interventions could beneft from trialling menu planning training and tools to assist OSHC ser‑ vices in NSW meet the ADG requirements.

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APA Citation

Crowe, R. K., Probst, Y. C., Norman, J. A., Furber, S. E., Stanley, R. M., Ryan, S. T., Vuong, C., Hammersley, M. L., Wardle, K., Franco, L., Beets, M. W., Weaver, R. G., Davis, M., Innes-Hughes, C., & Okely, A. D. (2022). Foods and beverages provided in out of school hours care services: an observational study. BMC Public Health, 22. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-022-12652-9
