"A History of Prince George and the Challenges Facing Public Entities O" by Elizabeth Willcox Buyck

Date of Award

Spring 5-5-2016

Degree Type



Moore School of Business

First Reader

Thomas Hughes

Second Reader

Robin Burks


I grew up going to Pawleys Island with my family and friends and have always been interested in the area. Hurricane Hugo destroyed many homes on the island in 1989, but most owners rebuilt larger and more modern homes because they loved the area and the land. In June 2015, I began working at the University of South Carolina Foundations office. I learned that the USC Development Foundation purchased the Prince George tract in 1994 and that there was a long and interesting story as to why the tract remained undeveloped and preserved while the vast majority of the oceanfront of Georgetown and Horry Counties were being densely developed. Hearing tidbits of what had happened piqued my interest and for this reason, I decided to delve into the history of the land and discover the different views between developers and preservationists.

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© 2016, Elizabeth Willcox Buyck

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