Date of Award

Spring 5-5-2016

Degree Type



Biomedical Science

First Reader

Ashlee A. Lewis

Second Reader

Sandra Greene


In the study reported below, a program evaluation was performed for the student organization Communities in Harmony, a music-based community service organization at the University of South Carolina that works with homeless and socioeconomically disadvantaged children and young adults. This organization is about to enter its fifth year and is in the process of transitioning between leadership teams at the time of publication. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the organization so that it can continue to grow and effectively serve its target populations. This study has found that the organization excels at providing a unique after-school experience in a safe environment, but the organization’s partners and volunteers call for increased structure of each volunteering session and more effective member retention.

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© 2016, Michael Carl Owens
