Submissions from 2022
Gender Disparities in Increased Parenting Time During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Research Note, Jennifer Augustine and Kate Prickett
Submissions from 2021
The Power of Tolerance vs. Unselfishness as a Cultural Determinant of Cooperation, Kimmo Eriksson, Brent Simpson, and Irina Vartanova
The Intersection of Rural Residence and Minority Race/Ethnicity in Cancer Disparities in the United States, Whitney Zahnd, Cathryn Murphy, Marie Knoll, Gabriel A. Benavidez, Kelsey R. Day, Radhika Ranganathan, Parthenia Luke, Anja Zgodic, Kewei Shi, Melinda A. Merrell, Elizabeth L. Crouch, Heather M. Brandt, and Jan M. Eberth
Submissions from 2020
The Robustness of Reciprocity: Experimental Evidence that Each Form of Reciprocity is Robust to the Presence of Other Forms of Reciprocity, David Melamed, Brent Simpson, and Jered Abernathy
Submissions from 2017
The Enforcement of Moral Boundaries Promotes Cooperation and Prosocial Behavior in Groups, Brent Simpson, Rob Willer, and Ashley Harrell
Submissions from 2014
Community Structures in Bipartite Networks: A Dual-Projection Approach, David Melamed
Submissions from 2009
Problems in Creating and Sustaining Trust in Managed Care Settings: Physicians’ Perspectives, Irena Stepanikova, Karen S. Cook, David Thom, Roderick Kramer, and Stefanie Molborn
Submissions from 2008
The Health Care Outcomes of Trust: A Review of Empirical Evidence, Karen S. Cook and Irena Stepanikova
Graduate Training in Sociological Theory and Theory Construction, Barry N. Markovsky
Submissions from 2007
Group Membership and Social Influence, Christopher Barnum and Barry N. Markovsky
Social Underpinnings of Ethnic/Informal Economies, Jimy M. Sanders
Submissions from 2004
This Land Is Our Land: Immigrants and Power in Miami, Jimy M. Sanders
Submissions from 2003
The Role of NGOs in Political Elections in South Korea: The Case of the Citizens' Alliance for the 2000 General Election, Eui Hang Shin
Submissions from 2002
Ethnic Boundaries and Identity in Plural Societies, Jimy M. Sanders
Submissions from 2001
Submissions from 2000
Emotion and Group Cohesion in Productive Exchange, Edward J. Lawler, Shane R. Thye, and Jeongkoo Yoon
Political Demography of Korea, Eui Hang Shin
Submissions from 1999
An Automated Approach to Theoretical Analysis of Difficult Problems, Michael J. Lovaglia, John Skvoretz, Barry N. Markovsky, and David Willer
Negotiated Exchanges in Social Networks, Michael J. Lovaglia, John Skvoretz, David Willer, and Barry N. Markovsky
Power Relations in Exchange Networks, Barry N. Markovsky, David Willer, and Travis Patton
Power and Influence: A Theoretical Bridge, David Willer, Michael J. Lovaglia, and Barry N. Markovsky
Extended Stratification: Immigrant and Native Differences in Individual and Family Labor., Pidi Zhang and Jimy M. Sanders
Submissions from 1998
Status Processes and Mental Ability Test Scores, Michael J. Lovaglia, Jeffrey W. Lucas, Jeffrey A. Houser, Shane R. Thye, and Barry N. Markovsky
Social Network Conceptions of Group Solidarity, Barry N. Markovsky
Submissions from 1997
Building and Testing Micro-Macro Theories, Barry N. Markovsky
Evolution and Nebulousness in Theories, Barry N. Markovsky
Power in Exchange Networks: Critique of a New Theory, Barry N. Markovsky, David Willer, Brent Simpson, and Michael J. Lovaglia
Submissions from 1996
Theory, Science, and 'Micro-macro' Bridges in Structural Social Psychology, Barry N. Markovsky
Sociodemographic Change and Continuity in Korean Society Since 1945, Eui Hang Shin
Submissions from 1995
Justice and Injustice, Karen A. Hegtvedt and Barry N. Markovsky
Assessing Fundamental Power Differences in Exchange Networks: Iterative GPI, Michael J. Lovaglia, John Skvoretz, Barry N. Markovsky, and David Willer
Developing an Exchange Network Simulator, Barry N. Markovsky
Homogeneity of Political Elites in Korea: An Analysis of Regional and Educational Backgrounds of Cabinet Members, 1961-1990, Eui Hang Shin
Marriages of the Business Elite Families in Korea: Homogamy or Marriage of Convenience?, Eui Hang Shin
Submissions from 1994
Artificial Social Intelligence, William Simms Bainbridge, Edward E. Brent, Kathleen M. Carley, David R. Heise, Michael W. Macy, Barry N. Markovsky, and John Skvoretz
Social Perception, Barry N. Markovsky
The Structure of Theories, Barry N. Markovsky
A New Theory of Group Solidarity, Barry N. Markovsky and Edward J. Lawler
Advances in Group Processes, Barry N. Markovsky, Jodi O'Brien, and Karen Heimer
Submissions from 1993
Advances in Group Processes, Edward J. Lawler, Barry N. Markovsky, Jodi O'Brien, and Karen Heimer
Elementary Theory: Its Development and Research Program, David Willer and Barry N. Markovsky
Submissions from 1992
Advances in Group Processes, Edward J. Lawler, Barry N. Markovsky, Cecilia Ridgeway, and Henry A. Walker
Submissions from 1991
Advances in Group Processes, Edward J. Lawler, Barry N. Markovsky, Cecilia Ridgeway, and Henry A. Walker
Social Perception, Barry N. Markovsky
Sponsoring the Next Generation: Parental Willingness to Pay for Higher Education, Lala C. Steelman and Brian Powell
Submissions from 1990
Advances in Group Processes, Edward J. Lawler, Barry N. Markovsky, Cecilia Ridgeway, and Henry A. Walker
Submissions from 1989
Advances in Group Processes, Edward J. Lawler and Barry N. Markovsky
Submissions from 1988
Capitalism and the Welfare State: The Politics of Wages and Growth, Roger Friedland and Jimy M. Sanders
Advances in Group Processes, Edward J. Lawler and Barry N. Markovsky
From Expectation States to Macro Processes, Barry N. Markovsky
The Road to Parity: Determinants of the Socioeconomic Achievements of Asian Americans, Victor Nee and Jimy M. Sanders
A Test of the New Structural Critique of the Welfare State, Jimy M. Sanders
Submissions from 1987
Advances in Group Processes, Edward J. Lawler and Barry N. Markovsky
Distributive Justice: A Social-Psychological Perspective by Morton Deutsch, Barry N. Markovsky
Submissions from 1985
Evaluating Theories of Justice and Equity, Barry N. Markovsky
Submissions from 1973
Population Changes in South Carolina, 1960-1970, Eui Hang Shin and Southern Regional Demographic Group